118th General Hospital (United States Army)

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118th General Hospital (United States Army) was a significant medical facility operated by the United States Army during the 20th century. As a general hospital, it was designed to provide a comprehensive range of medical services, including surgery, therapy, and recovery care for military personnel. The 118th played a crucial role in several conflicts, most notably during World War II, where it provided critical support to the Allied forces.

History[edit | edit source]

The 118th General Hospital was activated in response to the growing need for military medical facilities before and during World War II. The hospital was part of the United States Army's effort to expand its medical services to treat wounded soldiers from various theaters of operation. The exact dates of its activation, operation, and eventual deactivation are part of the broader history of military medicine during the 20th century.

During World War II, the 118th General Hospital was stationed in various locations, including overseas postings in Europe and the Pacific. These hospitals were often set up in proximity to combat zones to ensure that injured personnel could receive prompt and effective medical treatment. The staff of the 118th General Hospital included doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals who were either enlisted in the Army or served as civilians.

Structure and Function[edit | edit source]

The structure of the 118th General Hospital was similar to that of other general hospitals operated by the United States Army during the period. It was equipped to handle a wide range of medical issues, from battlefield injuries to disease and psychological trauma. The hospital included various departments such as surgery, internal medicine, neurology, and psychiatry, among others.

The function of the 118th General Hospital was to provide comprehensive medical care to wounded or ill soldiers. This included emergency treatment, surgical operations, rehabilitation, and long-term care. The hospital played a vital role in ensuring that soldiers received the necessary medical attention to return to duty or transition back to civilian life after their service.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

The legacy of the 118th General Hospital is part of the larger history of military medicine and the evolution of medical care within the United States Army. The experiences and advancements made by the 118th and similar institutions contributed to improvements in medical practices, both within the military and in civilian medicine. The dedication and service of the personnel who served in these hospitals are remembered as an essential part of the military's support system during times of conflict.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD