
Biological transmutation

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Biological transmutation is a proposed natural process involving the conversion of certain elements into other elements within the bodies of living organisms. The concept was primarily advocated by French scientist Louis Kervran from the 1960s onwards. Kervran suggested that organisms could achieve low-energy nuclear transformations of elements, such as the conversion of potassium into calcium by hens to form egg shells. Despite its intriguing premise, biological transmutation is widely regarded by the scientific community as pseudoscience due to a lack of empirical evidence and its contradiction with established principles of chemistry and physics.

Background[edit | edit source]

The idea of biological transmutation dates back to the alchemists, who sought to transform base metals into gold. In the modern era, Louis Kervran revived these ideas, proposing that such transformations occur within living organisms, not through mystical means but via biochemical processes. Kervran's hypotheses were based on observational studies, where he noted discrepancies in the elemental balances in organisms that could not be explained by conventional biochemical processes.

Scientific Evaluation[edit | edit source]

Kervran's theories were met with skepticism from the scientific community. Critics argue that the proposed transmutations would require nuclear reactions at energy levels that do not occur at the temperatures and pressures typical of living organisms. Furthermore, no reliable experimental evidence has been presented to support the occurrence of such transformations in biological systems.

Examples and Claims[edit | edit source]

Kervran cited several examples in his works: - Hens supposedly converting potassium into calcium to produce egg shells. - Germinating seeds allegedly converting elements to meet their nutritional needs.

Despite these claims, subsequent scientific investigations have not verified any of Kervran's examples. Instead, discrepancies in elemental composition observed by Kervran are generally attributed to experimental errors or misinterpretations.

Impact and Legacy[edit | edit source]

While biological transmutation is not accepted as a valid scientific theory, it has influenced various fringe theories in biochemistry and alternative medicine. It also reflects the broader historical and cultural interest in the idea of transmutation.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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