An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase or shortened forms of written words or phrases used for brevity.
List of common medical abbreviations[edit | edit source]
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
A[edit | edit source]
- BID - 2 times a day.
- t.i.d. - 3 times a day.
- QID - 4 times a day.
- S1 - 1st heart sound.
- S2 - 2nd heart sound.
- S3 - 3rd heart sound.
- S4 - 4th heart sound.
- 5 A’s - Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, Arrange.
- gt - a drop.
- Abd - abdomen, abdominal.
- ACHES - Abdominal pain, Chest pain, Headaches, Eye problems, Severe leg pain.
- Abn, ABNL - abnormal.
- ab, AB - abortion.
- AWOL - absent without leave.
- abs - absent, absence.
- ABR - absolute bed rest.
- accel - acceleration.
- ADI - acceptable daily intake.
- acc - according.
- accum - accumulation.
- ASA - Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).
- AFB - Acid Fast Bacilli.
- A&B - Acidophilus and Bifidum.
- AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
- AC - Acromioclavicular.
- ACT - activated clotting time.
- ADL - activities of daily living.
- act - activity.
- ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
- AML - Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
- AOM - Acute Otitis Media.
- ARD - Acute Respiratory Disease.
- ARDS - Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
- adeq - adequate.
- adhib - to be administered.
- adm - administered, administrator, admission.
- ACTH - Adrenocorticotropic hormone.
- ATP III - Adult Treatment Panel III.
- ABN - Advanced Beneficiary Notice .
- ALS - Advanced Life Support.
- APRN - Advanced Practice Registered Nurse.
- adv - advised.
- ACIP - Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
- AOS - Advisory Opinion Statement.
- post, p - after (post).
- pc - after meals (post cibos).
- Post-op - after surgery.
- agg, aggl - agglutinate, agglutination.
- ARC - AIDS-Related Complex.
- ALT - Alanine Aminotransferase.
- alc - alcohol.
- ALSOB - alcohol like substance on breath.
- AOB - alcohol on breath.
- ATOD - alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
- AA - Alcoholics Anonymous.
- A/O - alert and oriented.
- A+Ox4 - alert and oriented to time, person, place, and date.
- A&W - alive and well.
- AFP - Alpha-Fetoprotein.
- alt - alternate.
- amp - Ampoule.
- ALS - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
- anat - anatomy.
- A&P - anatomy and physiology.
- AFP, ANF - annual family planning.
- ant - anterior.
- abx - antibiotics.
- Ab - antibody.
- anti-HAV - Antibody to Hepatitis A Virus.
- anti-HBc - Antibody to Hepatitis B Core Antigen.
- anti-HBs - Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen.
- AG - Anticipatory Guidance.
- AC - Anticubital.
- Ag - antigen, silver.
- ARS - Anti-Rabies Serum.
- appar - apparent.
- appl - application, applied.
- AGA - appropriate for gestational age.
- aq, aqu - aqua – water .
- AAAIL - Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living.
- ARG - Argininemia .
- AS - arteriosclerosis.
- art - artery.
- artif - artificial.
- emp, mp - as directed (modo praescripto).
- qp, qv, qu - as much as desired.
- prn - as needed (pro re nata).
- ASAP - as soon as possible.
- as tol - as tolerated.
- Vitamin C - ascorbic acid.
- 2A’s + R - Ask-Advise plus Refer.
- AST - Aspartate Aminotransferase.
- ASA - aspirin.
- APC - aspirin/caffeine.
- asx - asymptomatic.
- hd, hs - at bedtime.
- ACVD - Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease.
- ASD - Atrial Septal Defect.
- AV - Atrioventricular.
- atr - atrophy.
- ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder.
- AGC - Atypical Glandular Cells of Undetermined Significance.
- ASC-H - Atypical Squamous Cells – Cannot Exclude High-Grade Lesion.
- ASC-US - Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance.
- AUD - auditory.
- ausc, auscul - auscultation.
- A&P - Auscultation and Palpation.
- aux - auxillary.
- Ax, ax - axillary.
- A-T - baby teeth.
B[edit | edit source]
- BCG - Bacille Calmette-Guerin Vaccine.
- BUM - back up method.
- B/A - backache.
- bact - bacterial.
- BV - Bacterial Vaginosis.
- BOW - bag of waters.
- bal - balance.
- barbs - barbiturates.
- Ba - barium.
- BUS - Bartholins, Urethral & Skenes gland.
- BBT - basal body temperature.
- BCC - basal cell cancer.
- BEE - basal energy expenditure .
- BMR - basal metabolic rate.
- BCS - battered child syndrome.
- BWS - battered woman syndrome.
- B/O - because of.
- BR - bed rest.
- ā - before.
- ap - before dinner.
- a.c. - before meals.
- Pre-op - before surgery.
- beg - begin, began, beginning.
- BPH - benign prostatic hypertrophy.
- bet - between.
- Bicarb, HCO3 - Bicarbonate.
- BCA - Bi-chloroacetic acid.
- bilat - bilateral.
- BBS - bilateral breath sounds.
- BOM - Bilateral Otitis Media.
- BSO - Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy.
- BSOM - Bilateral Serous Otitis Media.
- Bx, bx - biopsy.
- BIOT - Biotinidase Deficiency.
- BC - birth control.
- BCC - birth control clinic.
- BCP - birth control pills.
- BMK - birthmark.
- BBW - black box warning.
- Bl, bld - blood.
- BA - blood alcohol.
- BAL - blood alcohol level.
- BAMT - Blood Assay for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
- BBB - blood brain barrier.
- BG - blood glucose.
- BLL - blood lead level.
- BP - blood pressure.
- BS - blood sugar.
- BSL - blood sugar level.
- BUN - blood urea nitrogen.
- Q - Blood volume.
- BMI - body mass index.
- BSA - body surface area.
- BW - body weight.
- os - bone.
- BMD - bone mineral density.
- b - born.
- AU - both ears, each ear.
- bot - bottle.
- BM - bowel movement.
- BSN - bowel sounds normal.
- BB, BTB - breakthrough bleeding.
- BCCTP - Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program.
- BI-RADSTM - Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System.
- BSE - breast self exam.
- BF - Breastfeeding Woman.
- br - breath.
- BSB - breath sounds bilateral.
- BRB - bright red blood.
- BIB - brought in by.
- B - buccal.
- po - By mouth (per os).
C[edit | edit source]
- CAGE - “cut down”, “annoyed”, “guilty”, and “eye-opener”.
- Ca - calcium.
- cal - calorie.
- canc - cancelled.
- Ca, CA - cancer, carcinoma.
- CSEM - Cancer Screening Education Materials.
- cap - capillary.
- CBLL - Capillary Blood Lead Level.
- cap - capsule.
- CH20, CHO, COH - carbohydrate.
- CIS - carcinoma-in-situ.
- CPR - cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
- CV, CVD, CD - cardiovascular disease.
- CHD - cardiovascular heart disease.
- CVS - cardiovascular system.
- CACT - Carnitine acylcarnitine translocase deficiency.
- CPT-II - Carnitine palmitoyl II deficiency.
- CUD - Carnitine Uptake Defect.
- CU - case unknown.
- CBS - Casual Blood Sugar.
- cath - catheter.
- cauc - caucasian.
- cav - cavity.
- cent - centigrade.
- cg, Cgm - centigram.
- CNS - central nervous system.
- CPD - cephalopelvic disproportion.
- CP - Cerebral Palsy.
- CSF - Cerebral Spinal Fluid.
- CVA - Cerebrovascular Accident.
- CON - Certificate of Need.
- CMA - Certified Medical Assistant.
- CNM - Certified Nurse Midwife.
- cert, crt - certified, certificate.
- cerv, C - cervical.
- CIN - Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasm.
- cmt - cervical motion tenderness.
- C-spine - cervical spine.
- cerv, Cx - cervix.
- CD - Cesarean Delivery.
- CS, C-section - Cesarean Section.
- chem - chemical, chemistry.
- ch - chest.
- CP - chest pain.
- CXR - chest x-ray.
- C-B - chest-back.
- ch px - chicken pox.
- C.C., CC - chief complaint.
- ch - child.
- CAC - Child Advocacy Centers.
- CFR - child fatality review.
- CLPPP - Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Nurse.
- CT/GC - Chlamydia Trachomatis/Neisseria Gonorrhea.
- CT - Chlamydia Test.
- Cl - chlorine.
- CH, chol - cholesterol.
- C/TG - cholesterol/triglyceride ratio.
- CG - Chorionic Gonadotropin.
- Cr - chromium.
- chr - chronic.
- CLD - chronic liver disease.
- COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- CSOM - chronic serous otitis media.
- CTB - chronic tuberculosis.
- circ - circulate, circumference.
- circ, circum - circumcision.
- CIT-I - Citrullinemia type I .
- CIT-II - Citrullinemia type II.
- CTA - clear to auscultation.
- CTA(B) - clear to auscultation bilaterally.
- clin - clinic, clinical.
- CASA - Clinical Assessment Software Application.
- CBE - clinical breast exam.
- CLIA - Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act.
- CNS - Clinical Nurse Specialist.
- CC - clue cells.
- coag - coagulation.
- CKC - cold knife conization.
- COCs - combined oral contraceptives (estrogen & progestin).
- commun dis, CD - communicable disease.
- CHN - Community Health Nurse.
- comp - compare, compound.
- C/O, ℅ - complains of.
- compl - complete.
- CBC - complete blood count.
- complic - complication.
- compd - compound.
- CAB - Compressions-Airway-Breathing .
- CAD - computer-aided detection.
- CAT scan - computerized axial tomography.
- conc - concentrated, concentration.
- cond - condition.
- C&C - confirmed & compatible.
- cong - congenital.
- CAH - Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia.
- CHD - congenital heart disease.
- CH - Congenital Hypothyroidism.
- CPD - Congenital Polycystic Disease.
- CRS - Congenital Rubella Syndrome.
- CHF - congestive heart failure.
- conjug - conjugated.
- C/w - Consistent with.
- const - constant.
- C - contact.
- C/W - Continue with.
- CE - continuing education.
- CEU - continuing education unit.
- CT - Contraceptive Technology.
- CST - Contraction Stress Test.
- contrx - contractions.
- ctr - control.
- Cu - copper.
- CCU - coronary care unit.
- corr - correct, correction.
- CCW - counterclockwise.
- cryo - cryosurgery, cryotherapy.
- CUm - cubic micron.
- cult - culture.
- CFP-10 - Culture Filtrate Protein-10.
- C&S - culture & sensitivity.
- cur - current.
- cd - current diagnosis.
- CPT-4 - current procedural terminology.
- CF - Cystic Fibrosis.
- cysto - cystoscopy.
- CMV - Cytomegalovirus.
- D/A - date of admission.
- D/B, DOB - date of birth.
- DOD - date of death.
- DOS - date of service.
D[edit | edit source]
- D - date.
- dau - daughter.
- dkm - decameter.
- Dec, dec’d - deceased.
- decel - deceleration.
- dB - decibal.
- dg, dgm - decigram.
- dL - deciliter.
- dm - decimeter.
- decr - decrease, decreased.
- DTR - deep tendon reflex.
- DVT - deep vein thrombosis.
- def - deficiency.
- deform - deformity.
- degen - degeneration.
- Deg, deg - degree.
- DTH - delayed-type hypersensitivity.
- del - delivery, delivered.
- DASE - Denver Articulation Screening Examination.
- DDST - Denver Development Screening Tool.
- DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
- DCBS - Department for Community Based Services.
- DPH - Department for Public Health.
- dep - dependent.
- DMPA - Depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate.
- deriv - derive, derivative.
- desc - descent, descending.
- Dev, devel - development.
- DA - developmental age.
- DD - developmental disability.
- DQ - developmental quotient.
- DECA - Devereux Early Childhood Assessment.
- DNS - deviated nasal septum.
- diab - diabetes.
- DCOE - Diabetes Centers of Excellence.
- DM - Diabetes Mellitus.
- DSMT - Diabetes Self Management Training.
- DKA - Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
- Dx, diag - diagnosis.
- diagm - diagram.
- diam - diameter.
- D & V - diarrhea and vomiting.
- DBP - diastolic blood pressure.
- DNKA - did not keep appointment.
- DAT - diet as tolerated.
- DRI - dietary reference intakes.
- DES - Diethylstilbestrol.
- dif - differential blood count.
- D & C - dilation and curettage.
- D & E - dilation and evacuation.
- dim - diminish, dimension.
- diph - Diphtheria.
- dir - direct, direction, director.
- DFA - direct fluorescent antibody.
- DOPT - directly observed preventative therapy.
- DOT - directly observed therapy.
- dis - disabled.
- disch, D/C, DC, dc - discharge.
- disc, D/C, d/c - discontinue.
- D/W - Discussed with.
- dis - disease.
- DIS - Disease Intervention Specialist.
- disloc - dislocate, dislocation.
- disp - dispense.
- dissem - disseminated.
- DGI - Disseminated Gonococcal Infection.
- dissd - dissolved.
- D - distal.
- DP - distal pulses.
- dis - distance.
- dist - distribute, disturbance.
- div - divide, division.
- AFM - Division of Administration & Financial Management .
- DLS - Division of Laboratory Services.
- MCH - Division of Maternal & Child Health.
- PQI - Division of Prevention & Quality Improvement.
- DO - Doctor’s orders.
- DV - domestic violence.
- DV/SA - domestic violence/sexual assault.
- dom - dominant.
- DP - Dorsalis pedis pulse.
- D,dos - dose, dosage.
- dv - double vision.
- DS - Down’s Syndrome.
- dr - dram.
- Drsg, dsg - dressing.
- bib - drink.
- DUI - driving under influence.
- guttat - drop by drop.
- gtt - drops.
- D/H - drug history.
- DOC - drug of choice.
- DD - dry dressing.
- DEV - duck embryo vaccine.
- DCIS - Ductal Carcinoma in situ – type of breast cancer.
- dup - duplication, duplicate.
- DME - durable medical equipment.
- DUB - dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
- OU - each eye.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
E-H[edit | edit source]
- ENT - ear, nose, (and) throat.
- EPSDT - early periodic screening diagnosis and treatment.
- EENT - ears, eyes, nose, throat.
- EP - ectopic pregnancy.
- educ - educate, education.
- eff - effect, effective.
- ED - effective dose.
- ov - egg, ovary.
- elb - elbow.
- el, elect - elect, elective.
- ETP - elective termination of pregnancy.
- ECG, EKG - electrocardiogram.
- EEG - electroencephalogram.
- EDN - Electronic Disease Notification.
- EFM - electronic fetal monitor.
- EBLL - elevated blood lead level.
- elig. - eligible.
- Emb - embryo.
- emer - emergency.
- EC - emergency contraception.
- ECP - emergency contraceptive pills.
- EOP - emergency operations plan.
- ER - emergency room.
- emot - emotional.
- ECC - EndoCervical Curretage.
- EMB - Endometrial Biopsy.
- eIPV - enhanced-potency Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine.
- enl - enlarged.
- environ - environment.
- ETS - Environmental Smoke Exposure.
- EIA - Enzyme Immunoassay.
- ELISA - Enzyme-linked Immunoadsorbent Assay.
- eos - eosinophil.
- epi - epidemiology.
- epis - episiotomy.
- EPITH - epithelial.
- EBV - Epstein-Barr Virus.
- eq - equal.
- EBBS - equal bilateral breath sounds.
- equip - equipment.
- equiv - equivalent.
- ED - erectile dysfunction.
- ery/dL - erythrocytes per deciliters .
- EES - Erythromycin.
- E coli - Escherichia coli.
- ess - essential.
- EBL - estimated blood loss.
- EDC - estimated date of confinement.
- EFW - estimated fetal weight.
- EGA - estimated gestational age.
- E2 - estradiol.
- E, ESG - estrogen.
- ERT - estrogen replacement therapy.
- EtOH, EOH - Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol.
- EE - Ethinyl estradiol.
- EMB - Ethmbutol.
- evac - evacuate, evacuation.
- E&A - evaluate and advise.
- q2h - every 2 hours.
- q3h - every 3 hours.
- q4h - every 4 hours.
- q5h - every 5 hours.
- q8h - every 8 hours.
- qd - every day.
- qqh - every four hours.
- qh - every hour, each hour.
- qam, qm - every morning.
- qn, qpm - every night.
- qod - every other day.
- qoh - every other hour.
- qon - every other night.
- Ex, exam - examination.
- exc - except, excision.
- ERRN - Expanded Role Registered Nurse.
- EDD - expected date of delivery.
- exp - expected, expired.
- expir - expire, expiration.
- EBM - expressed breast milk.
- ext - exterior, external.
- ext - extremity.
- E - eye.
- En face - face-to-face.
- FTT - failure to thrive.
- fam - family.
- FSW - family support worker.
- FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
- FGS - family goal sheet.
- F/H, FH, FHx - family history.
- FNP - family nurse practitioner.
- FP - family planning.
- FPEM - family planning education materials.
- FRYSC - family resource youth services center.
- FBG - fasting blood glucose.
- FBS - fasting blood sugar.
- FLP - fasting lipid panel.
- FPG - fasting plasma glucose.
- FF - fat free.
- F - father.
- FOBT - fecal occult blood test.
- FTC - Federal Trade Commission.
- fdg - feeding.
- FFS - fee-for-service.
- Fe - female .
- FGT - female genital tract.
- FAM - fertility awareness methods.
- FAS - fetal alcohol syndrome.
- FHR - fetal heart rate.
- FHS - fetal heart sounds.
- FHT - fetal heart tones.
- FM - fetal movements.
- FUO - fever of unknown origin.
- FCB - fibrocystic breast .
- FMS - Fibromyalgia Syndrome.
- FNA(c) - fine needle aspiration (cytology).
- FSBG or FSBS - finger stick blood glucose/sugar.
- FMP - first menstrual period.
- flex - flexion.
- Fl, fld - fluid.
- FTA-ABS - fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test.
- FQN - Fluoroquinolone.
- F&C - foam and condoms.
- FA, B9 - folic acid.
- FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone.
- ff - force fluids.
- F/U, FU - follow-up.
- FNEK - follow-up nutrition education by kiosk.
- FNEPP - follow-up nutrition education per protocols .
- ft - foot, feet.
- FFA - for further appointment.
- FYI - for your information.
- FA - forearm.
- qid - four times a day.
- frac, fx - fracture.
- frag - fragment.
- fr - from.
- FMS - full mouth series.
- FROM - full range of motion.
- FS - full strength.
- FT - full term.
- FTND - full term normal delivery.
- func - function.
- FE - fungal elements.
- GAL - Galactosemia.
- GB - gallbladder.
- GG - Gamma Globulin.
- GER - Gastroesophageal Reflux.
- GERD - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease .
- GI - gastrointestinal.
- GU - genitourinary.
- GUS - genitourinary system.
- GDM - gestational diabetes mellitus.
- gl - gland.
- GSK - Glaxo Smith Kline.
- GFR - glomerular filtration rate .
- glu - glucose.
- GCT - glucose challenge test.
- GITT - glucose insulin tolerance test.
- GT, GTT - glucose tolerance test.
- GA-II - Glutaric academia type II.
- glut max - gluteus maximus.
- Au - gold.
- GnRH - Gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
- GISP - Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project.
- GU - Gonococcal Urethritis.
- gc, GC - gonococcus/gonorrhea.
- govt - government.
- grad - gradual, gradually.
- gr - grain.
- g, gm - gram.
- GN - gram negative.
- GNB - gram negative bacillus.
- GNC - gram negative cocci.
- GND - gram negative diplococci.
- g/dL - gram per deciliter .
- GP - gram positive.
- GPC - gram positive cocci.
- GF - grandfather.
- GM - grandmother.
- G - Gravida.
- grav - gravity.
- GAS - Group A streptococcus.
- GBBS - Group B beta-hemolytic streptococcus.
- GBS - Group B streptococcus.
- GGF - Growing Great Families.
- GGK - Growing Great Kids.
- GH - growth hormone.
- guid - guide, guidance.
- GBS - Guillain-Barré Syndrome.
- Gyn, GYN - gynecologist, gynecology.
- Hf - half.
- HG - half gallon.
- HOH - hard of hearing.
- H&N - head and neck.
- HEENT - head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat.
- HA, h/a - headache.
- HANDS - Health Access, Nurturing Development Services.
- HCP - Health Care Provider.
- HCW - health care worker.
- HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act.
- HMO - health maintenance organization.
- HRA - health risk assessment.
- HB - healthy balance.
- HD - heart disease.
- HR - heart rate, heart risk.
- HS - heart sounds.
- HI - Hemagglutination Inhibitor.
- H - Hemagglutinin.
- crit, Hct, HCT - Hematocrit.
- HB, Hb, Hgb, Hg - Hemoglobin.
- HbA - Hemoglobin A.
- HbAS - Hemoglobin A and Hemoglobin S (Sickle cell trait).
- HbB - Hemoglobin B.
- HbC - Hemoglobin C; a variant/abnormal hemoglobin.
- HbF - Hemoglobin F.
- HbS - Hemoglobin S.
- HbS-C - Hemoglobin S-C.
- Anti-HAV - Hepatitis A antibody.
- HAV - Hepatitis A virus.
- HBcAg - Hepatitis B core antigen.
- Anti-HBe - Hepatitis B eantibody (Antibody to HBeAg).
- HBeAg - Hepatitis B e Antigen.
- HBIG - Hepatitis B immune globulin.
- Anti-HBs - Hepatitis B surface antibody (Antibody to HBsAg).
- HbsAg - Hepatitis B surface antigen.
- HBV - Hepatitis B virus .
- HCV - Hepatitis C Virus.
- HDV - Hepatitis D virus.
- HEV - Hepatitis E virus.
- HS - Herpes Simplex.
- HSV - Herpes Simplex Virus.
- HSG - Herpes Simplex, Genitalis.
- HZV - Herpes zoster virus.
- Hz - hertz.
- hyper - high.
- HBP - high blood pressure.
- HDL, HDLP - high density lipoprotein.
- HDL-C - high density lipoprotein cholesterol.
- HEPA - high efficiency particulate air filtration.
- HSIL - high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion .
- Hx - history.
- H&P - history and physical.
- h/o, H/O - history of.
- HPI - history of present illness.
- HIV-PEP - HIV – postexposure prophylaxis.
- HIVCT - HIV Counseling and Testing .
- HBGM - home blood glucose monitoring.
- HV - home visitor.
- HCY - Homocystinuria.
- BW - horizontal bitewings.
- HRT - hormone replacement therapy.
- hosp - hospital.
- HV - Home Visit.
- HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin.
- HDV - Human Delta Virus.
- HDCV - Human diploid cell rabies vaccine.
- HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
- HPV - Human Papillomavirus.
- HRIG - Human Rabies Immune Globulin.
- HTLV-1 - Human T-cell Leukemia Virus, Type 1.
- husb. - husband.
- H - hydrogen .
- hyg - hygiene.
- MET - Hypermethioninemia.
- H-PHE - Hyperphenylalaninemia .
- Hpn, HPN, HTN - hypertension.
- HCVD - hypertensive cardiovascular disease.
- hypo - hypodermic injection.
- hyst - hysterectomy.
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I-N[edit | edit source]
- IBW - ideal body weight.
- immed, stat - immediate, immediately (at once).
- IG - Immune Globulin.
- ISG - Immune Serum Globulin.
- imm - immunization.
- IAC - Immunization Action Coalition.
- IFA - Immunofluorescence Assay.
- Ig - Immunoglobulin.
- IgA - Immunoglobulin A.
- IgG - Immunoglobulin G.
- IgM - Immunoglobulin M.
- IFG (pre-diabetes) - impaired fasting glucose.
- IGT (pre-diabetes) - impaired glucose tolerance.
- impair - impaired, impairment.
- import - important .
- imp - impression.
- IEM - Inborn error of metabolism.
- in - inch.
- I - Incisal.
- I&D - incision and drainage.
- incompat - incompatible.
- incompl - incomplete.
- inc, incr - increase.
- incre - increment.
- ind - independent.
- indic - indicate, indication.
- Inf, I - infant.
- IDM - Infant of diabetic mother.
- infect, infx - infect, infection.
- inflam - inflammation.
- infl - influence.
- H1N1 - Influenza A.
- info - information.
- ingest - ingestion.
- ing - inguinial.
- inh, inhal - inhalation.
- inhib - inhibit, inhibitor.
- IFP, INF - initial family planning.
- IOV - initial office visit.
- IPPE - Initial Preventive Physical Exam.
- IDU - injecting drug user.
- inject, inj - injection.
- inj - injury.
- IPPA - inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.
- insp - inspiration.
- I/E - Inspiratory/expiratory.
- instr - instructor, instructed.
- inst - instrument.
- insuff - insufficient.
- IDD - insulin dependent diabetes.
- IDDM - insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
- I&O - intake and output.
- ICU - Intensive Care Unit.
- IGRA - Interferon Gamma Release Assay.
- INF-γ - Interferon-gamma.
- IPP - Intermittent positive pressure.
- IPPB - Intermittent positive pressure breathing.
- IBCLC - International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
- Interprox. - Interproximal.
- intest - intestine.
- Intox - intoxication.
- IUFD - Intra Uterine Fetal Demise.
- IA - intra-amniotic.
- IA - intra-arterial.
- ID - intradermal, intradermally.
- IM - intramuscular, intramuscularly.
- IUD - intrauterine device.
- IGR, IUGR - intrauterine growth retardation .
- IUS - intrauterine system.
- IV - intravenous.
- IVP - Intravenous pyelography.
- I - iodine.
- Fe - iron.
- IDA - Iron-deficiency anemia.
- irrig - irrigate, irrigation.
- IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
- isol - isolation.
- INH - Isoniazid .
- IVA - Isovaleric Acidemia.
- jaund - jaundice.
- jnt, jt - joint.
- juv - juvenile.
- JODM - Juvenile Onset Diabetes Mellitus.
- JRA - Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- KADAP - Kentucky AIDS Drug Assistance Program.
- KCHIP - Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program.
- KDE - Kentucky Department of Education.
- KDPCP - Kentucky Diabetes Prevention and Control Program.
- KDVA - Kentucky Domestic Violence Association.
- KEIS - Kentucky Early Intervention System.
- KHIAP - Kentucky Health Insurance Assistance Program.
- KHCCP - Kentucky HIV Care Coordinator Program.
- KRS - Kentucky Revised Statutes.
- KVP - Kentucky Vaccines Program.
- KWCSP - Kentucky Women’s Cancer Screening Project.
- KA - Ketoacidosis.
- KB - Ketone bodies.
- kcal - kilocalorie.
- K - Kosher .
- K-D - Kosher-Dairy.
- KASAP - Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs.
- KACAC - Kentucky Association of Child Advocacy Centers.
- DAIL - Kentucky Department of Aging and Independent Living.
- lab proc - laboratory procedure.
- lact - lactating.
- LAM - lactation amenorrhea method.
- LA - lactic acid.
- LDH - Lactic dehydrogenase.
- lg, mag - large.
- LGA - large-for-gestational-age.
- LTB - Laryngotracheo bronchitis.
- LNMP - last (normal) menstrual period.
- LMP - last menstrual period.
- LTBI - latent TB infection.
- lat - lateral.
- Pb - lead.
- LA - left arm.
- LD - left deltoid.
- LE - left eye.
- LFA - left forearm.
- LL - left leg.
- LLL - left lower lobe.
- LLQ - left lower quadrant.
- LL - left lung.
- LOMSA - Left Otitis Media, Suppurative, Acute.
- LOMSCH - Left Otitis Media, Suppurative, Chronic.
- LQ - Left quadrant.
- L-R, L/R - left to right.
- LUL - Left upper lobe.
- LUQ - left upper quadrant.
- L, lt - left, length.
- LD - lethal dose.
- L-dopa - Levodopa.
- LNG IUD - Levovogestrel IUD.
- LPN - Licensed Practical Nurse.
- L&A - Light and Accommodation.
- Lmtd - limited.
- LEP - Limited English Proficiency (Title VI).
- Li - lithium.
- LAIV - Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine.
- LB - live birth.
- LV - live vaccine.
- LFT - liver function test.
- LHO - Local Health Operations Branch .
- LA - Long Acting .
- LATS - Long-acting thyroid stimulator.
- LATS-P - Long-acting thyroid stimulator protector.
- LCAD - Long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency .
- LEEP, LOOP, LETZ - Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure.
- LOC - loss of consciousness.
- LOM - loss of motion.
- LTF - Lost to Follow-up.
- LBW - low birth weight.
- LBP - low blood pressure.
- LoCHO - low carbohydrate.
- LoChol - low cholesterol.
- LDL, LDLP - low density lipoprotein.
- LDL-C - low density lipoprotein cholesterol.
- LFD - low fat diet.
- LSIL - low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion .
- hypo - low or below.
- LoNa - low sodium.
- MAND - lower arch of the jaw.
- LE - lower extremity.
- MPA/E2C - Lunelle.
- L - lung.
- LE - Lupus Erythematosus.
