800 Westchester Avenue

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Vacant Corporate HQ in Harrison NY-Little Planet Projection-Cropped

800 Westchester Avenue is a prominent office building located in the Rye Brook, New York. Known for its distinctive architecture and significant presence in the Westchester County commercial landscape, the building serves as a key hub for various businesses and organizations.

History[edit | edit source]

The history of 800 Westchester Avenue reflects the broader economic and architectural trends of the region. Originally constructed to serve as the headquarters for a major corporation, the building has since transitioned to accommodate a diverse array of tenants, including firms in technology, law, finance, and healthcare sectors.

Architecture[edit | edit source]

Featuring a postmodern design, 800 Westchester Avenue is notable for its sleek lines, expansive glass facade, and the use of high-quality materials. The building's architecture stands out in the suburban landscape, offering a visually striking contrast to the surrounding greenery and residential areas. Its design not only prioritizes aesthetic appeal but also functionality, with state-of-the-art facilities that cater to the needs of modern businesses.

Facilities[edit | edit source]

800 Westchester Avenue boasts a range of facilities designed to support its tenants. These include advanced telecommunications infrastructure, spacious conference rooms, a fitness center, and dining services. The building also emphasizes sustainability, incorporating energy-efficient systems and practices to minimize its environmental footprint.

Location and Accessibility[edit | edit source]

Situated in Rye Brook, the building benefits from its strategic location in Westchester County. It is easily accessible via major highways and public transportation, making it a convenient location for both local and commuting employees. The proximity to New York City further enhances its attractiveness to businesses seeking a prestigious address outside the hustle and bustle of the city.

Impact on the Community[edit | edit source]

800 Westchester Avenue plays a significant role in the local community, not only as a major employer but also as a participant in various community and economic development initiatives. The building and its tenants contribute to the vibrancy of the local economy, supporting services, retail, and hospitality sectors in the area.

Future Prospects[edit | edit source]

The future of 800 Westchester Avenue looks promising, with ongoing efforts to adapt to the evolving needs of the modern workforce. This includes upgrading facilities, enhancing sustainability measures, and fostering a community among tenants that encourages collaboration and innovation.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD