Category:History of clothing
From Medical Encyclopedia
The history of clothing encompasses the clothes worn in various places at various times and the methods by which those clothes were made or acquired.
Subcategories organized by date:
- Category:African clothing covers
- Clothing worn in north Africa and sub-Saharan Africa, from paleolithic to the pre-modern era
- Category:History of Oceanian clothing covers
- Clothing worn in Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and the Pacific Islands, from paleolithic to the pre-modern era
- Category:History of Asian clothing covers
- Clothing worn in China, other parts of Asia, and the Middle East, from paleolithic to the modern era
- History of clothing (ancient Greece) covers
- clothing worn by Greek-speaking peoples settled near the Aegean Sea from 1600 BC to 330 AD (the Mycenaean, classical, Hellenistic, and Roman eras), up to the beginning of the Byzantine Empire (330 AD).
- History of clothing (Byzantine) covers
- Clothing worn in the Byzantine empire (330 AD - 1453 AD)
- Category:History of clothing (Western fashion) covers
- clothing worn in Western Europe since antiquity, and in the Americas and other countries under European or American influence from c. 1750 to World War II.
- There are many subcategories, such as:
- Category:Medieval European costume covers
- Clothing worn in Europe from the dawn of the Middle Ages (loosely c. 350-500 AD) to the birth of modern Western fashion around 1750.
- Categories by era and century
- Folkwear or traditional dress and later commercial fashion worn in Europe from ancient times to the c. World War II
- Category:Medieval European costume covers
- Category:History of fashion covers
- clothing worn from antiquity to the modern day.
See also[edit | edit source]
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.