2014 Thai surrogacy controversy

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2014 Thai Surrogacy Controversy refers to a series of events and legal disputes that arose in Thailand concerning the practices of commercial surrogacy, particularly involving foreign couples. The controversy gained international attention following the case of Baby Gammy, a child with Down syndrome who was allegedly abandoned by his Australian intended parents, leaving him with his Thai surrogate mother. This incident, among others, prompted a reevaluation of surrogacy laws in Thailand and sparked a global debate on the ethics of surrogacy, especially in developing countries.

Background[edit | edit source]

Surrogacy involves an arrangement where a woman (the surrogate) agrees to bear a child for another person or couple, who will become the child's parent(s) after birth. Prior to the controversy, Thailand had become a popular destination for international surrogacy arrangements due to the relatively low cost and lack of stringent regulations.

The Case of Baby Gammy[edit | edit source]

In 2014, the story of Baby Gammy was reported by international media. Gammy was born to a Thai surrogate, Pattaramon Chanbua, who claimed that the Australian couple who had commissioned the surrogacy left Gammy in Thailand when they discovered he had Down syndrome, taking only his healthy twin sister back to Australia. The case raised ethical questions about surrogacy, the responsibilities of intended parents, and the rights of the child and surrogate mother.

Legal and Ethical Implications[edit | edit source]

The controversy highlighted the absence of clear legal frameworks governing surrogacy in Thailand. Critics argued that the lack of regulation led to exploitation of surrogate mothers, commodification of children, and ethical dilemmas regarding the rights and welfare of all parties involved.

Following the controversy, the Thai government took steps to regulate surrogacy practices more strictly. In 2015, Thailand passed a law banning commercial surrogacy for foreign couples, allowing surrogacy only for married Thai couples or those with at least one Thai partner, and the surrogate must be a relative.

Global Impact[edit | edit source]

The 2014 Thai surrogacy controversy had a significant impact on international surrogacy practices. It prompted countries and international bodies to reconsider their surrogacy laws and policies, with a focus on protecting the rights of children, surrogate mothers, and intended parents. The controversy also sparked discussions on the ethics of commercial surrogacy and the need for international legal standards.

See Also[edit | edit source]

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD