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Protein AKR1B10 PDB 1zua


AKR1B10 is a gene that encodes the enzyme Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 1 Member B10. This enzyme is involved in the reduction of aldehydes and ketones, playing a crucial role in various metabolic pathways.

Function[edit | edit source]

The primary function of AKR1B10 is to catalyze the NADPH-dependent reduction of a wide range of substrates, including aldehydes and ketones. This enzymatic activity is essential for the detoxification of reactive carbonyl compounds and the biosynthesis of various important molecules in the cell.

Clinical Significance[edit | edit source]

Aberrant expression of AKR1B10 has been associated with several diseases, including cancer. Studies have shown that AKR1B10 is overexpressed in certain types of cancer, such as liver cancer and lung cancer. This overexpression has been linked to tumor growth and drug resistance, making AKR1B10 a potential target for cancer therapy.

Structure[edit | edit source]

The structure of AKR1B10 consists of a conserved Rossmann fold domain, which is characteristic of the Aldo-Keto Reductase enzyme family. This domain is responsible for binding the cofactor NADPH and the substrate, allowing for the enzymatic reduction reaction to take place.

Regulation[edit | edit source]

The expression of AKR1B10 is tightly regulated at the transcriptional level. Various factors, such as hormones, growth factors, and environmental stimuli, can influence the expression of AKR1B10. Dysregulation of this gene can lead to pathological conditions, highlighting the importance of proper regulation of AKR1B10 expression.

References[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD