
2005 California Proposition 73

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2005 California Proposition 73 results map by county

2005 California Proposition 73 was a California ballot proposition that appeared on the special election ballot of November 8, 2005. This proposition, officially titled the "Parental Notification Before Termination of Minor's Pregnancy Initiative," sought to amend the California Constitution to require that a doctor notify the parent or legal guardian of a pregnant minor at least 48 hours before performing an abortion. The proposition was a significant issue in the broader debate over abortion rights and parental rights in the United States.

Background[edit | edit source]

The issue of abortion has been a contentious one in American politics since the landmark Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade (1973), which recognized a woman's legal right to an abortion. Proposition 73 was part of a series of efforts across various states to impose restrictions on abortion, particularly focusing on minors. Proponents of the proposition argued that parental notification was necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of minors seeking an abortion. Opponents, however, contended that such a law could endanger minors, especially those in abusive family situations, by potentially delaying or preventing access to abortion services.

Provisions[edit | edit source]

The main provisions of Proposition 73 included:

  • Requiring physicians to notify the parent or legal guardian of a pregnant minor at least 48 hours before performing an abortion.
  • Allowing for certain exceptions, including medical emergencies where an abortion was necessary to prevent the death of the minor.
  • Permitting minors to apply for a waiver from the notification requirement through a judicial bypass process.

Campaign[edit | edit source]

The campaign for and against Proposition 73 was highly charged, with both sides mobilizing significant resources. Supporters, including various pro-life and parental rights groups, framed the proposition as a common-sense measure to protect minors and uphold parental rights. Opponents, including many pro-choice organizations and medical associations, argued that the proposition would infringe on a minor's right to privacy and access to safe medical care.

Outcome[edit | edit source]

Proposition 73 was ultimately defeated, with 52.6% of voters casting ballots against it and 47.4% in favor. The defeat of the proposition was seen as a victory for abortion rights advocates in California, though the issue of parental notification and consent for minors' abortions remained a contentious topic in the state and across the country.

Aftermath[edit | edit source]

The defeat of Proposition 73 did not end the debate over parental notification laws in California. Similar propositions were placed on the ballot in subsequent years, including Proposition 85 in 2006 and Proposition 4 in 2008, both of which also sought to require parental notification for minors' abortions and were defeated by California voters.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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