
C shell

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C shell[edit | edit source]

The C shell, also known as csh, is a Unix shell created by Bill Joy at the University of California, Berkeley. It was designed to provide a more interactive and user-friendly command-line interface compared to the original Bourne shell (sh). The C shell incorporates features from the C programming language, making it particularly popular among programmers.

Features[edit | edit source]

The C shell offers several features that enhance the user experience and improve productivity. Some of its notable features include:

Command History: The C shell maintains a history of previously executed commands, allowing users to easily recall and reuse them. This feature is especially useful when working with complex or lengthy commands.

Job Control: C shell provides robust job control capabilities, allowing users to manage multiple processes simultaneously. Users can suspend, resume, and terminate processes, as well as run them in the background.

Aliases: C shell allows users to define aliases, which are custom shortcuts for frequently used commands or command sequences. This feature simplifies command entry and reduces typing effort.

Command Substitution: C shell supports command substitution, which allows the output of one command to be used as input for another command. This feature enables powerful and flexible command chaining.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

The syntax of the C shell is similar to the C programming language, with some additional features specific to shell scripting. Here are a few examples of commonly used C shell syntax:

Variable Assignment: ``` set variable_name = value ```

Command Execution: ``` command_name [arguments] ```

Conditional Statements: ``` if (condition) then

   # code block

else if (condition) then

   # code block


   # code block

endif ```

Internal Links[edit | edit source]

The C shell has several internal commands and features that can be accessed using internal links. Here are a few examples:

cd: Change the current working directory.

echo: Display a line of text or the value of a variable.

setenv: Set the value of an environment variable.

foreach: Execute a command for each item in a list.

Categories[edit | edit source]

The C shell can be categorized under various topics related to Unix shells and command-line interfaces. Some relevant categories include:

: This category includes articles about various Unix shells, including the C shell.

: This category covers articles related to command-line interfaces, including shell scripting.

: This category includes articles about programming languages, as the C shell incorporates features from the C programming language.

Templates[edit | edit source]

Templates can be used to provide consistent formatting and structure to C shell-related articles. Some useful templates for C shell articles include:

This shell related article is a stub. You can help WikiMD by expanding it.

This template can be used to indicate that an article is a stub and requires expansion.

This template can be used to provide a general overview of Unix shells, including the C shell.

This template can be used to provide information about the C programming language and its influence on the C shell.

References[edit | edit source]

By using the above guidelines, you can create a comprehensive and well-structured encyclopedia article on the topic of C shell.


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