Template:Iroquois county IL

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Primary care[edit source]

Primary Care Iroquois county IL

Provider page Credentials Gender Medical school Graduation year Primary specialty Secondary specialties Address Address2 City State ZIP Phone
Moparthi Venketa 1699797548 MD M Other 1993 Internal Medicine Clifton IL 60927
Purohit Meena 1235529660 F Other 2011 Pediatric Medicine Watseka IL 60970

Iroquois county IL - Specialists

Provider page Credentials Gender Medical school Graduation year Primary specialty Secondary specialties Address Address2 City State ZIP Phone
Reiter Andrew 1679101448 M Loyola University Of Chicago, Stritch School Of Medicine 2020 Emergency Medicine Watseka IL 60970

Allied healthcare providers

Provider page Credentials Gender Education Graduation year Primary specialty Secondary specialties Address Address2 City State ZIP Phone
Lee Cynthia 1033120514 CSW F Other 1987 Clinical Social Worker Onarga IL 60955
Canturin Claudia 1851911002 F Other 2016 Nurse Practitioner 1190 E 2900 Horth Rd Clinton IL 60927 8156942306

Illinois Physician / Provider Directory
Primary Care Providing comprehensive primary care including Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, General Practice, Obstetrics/Gynecology, and Pediatrics Doctors in Illinois
Specialists A full spectrum from Addiction Medicine to Urology, representing diverse specialties
Surgeons Expertise across disciplines including Cardiac Surgery, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, and more
Dentists and Other Providers Detailed listing of Dentists, Podiatrists, Chiropractors, and Optometrists alongside other allied healthcare providers
Hospitals An overview of Hospitals in Illinois
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