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Template:Civil rights movement
From Medical Encyclopedia
Civil rights movement
Prior to 1954
Journey of Reconciliation
Executive Order 9981
Murders of Harry and Harriette Moore
Sweatt v. Painter
McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents
Baton Rouge bus boycott
Brown v. Board of Education
Bolling v. Sharpe
Briggs v. Elliott
Davis v. Prince Edward County
Gebhart v. Belton
Sarah Keys v. Carolina Coach Company
Emmett Till
Montgomery bus boycott
Browder v. Gayle
Tallahassee bus boycott
Mansfield school desegregation
1957 Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom
Give Us the Ballot
Royal Ice Cream sit-in
Little Rock Nine
Cooper v. Aaron
Civil Rights Act of 1957
Ministers' Manifesto
Katz Drug Store sit-in
Kissing Case
Biloxi wade-ins
New Year's Day March
Sit-in movement
Greensboro sit-ins
Nashville sit-ins
Atlanta sit-ins
Savannah Protest Movement
Greenville Eight
Civil Rights Act of 1960
Ax Handle Saturday
Gomillion v. Lightfoot
Boynton v. Virginia
University of Georgia desegregation riot
Rock Hill sit-ins
Robert F. Kennedy's Law Day Address
Freedom Rides
Anniston bombing
Birmingham attack
Garner v. Louisiana
Albany Movement
Cambridge movement
University of Chicago sit-ins
Second Emancipation Proclamation
Meredith enrollment, Ole Miss riot
Atlanta's Berlin Wall
"Segregation now, segregation forever"
Stand in the Schoolhouse Door
1963 Birmingham campaign
Letter from Birmingham Jail
Children's Crusade
Birmingham riot
16th Street Baptist Church bombing
John F. Kennedy's speech to the nation on Civil Rights
Detroit Walk to Freedom
March on Washington
"I Have a Dream"
Big Six
St. Augustine movement
Twenty-fourth Amendment
Chester school protests
Bloody Tuesday
1964 Monson Motor Lodge protests
Freedom Summer
workers' murders
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States
Katzenbach v. McClung
1964–1965 Scripto strike
1965 Selma to Montgomery marches
How Long, Not Long
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections
March Against Fear
White House Conference on Civil Rights
Chicago Freedom Movement/Chicago open housing movement
Loving v. Virginia
Memphis sanitation strike
King assassination
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Poor People's Campaign
Green v. County School Board of New Kent County
Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co.
Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights
Atlanta Student Movement
Black Panther Party
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Committee for Freedom Now
Committee on Appeal for Human Rights
An Appeal for Human Rights
Council for United Civil Rights Leadership
Council of Federated Organizations
Dallas County Voters League
Deacons for Defense and Justice
Georgia Council on Human Relations
Highlander Folk School
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Lowndes County Freedom Organization
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
Montgomery Improvement Association
Youth Council
Nashville Student Movement
Nation of Islam
Northern Student Movement
National Council of Negro Women
National Urban League
Operation Breadbasket
Regional Council of Negro Leadership
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Southern Regional Council
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
The Freedom Singers
United Auto Workers (UAW)
Wednesdays in Mississippi
Women's Political Council
Ralph Abernathy
Victoria Gray Adams
Zev Aelony
Mathew Ahmann
Muhammad Ali
William G. Anderson
Gwendolyn Armstrong
Arnold Aronson
Ella Baker
James Baldwin
Marion Barry
Daisy Bates
Harry Belafonte
James Bevel
Claude Black
Gloria Blackwell
Randolph Blackwell
Unita Blackwell
Ezell Blair Jr.
Joanne Bland
Julian Bond
Joseph E. Boone
William Holmes Borders
Amelia Boynton
Bruce Boynton
Raylawni Branch
Stanley Branche
Ruby Bridges
Aurelia Browder
H. Rap Brown
Ralph Bunche
Guy Carawan
Stokely Carmichael
Johnnie Carr
James Chaney
J. L. Chestnut
Shirley Chisholm
Colia Lafayette Clark
Ramsey Clark
Septima Clark
Xernona Clayton
Eldridge Cleaver
Kathleen Cleaver
Charles E. Cobb Jr.
Annie Lee Cooper
Dorothy Cotton
Claudette Colvin
Vernon Dahmer
Jonathan Daniels
Abraham Lincoln Davis
Angela Davis
Joseph DeLaine
Dave Dennis
Annie Devine
Patricia Stephens Due
Joseph Ellwanger
Charles Evers
Medgar Evers
Myrlie Evers-Williams
Chuck Fager
James Farmer
Walter Fauntroy
James Forman
Marie Foster
Golden Frinks
Andrew Goodman
Robert Graetz
Fred Gray
Jack Greenberg
Dick Gregory
Lawrence Guyot
Prathia Hall
Fannie Lou Hamer
Fred Hampton
William E. Harbour
Vincent Harding
Dorothy Height
Audrey Faye Hendricks
Lola Hendricks
Aaron Henry
Oliver Hill
Donald L. Hollowell
James Hood
Myles Horton
Zilphia Horton
T. R. M. Howard
Ruby Hurley
Cecil Ivory
Jesse Jackson
Jimmie Lee Jackson
Richie Jean Jackson
T. J. Jemison
Esau Jenkins
Barbara Rose Johns
Vernon Johns
Frank Minis Johnson
Clarence Jones
J. Charles Jones
Matthew Jones
Vernon Jordan
Tom Kahn
Clyde Kennard
A. D. King
C.B. King
Coretta Scott King
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Sr.
Bernard Lafayette
James Lawson
Bernard Lee
Sanford R. Leigh
Jim Letherer
Stanley Levison
John Lewis
Viola Liuzzo
Z. Alexander Looby
Joseph Lowery
Clara Luper
Danny Lyon
Malcolm X
Mae Mallory
Vivian Malone
Bob Mants
Thurgood Marshall
Benjamin Mays
Franklin McCain
Charles McDew
Ralph McGill
Floyd McKissick
Joseph McNeil
James Meredith
William Ming
Jack Minnis
Amzie Moore
Cecil B. Moore
Douglas E. Moore
Harriette Moore
Harry T. Moore
Queen Mother Moore
William Lewis Moore
Irene Morgan
Bob Moses
William Moyer
Elijah Muhammad
Diane Nash
Charles Neblett
Huey P. Newton
Edgar Nixon
Jack O'Dell
James Orange
Rosa Parks
James Peck
Charles Person
Homer Plessy
Adam Clayton Powell Jr.
Fay Bellamy Powell
Rodney N. Powell
Al Raby
Lincoln Ragsdale
A. Philip Randolph
George Raymond
George Raymond Jr.
Bernice Johnson Reagon
Cordell Reagon
James Reeb
Frederick D. Reese
Walter Reuther
Gloria Richardson
David Richmond
Bernice Robinson
Jo Ann Robinson
Angela Russell
Bayard Rustin
Bernie Sanders
Michael Schwerner
Bobby Seale
Cleveland Sellers
Charles Sherrod
Alexander D. Shimkin
Fred Shuttlesworth
Modjeska Monteith Simkins
Glenn E. Smiley
A. Maceo Smith
Kelly Miller Smith
Mary Louise Smith
Maxine Smith
Ruby Doris Smith-Robinson
Charles Kenzie Steele
Hank Thomas
Dorothy Tillman
A. P. Tureaud
Hartman Turnbow
Albert Turner
C. T. Vivian
Wyatt Tee Walker
Hollis Watkins
Walter Francis White
Roy Wilkins
Hosea Williams
Kale Williams
Robert F. Williams
Andrew Young
Whitney Young
Sammy Younge Jr.
Bob Zellner
James Zwerg
By region
Omaha, Nebraska
South Carolina
"Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me 'Round"
"If You Miss Me at the Back of the Bus"
"Keep Your Eyes on the Prize"
"Oh, Freedom"
"This Little Light of Mine"
"We Shall Not Be Moved"
"We Shall Overcome"
"Woke Up This Morning (With My Mind Stayed On Freedom)"
Sermon on the Mount
Mahatma Gandhi
The Kingdom of God Is Within You
Frederick Douglass
W. E. B. Du Bois
Mary McLeod Bethune
Jim Crow laws
Lynching in the United States
Plessy v. Ferguson
Separate but equal
Buchanan v. Warley
Hocutt v. Wilson
Sweatt v. Painter
Hernandez v. Texas
Loving v. Virginia
African-American women in the movement
Jews in the civil rights movement
Fifth Circuit Four
16th Street Baptist Church
Kelly Ingram Park
A.G. Gaston Motel
Bethel Baptist Church
Brown Chapel
Dexter Avenue Baptist Church
Holt Street Baptist Church
Edmund Pettus Bridge
March on Washington Movement
African-American churches attacked
List of lynching victims in the United States
Freedom Schools
Freedom songs
Spring Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence
Voter Education Project
1960s counterculture
African American founding fathers of the United States
Eyes on the Prize
In popular culture
Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument
Civil Rights Memorial
Civil Rights Movement Archive
Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument
Medgar and Myrlie Evers Home National Monument
Freedom Rides Museum
Freedom Riders National Monument
King Center for Nonviolent Social Change
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
other King memorials
Mississippi Civil Rights Museum
National Civil Rights Museum
National Voting Rights Museum
St. Augustine Foot Soldiers Monument
Taylor Branch
Clayborne Carson
John Dittmer
Michael Eric Dyson
Chuck Fager
Adam Fairclough
David Garrow
David Halberstam
Vincent Harding
Steven F. Lawson
Doug McAdam
Diane McWhorter
Charles M. Payne
Thomas E. Ricks
Timothy Tyson
Akinyele Umoja
Movement photographers
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