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Crocchè (also known as croquettes or croquetas) are a type of fried food that originated in Europe. They are typically made from potato and coated in breadcrumbs before being deep-fried. The filling of crocchè can vary, but it often includes ingredients such as cheese, ham, and parsley.

History[edit | edit source]

The exact origins of crocchè are unclear, but they are believed to have originated in France or Spain. They were likely introduced to other parts of Europe, including Italy, through trade and exploration. In Italy, crocchè are particularly popular in the southern regions, such as Sicily and Campania, where they are often sold as street food.

Preparation[edit | edit source]

To prepare crocchè, potatoes are first boiled and then mashed. The mashed potatoes are then mixed with other ingredients, such as cheese, ham, and parsley, to create the filling. This mixture is then shaped into small cylinders, coated in breadcrumbs, and deep-fried until golden brown.

Variations[edit | edit source]

There are many variations of crocchè around the world. In Spain, croquetas are often made with bechamel sauce and include ingredients such as chicken, fish, or shellfish. In Japan, korokke is a popular dish that was inspired by croquettes and typically includes ground meat and onions.

Serving[edit | edit source]

Crocchè are typically served as an appetizer or snack. They can be eaten on their own or with a variety of sauces, such as aioli or tomato sauce. In Italy, they are often served with a slice of lemon, which is squeezed over the crocchè before eating.

See also[edit | edit source]


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