- LH - Luteinizing Hormone.
- LGV - Lymphogranuloma venerum.
- Mag, Mg - magnesium.
- MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
- MYFSF - Make Yours A Fresh Start Family.
- Mammo - mammogram.
- md. - mandibular.
- manif - manifest.
- MSUD - Maple Syrup Urine Disease (WIC abbreviation).
- Marg. - Marginal, margin.
- MJ - marijuana.
- mast - mastectomy.
- MPI - Master Patient Index.
- MSN - Master’s Degree in Nursing.
- MPH - Masters of Public Health.
- MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheets.
- MCH - Maternal and Child Health Services.
- MGF, MGM - maternal grandfather/grandmother.
- mx. - Maxillary.
- md - median.
- M/Hx - medical history.
- MNT - medical nutrition therapy.
- MR - medical record.
- MT - medical technologist.
- MCAD - Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency.
- MPA/E2C - Medroxyprogesterone acetate and estradiol cypionate.
- mHz - megahertz.
- mem - member.
- memb - membrane.
- MOA - Memorandum of Agreement.
- menst - menstrual.
- MH - menstrual history.
- MP - menstrual period.
- MA - mental age.
- MH - mental health.
- Hg - Mercury.
- metab - metabolic, metabolism.
- M, metas - metastasis, metastasize.
- MTX - Methotrexate.
- MUT - Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficiency.
- mcg - Microgram.
- ug - microgram – 0.000001 gram.
- MHA-TP - Microhemagglutination assay for antibody to Treponema pallidum.
- mid - midline.
- MOM - Milk of Magnesia.
- mEq, meq - milliequivalent.
- mEq/l - milliequivalent per liter.
- mg/dL - milligrams per deciliter.
- mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram.
- mm Hg, mmttg - millimeters of mercury.
- mm - millimicron.
- min - minim.
- MED - minimal effective dose.
- MIDC - minimum inhibitory concentration.
- MIS - misoprotol.
- MO - missed opportunity.
- MV - mitral valve.
- MVP - mitral valve prolapse.
- mixt - mixture.
- MAPP - Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partners.
- MAO - monoamine oxidase.
- monos - monocytes.
- mono - Mononucleosis.
- MSG - Monosodium glutamate.
- MZ - Monozygotic.
- MO - months old.
- M - mother.
- M&F - mother & father.
- os - mouth.
- MAE - moves all extremities.
- MAEW - moves all extremities well.
- MPC - Mucopurulent cervicitis.
- MM - Mucous Membrane.
- MDR - Multi-drug resistant.
- MDR TB - Multi-drug resistant TB.
- multip - Multipara.
- mult - multiple.
- MCD - Multiple carboxylase deficiency .
- MS - Multiple Sclerosis.
- MVI - Multi-Vitamin.
- mm - murmur.
- musc - muscle.
- MS - musculoskeletal.
- MOTT - Mycobacteria other than TB.
- MAC - Mycobacterium avium complex.
- MTB - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
- MI - Myocardial infarction.
- ng - nanogram.
- nl - nanoliter.
- nm - nanometer.
- ns - nanosecond.
- NFP - natural family planning.
- N&V - nausea and vomiting.
- NVD - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
- NEC - Necrotizing enterocolitis.
- NIL - Negative Intraepithelial Lesion.
- NICU - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
- nerv - nervous.
- NS - nervous system.
- NTD - Neural Tube Defect.
- TR - New tuberculin (tuberculin residue).
- NB - newborn.
- NBTNF/M - Newborn, Term, Normal, Female/Male.
- Ni - nickel.
- NRT - Nicotine Replacement Therapy.
- N - nitrogen.
- NTG - nitroglycerin.
- NAD - no acute distress or no apparent distress.
- N/C - no complaints.
- NED - no evidence of disease.
- NKA, NKDA - no known drug allergies.
- NPC - no previous complaints.
- NPH - no previous history.
- Noc, noct - nocturnal, night.
- NST - non stress test.
- ND - nondistended.
- NGU - Nongonococcal urethritis.
- NKHG - Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia.
- NIDDM - Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus.
- NNRTI - Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors.
- NSU - Nonspecific urethritis.
- NSAIA - Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic.
- NSAID - Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
- NT - non-tender.
- NT/ND - Non-tender/Nondistended.
- NTM - Nontuberculosis mycobacteria.
- N, n, NL, norm - normal.
- NFTD - normal full term delivery.
- NR - normal record.
- nssc - normal shape, size & consistency.
- NSR - normal sinus rhythm.
- NSD, NSFTD - normal spontaneous (full term) delivery.
- NSVD - normal spontaneous vaginal delivery.
- NVD - normal vaginal delivery.
- NEC - not elsewhere classified.
- NK - not known.
- ns - not significant.
- NYD - not yet diagnosed.
- NPO - nothing by mouth.
- npo, npo/hs - nothing per mouth (at night).
- NAA - Nucleic Acid Amplification.
- NRTI - Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors.
- Nullip - nulliparous.
- NCM - Nurse Case Manager.
- NP - Nurse Practitioner.
- nsg - nursing.
- NEPP - Nutrition Education Per Protocols (WIC abbreviation).
- NRCC - Nutritional Risk Criteria Code.
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O-Q[edit | edit source]
- O&E - observation and examination.
- obsd - observed.
- obst - obstruct, obstruction.
- occ, occas - occasional.
- O - occlusal.
- OR - occlusal radiograph.
- OD - oculus dexter – right eye.
- OS - oculus sinister – left eye.
- OV - office visit.
- oint, ung - ointment.
- OT - Old Tuberculin.
- id - once a day.
- O/E - on examination.
- ss - one-half.
- opg - opening.
- Oph, Ophth - ophthalmology, ophthalmoscope.
- opp - opposite.
- opt - optimal.
- OC - oral contraceptive.
- OCP - oral contraceptive pills.
- OGTT - Oral Glucose Tolerance Test.
- OPV - Oral Poliovirus vaccine, live, trivalent.
- org - organization.
- Orx - oriented.
- OU - Orthodox Union .
- osteo - osteo myelitis.
- O, o - other.
- OE - Otitis Externa.
- OM - Otitis Media.
- oto - otoscope.
- O&P - ova and parasites.
- O, O2 - oxygen.
- OCT - Oxytocin Challenge Test.
- ppd - pack per day.
- pr - pair.
- P - palatal.
- palp - palpable.
- PAN - panoramics.
- pap - Papanicolaou smear.
- Pap. - Papillary.
- PABA - Para-aminobenzoid acid.
- PAS - Para-aminosalicyclic acid.
- PH - Parathyroid hormone.
- PV - parent visitor.
- PARA - parity.
- PTT, ptt - partial thromboplastin time.
- ppm - parts per million.
- PFSH - past family and social history.
- PH - past history.
- PMH - past medical history.
- PGF, PGM - paternal grandfather/grandmother.
- path - pathologist.
- pt ℅ - patient complains of.
- Pat, pt, pts - patient, patients.
- PED - pediatrician.
- Peds - pediatrics.
- PID - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
- PCN, pen - penicillin.
- /hdf - per high density field .
- /ldf - per low density field.
- P&A - percussion and auscultation.
- perf - perforation.
- PA - periapicals.
- perim - perimeter.
- PAINS - Period late, abnormal bleeding; Abdominal pains, pain with intercourse; Infection, STD, abnormal discharge; Not feeling well, fever, chills; String missing, shorter or longer.
- per - periodic.
- periph - peripheral.
- perm - permanent.
- Jan-32 - permanent teeth.
- P - Pertussis vaccine.
- PDD - Pervasive Development Disorder.
- pharm - pharmacy.
- PKU - Phenylketonuria.
- PO - phone order.
- phos, HPO4 - phosphate.
- P - phosphorus.
- PCP - Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.
- Pnx - pneumothorax.
- POE - point of entry.
- polio - Poliomyelitis.
- PKD - Polycystic kidney disease.
- PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
- PCR - Polymerase chain reaction.
- PRP - Polysaccharide-ribitol-phosphate vaccine.
- PPT - Positive Pregnancy Test .
- PPB - positive pressure breathing.
- poss - possible.
- PEP - post-exposure prophylaxis.
- PND - post nasal drip .
- post - posterior.
- P/A - posterior/anterior.
- P.P., PP - postpartum.
- PP - postprandial.
- PPBS - Postprandial Blood Sugar.
- K, K+ - potassium.
- KCL - potassium chloride.
- KOH - Potassium hydroxide.
- PK test - Prausnitz-kűstner test.
- PIH - Pregnancy Induced Hypertension.
- Pg, preg - pregnancy, pregnant.
- PTEM - Pregnancy Test Education Materials.
- PROM - Premature Rupture of Membranes.
- PMT - premenstrual tension.
- PN - prenatal.
- PPW - pre-pregnancy weight.
- Rx - prescription.
- PI - present illness.
- PE - Presumptive Eligibility.
- PM - Preventative Medicine.
- prev - prevention, preventive, previous.
- PMP - previous menstrual period.
- PCP - Primary Care Physician.
- primip - primipara.
- PMD - private medical doctor.
- prob - probable, problem.
- POPs - Progestin-only contraceptive pills.
- Px - prognosis.
- progr - progress.
- PA - Propionic Acidemia .
- PSA - Prostrate specific antigen.
- PI - Protease inhibitors.
- Prot - protein.
- PBI - Protein bound iodine.
- PEM - Protein Energy Malnutrition.
- proTime, PT - Prothrombin time.
- prox - proximal.
- psy, psych - psychiatry, psychology.
- PHN - Public Health Nurse.
- pul, pulm - pulmonary.
- PE - pulmonary embolism.
- P - pulse.
- P & R - pulse and respiration.
- PERL - pupils equal and react to light.
- PERRLA - pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation.
- PERRL - pupils equally round and reactive to light.
- PCEC - purified chick embryo cell.
- PPD - purified protein derivative (tuberculin).
- PZA - Pyrazinamide.
- Vitamin B6, B6 - Pyridoxine.
- quad - quadrant.
- QC - quality control.
- QIS - Quality Improvement Section .
- QFT-GIT - QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube test® .
- quant - quantitative.
- QNS - quantity not sufficient.
- qs - quantity sufficient.
- QRNG - Quinolone-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
- RIG - Rabies Immune globulin.
- RVA - Rabies vaccine, adsorbed.
- Ra - radium.
- ROM - range of motion, rupture of membranes.
- REM - rapid eye movement.
- RPR - Rapid plasma reagent (test), Rapid Plasma Regain.
- R, r - rate.
- R&R - rate and rhythm.
- react - reaction.
- RTF - ready to feed.
- recc - recommendation.
- RDA - recommended dietary allowance.
- RVVC - Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis.
- RBC - red blood cells.
- refl - reflex.
- RMA - refuse(s) medical assistance.
- RD - Registered Dietician.
- RN - Registered Nurse.
- RT - Registered Therapist.
- RRR - regular rate and rhythm.
- RR - respiratory rate.
- rel - related, relative.
- r/t - related to.
- ROI - release of information.
- RVCT - Report of Verified Case Tuberculosis.
- res - residue.
- R - Respiration.
- RDS - Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
- resc - resuscitation.
- rtc, RTC - return to clinic.
- rev - reverse, review.
- ROS - review of systems.
- Rh - Rhesus (blood factor).
- Vitamin B2, B2 - riboflavin.
- RNA - Ribonucleic acid.
- RFB - rifabutin.
- RIF - rifampin.
- RPT - Rifapentine.
- D, R, rt - right.
- RA - right arm.
- RD - right deltoid.
- RE - right eye.
- RL - right leg.
- RLL - right lower lobe.
- R-L, R/L - right to left.
- RUL - right upper leg.
- RUL - right upper lobe.
