Casu martzu

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Casu martzu (also known as casu marzu, casu modde, casu cundhídu in Sardinian dialects, or by its Italian name formaggio marcio, meaning "rotten cheese") is a traditional Sardinian sheep milk cheese that is notable for containing live insect larvae. It is considered a delicacy in Sardinia, Italy, and has garnered attention worldwide for its unique production method and consumption practices. Casu martzu goes beyond typical fermentation to a stage most would consider decomposition, brought about by the digestive action of the larvae of the cheese fly Piophila casei.

Production[edit | edit source]

The production of Casu martzu starts with Pecorino Sardo, a traditional Sardinian sheep milk cheese. The cheese is left outside with part of its rind removed to allow cheese flies (Piophila casei) to lay eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae begin to eat through the cheese, producing enzymes that promote fermentation and cause the cheese's fats to decompose. This process gives Casu martzu a very soft texture and a strong, distinctive flavor. The presence of the larvae is essential; without them, the cheese would not undergo the same level of fermentation.

Legality and Health Concerns[edit | edit source]

The sale of Casu martzu is illegal in the European Union due to health regulations that prohibit the sale of foods containing parasites. However, it can still be found being sold on the black market in Sardinia or offered as a traditional dish in some Sardinian homes. Health concerns associated with Casu martzu include the potential for allergic reactions, as well as the risk of intestinal larval infection, known as myiasis, if the larvae survive stomach acid and reach the intestines.

Cultural Significance[edit | edit source]

Despite the health risks and legal issues, Casu martzu holds a significant place in Sardinian culture. It is often consumed during special occasions and festivities, accompanied by strong red wine. The cheese is a symbol of Sardinian heritage and traditional food practices, representing a connection to the land and the pastoral lifestyle that has defined the island for centuries.

Consumption[edit | edit source]

Casu martzu is typically spread on Sardinian flatbread (pane carasau) and consumed with a strong red wine. Diners must be cautious, as the larvae in the cheese can jump when disturbed. Some prefer to remove the larvae before consuming, while others eat the cheese larvae and all, considering it part of the experience.

Controversy[edit | edit source]

The cheese has been the subject of controversy, balancing between those who see it as an important part of Sardinian culture and culinary heritage, and those who view it as a health hazard. Its legal status remains a contentious issue, with proponents seeking ways to legalize its production and sale within European Union standards.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD