Flavin-containing monooxygenase 3

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) is an enzyme that belongs to the flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO) family. It plays a crucial role in the metabolism of a wide variety of xenobiotics, including drugs, pesticides, and dietary compounds, as well as endogenous substrates. FMO3 is predominantly expressed in the liver, and its activity significantly influences the pharmacokinetics of many therapeutic agents and the detoxification processes of harmful substances.

Function[edit | edit source]

FMO3, like other members of the FMO family, catalyzes the oxygenation of nucleophilic nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and selenium atoms in organic compounds. This reaction involves the transfer of an oxygen atom from NADPH via FAD to the substrate, resulting in the formation of a wide array of metabolites. The enzyme's activity is essential for the biotransformation of many drugs and toxins, thereby aiding in their elimination from the body. Additionally, FMO3 is involved in the metabolism of dietary-derived compounds, contributing to the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis.

Genetics[edit | edit source]

The gene encoding FMO3 is located on human chromosome 1q24.3. Variations in this gene, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and mutations, can significantly affect the enzyme's function. Such genetic variations can lead to altered drug metabolism and susceptibility to diseases. A well-known condition associated with mutations in the FMO3 gene is trimethylaminuria, also known as fish odor syndrome, where the body's ability to metabolize trimethylamine is impaired, leading to its accumulation and excretion in sweat, urine, and breath.

Clinical Significance[edit | edit source]

The activity of FMO3 is of considerable clinical importance due to its role in drug metabolism. Variability in FMO3 function, due to genetic polymorphisms or environmental factors, can lead to interindividual differences in the efficacy and toxicity of certain medications. Understanding the genetic basis of FMO3 activity can aid in the development of personalized medicine approaches, optimizing drug therapy for individual patients based on their genetic makeup.

In addition to its implications for drug metabolism, alterations in FMO3 activity have been linked to various diseases. The most notable condition related to FMO3 dysfunction is trimethylaminuria. However, research suggests that FMO3 may also play a role in cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders, although the mechanisms and clinical significance of these associations are still under investigation.

Research Directions[edit | edit source]

Current research on FMO3 is focused on elucidating its role in disease pathogenesis, identifying novel substrates, and understanding the impact of genetic variations on enzyme activity. Studies are also exploring the potential therapeutic applications of modulating FMO3 activity, including the treatment of trimethylaminuria and the optimization of drug therapy through pharmacogenomics.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD