
Intraocular lens power calculation

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(Redirected from Optical biometry)

Intraocular Lens Power Calculation is a critical process in the field of Ophthalmology. It is a mathematical method used to determine the power of the Intraocular Lens (IOL) that should be implanted in the eye during Cataract Surgery or Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE). The goal of this calculation is to provide the patient with the best possible postoperative visual acuity.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The power of the IOL is determined based on the patient's eye measurements, including the Axial Length (AL) of the eye, the Keratometry (K) readings, and the Anterior Chamber Depth (ACD). These measurements are used in various formulas to calculate the IOL power.

Measurement Techniques[edit | edit source]

Axial Length[edit | edit source]

The axial length of the eye is measured using either A-Scan Ultrasonography or Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). These techniques provide a precise measurement of the distance from the front to the back of the eye.

Keratometry[edit | edit source]

Keratometry measures the curvature of the Cornea. This measurement is crucial as the cornea's power contributes significantly to the total optical power of the eye.

Anterior Chamber Depth[edit | edit source]

The anterior chamber depth is the distance from the cornea to the lens in the eye. This measurement is important as it affects the position of the IOL within the eye.

Calculation Formulas[edit | edit source]

Several formulas are used to calculate the IOL power, including the SRK/T Formula, the Hoffer Q Formula, the Holladay 1 Formula, and the Barrett Universal II Formula. The choice of formula depends on the characteristics of the patient's eye.

Postoperative Refraction[edit | edit source]

The goal of IOL power calculation is to achieve the desired postoperative refraction. This is typically Emmetropia, where the eye is in a state of perfect focus. However, some patients may prefer Myopia (nearsightedness) or Hyperopia (farsightedness) depending on their lifestyle and visual needs.

See Also[edit | edit source]

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