
Decompression practice

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

(Redirected from Oxygen prebreathing)

Decompression Practice is a method used in diving to prevent decompression sickness, also known as "the bends". This practice involves a controlled ascent rate and often includes planned stops to allow dissolved gases to be released from the body's tissues.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Decompression practice is a critical aspect of scuba diving, commercial diving, and technical diving. It is based on the understanding of gas laws, particularly Henry's law, which states that the amount of gas that can be dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas.

Decompression Models[edit | edit source]

There are several decompression models that have been developed to calculate decompression schedules for divers. These include the Haldane decompression model, the Bühlmann decompression algorithm, and the Varying Permeability Model.

Decompression Sickness[edit | edit source]

Decompression sickness is a potentially serious condition that can occur if a diver ascends too quickly or misses required decompression stops. Symptoms can range from joint pain and rashes to paralysis and death. Treatment typically involves recompression in a hyperbaric chamber.

Decompression Tables and Computers[edit | edit source]

Decompression tables and computers are tools used by divers to plan and execute their dives safely. These tools provide information on ascent rates, decompression stop depths and times, and no-decompression limits.

Safety Considerations[edit | edit source]

Safety considerations in decompression practice include proper training, adherence to dive plans, and the use of appropriate equipment. Divers should also be aware of the symptoms of decompression sickness and seek immediate medical attention if they suspect they have this condition.

See Also[edit | edit source]

Decompression practice Resources

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