Public domainPublic domain in the United Statesfalsefalse
|Article = Sexton Foods
|Description = April 1897 John Sexton & Co. early morning start depicting wagons, teams, drivers, clerks, salemen. Photo gives excellent depiction of early wholesale grocery business.
|Source = Sexton Foods historical photo scanned. Copyright held by the publisher or the artist. Claimed as fair use since photo is over 100 years old.
|Portion = Full scan of photo
|Low_resolution = Yes
|Purpose = The image serves as the primary means of depicting John Sexton & Co. operation in Chicago in 1897. It illustrates educational articles about Sexton Foods.
|Replaceability =
|other_information = scanned from Sexton historical files Copyright holder is long dead and image is over 100 years old. John Sexton & Co commissioned the photographer to take picture. John Sexton & Co owned the image. Photographer is unknown.
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