Template:Barnes county ND

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Primary care[edit source]

Primary Care Barnes county ND

No results

Barnes county ND - Specialists

Provider page Credentials Gender Medical school Graduation year Primary specialty Secondary specialties Address Address2 City State ZIP Phone
Haldis Thomas 1588681449 MD M Pennsylvania State University College Of Medicine 1998 Interventional Cardiology Valley City ND 58072

Allied healthcare providers

Provider page Credentials Gender Education Graduation year Primary specialty Secondary specialties Address Address2 City State ZIP Phone
Becker Stacey 1457552507 PA F Other 2019 Nurse Practitioner Valley City ND 58072
Cleveland Stacie 1689398505 F Other 2020 Nurse Practitioner Valley City ND 58072
Looysen Steve 1285725820 M Southern California College Of Optometry 1982 Optometry Valley City ND 58072
Sorenson Becky 1346338100 PT F Other 2003 Physical Therapy Valley City ND 58072

North Dakota Physician / Provider Directory
Alphabetic List A-Z List of Healthcare Providers in North Dakota
Primary care Family Doctors / Internists / General Practitioners / Obstetricians and Gynecologists / Pediatricians
Specialists Addiction Medicine Doctors / Allergists/Immunologists / Anesthesiologists / Cardiac Electrophysiologists / Cardiologists / Dermatologists / Diagnostic Radiologists / Emergency Medicine Doctors / Endocrinologists / Gastroenterologists / Gynecological Oncologists / Hematologists / Hospitalists / Infectious Disease Doctors / Intensivists / Interventional Cardiologists / Interventional Pain Management Doctors / Interventional Radiologists / Medical Oncologists / Nephrologists / Neurologists / Oncologists / Ophthalmologists / Orthopedic Surgeons / Otolaryngologists / Pain Management Doctors / Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Doctors / Psychiatrists / Pulmonologists / Radiation Oncologists / Rheumatologists / Sleep Medicine Doctors / Urologists
Surgeons Cardiac Surgeons / Colorectal Surgeons / General Surgeons / Hand Surgeons / Neurosurgeons / Ophthalmologists / Orthopedic Surgeons / Otolaryngologists / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons / Surgical Oncologists / Thoracic Surgeons / Vascular Surgeons
Dentists Dentists: Oral Surgeons

Other Doctors: Podiatrists / Chiropractors / Optometrists

By City North Dakota Providers by City / More Specialties / Hospitals in North Dakota
By State (US)