14 Hours (2005 film)

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14 Hours is a 2005 American television film directed by Gregg Champion and produced for the TNT channel. The film is based on the true events of the 2001 Tropical Storm Allison, which caused catastrophic flooding in Houston, Texas, and focuses on the dramatic, real-life stories of the staff and patients at Memorial Hermann Hospital. The screenplay was written by Danilo Bach, who drew upon the harrowing experiences of those trapped in the hospital during the storm.

Plot[edit | edit source]

The film chronicles the events of June 8 and 9, 2001, when Tropical Storm Allison hit Houston, Texas, with devastating effects. As the city's streets and highways quickly become impassable due to the rising floodwaters, the staff at Memorial Hermann Hospital face a dire situation. With power outages and the failure of backup generators, the hospital's critical care systems are at risk, including the life-support systems for patients. The film focuses on the efforts of the hospital staff, led by nurse Jeanette Makins (played by JoBeth Williams), to evacuate patients to safety, despite the overwhelming odds and personal risks involved.

Cast[edit | edit source]

Production[edit | edit source]

The film was shot on location in Houston, Texas, and aimed to provide a realistic portrayal of the events surrounding Tropical Storm Allison. The production team worked closely with survivors and staff from Memorial Hermann Hospital to ensure accuracy in the depiction of the storm's impact and the subsequent rescue efforts.

Reception[edit | edit source]

14 Hours received positive reviews for its gripping portrayal of a natural disaster and the human spirit's resilience in the face of adversity. The performances of the cast, particularly JoBeth Williams and Rick Schroder, were praised for their authenticity and emotional depth. The film also highlighted the importance of disaster preparedness and the challenges faced by medical facilities in crisis situations.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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