
Jack in the Box

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

(Redirected from JBX Grill)

Jack in the Box is an American fast-food restaurant chain founded February 21, 1951, by Robert O. Peterson in San Diego, California, where it is headquartered. The chain has 2,200 locations, primarily serving the West Coast of the United States. Restaurants are also found in selected large urban areas outside the West Coast, including Phoenix, Denver, Albuquerque, El Paso, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Baton Rouge, Nashville, Charlotte, Kansas City, St. Louis, Indianapolis, and Cincinnati as well as one in Guam. The company also formerly operated the Qdoba Mexican Grill chain until Apollo Global Management bought the chain in December 2017.

History[edit | edit source]

Robert O. Peterson already owned several successful restaurants when he opened Topsy's Drive-In at 6270 El Cajon Boulevard in San Diego in 1941. Several more Topsy's were opened. By the late 1940s, Peterson's locations had developed a circus-like décor featuring drawings of a starry-eyed clown. In 1951, Peterson converted the El Cajon Boulevard location into Jack in the Box, a hamburger stand focused on drive-through service. While the drive-through concept was not new, Jack in the Box innovated a two-way intercom system, the first major chain to use an intercom and the first to focus on drive-through.

Menu[edit | edit source]

The Jack in the Box menu has expanded over the years with a variety of fast food items beyond burgers. This includes chicken sandwiches, salads, breakfast biscuits and croissants, tacos, and egg rolls, as well as milkshakes and ice cream shakes. The restaurant also serves "Munchie Meals," which are available only late at night.

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

Jack in the Box Resources

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