- RM - risk management.
- RMSF - Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
- X-ray - roentgenogram.
- R/O, r/o - rule out.
- rupt - rupture.
S-T[edit | edit source]
- SA - Salicylic acid.
- SP - Sanofi Pasteur.
- SAQ - Saquinavir.
- sci - science.
- SAVE - screen, ask, validate, evaluate/educate.
- sec, 2˚ - second, secondary.
- SHS - second hand smoke.
- Sz - seizure.
- SBE - self breast examination.
- SMBG - self monitoring blood glucose.
- STE - self testicular exam.
- sens - sensitivity.
- seq - sequence.
- STS - Serologic Test for Syphilis.
- SOM - Serous Otitis Media.
- SGOT - Serum glutamicoxaloacetic transaminase.
- SARS - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
- SCID - Severe Combined Immunodeficiency.
- SA - sexual assault.
- SAFE - Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Exam.
- SANE - Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner.
- SMR - Sexual Maturity Rating.
- STI - Sexually Transmissible Infection.
- STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease.
- SCAD - Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency .
- SOB - shortness of breath.
- SOBE - shortness of breath on exertion.
- shld - shoulder.
- sib - sibling.
- AS, A/S - sickle cell trait.
- HbS - sickle-cell hemoglobin.
- S/E - side effects.
- sig - signal.
- sign. - signature.
- S/S - signs and symptoms.
- AgNO3 - Silver Nitrate.
- simul - simultaneously.
- sl - slight.
- sm - small.
- SFD - small for dates.
- SGA - small for gestational age.
- SH - social history.
- SW - social worker.
- Na - sodium.
- NaHCO3 - Sodium Bicarbonate.
- NaCl - Sodium chloride.
- S - son.
- SNTC - South Eastern National Tuberculosis Center .
- sp - space.
- sp gr - specific gravity.
- spec - specimen.
- spont - spontaneous.
- SAB, spon AB - Spontaneous abortion.
- SIL - Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions.
- SOC - standard of care.
- SOP - standard operating procedures.
- staph - staphylococcus.
- s/p - status post.
- d4t - Stavudine.
- SAID - Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs.
- stb - stillborn.
- stim - stimulation.
- st - straight.
- SNS - Strategic National Stockpike.
- strep - streptococcus.
- SM - streptomycin.
- struct - structure.
- STAR - Study of Tamixofen and Raloxifene.
- SQ, subcu, SC - subcutaneous, subcutaneously.
- SOAP - Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan.
- subst - substance.
- SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
- SO4 - sulfate.
- S - sulfur.
- H2SO4 - sulfuric acid.
- SPF - sunlight protection factor.
- supr - superior, supervision.
- surg, Sx - surgery.
- sym - symmetrical.
- Sx, symp - symptoms.
- syn - syndrome.
- synth - synthetic.
- syph - syphilis.
- syr - syringe.
- tab - tablet.
- tachy - Tachycardia.
- TST - TB skin test.
- t.c. - telephone call.
- TO - telephone order.
- T - temperature.
- TPR - temperature, Pulse, Respiration.
- TBLC - term birth, live child.
- term - terminal.
- TAT - Tetanus antitoxin.
- TIG - Tetanus immune globulin.
- TT - Tetanus toxoid.
- TC - Tetracycline .
- id - the same.
- TAB - therapeutic abortion.
- TLC - therapeutic lifestyle changes.
- ther - therapeutic, therapy.
- Vitamin B1, B1 - Thiamin.
- fem - thigh.
- tid - three times a day.
- tin - three times a night.
- tiwk - three times a week.
- per - through.
- TSH - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.
- T4 - Thyroxine.
- tds - to be taken 3x a day.
- tol - tolerance, tolerate.
- TNTC - too numerous to count.
- TSS - Toxic Shock Syndrome.
- tox - toxic, toxicity, toxicology.
- TE - Toxoplasmic encephalitis.
- TORCH - Toxoplasmosis, Other, Rubella, Cytomeglovirus, Herpes simplex (titer).
- trach - trachea, tracheotomy.
- TZ - Transformation Zone.
- TIA - Transient Ischemic Attack.
- trans - transverse.
- tr, Tr, Treat, Tx - treatment.
- TCA - Trichloroacetic acid.
- Trich - Trichomonas.
- Trig - Triglycerides.
- TL - tubal ligation.
- TB - Tubercle Bacillus.
- TU - Tuberculin Units.
- TB - Tuberculosis.
- b - twice.
- bd, bid - twice a day.
- bi-wk - twice a week.
- TM - Tympanic Membrane.
- TYR-3 - Tyrosinemia type-III.
- ult - ultimate.
- U/S, US - ultrasound.
- UVGI - ultraviolet germicidal irradiation.
- umb - umbilical, umbilicus.
- UC - unchanged.
- unilat. - unilateral.
- unk - unknown.
- UTD - up to date.
- U/L - upper and lower.
- MAX - upper arch of the jaw.
- UGI - upper gastrointestinal.
- UR - upper respiratory.
- URI - upper respiratory infection.
- URTI - upper respiratory tract infection.
- URQ - upper right quadrant.
- UA, U/A - urinalysis.
- UCG - urinary chorionic gonadotropin.
- UOP - urinary output.
- UTI - urinary tract infection.
- U, ur - urine.
- UG - urogenital.
- VA - vaccine administrator.
- VAERS - Vaccine Adverse Reporting System.
- VFC - Vaccines for Children.
- VIS - Vaccine Information Sheet or Statements.
- VIG - Vaccinia Immune Glogulin.
- vag - vagina, vaginal.
- VBAC - vaginal birth after delivery.
- VCF - vaginal contraceptive film.
- Vag Hyst - vaginal hysterectomy.
- val - valve.
- var - variation, variety.
- VZV - Varicella zoster Virus.
- VZIG - Varicella-zoster Immune Globulin.
- vasc - vascular.
- VDRL - Venereal Disease Research Laboratory Non-treponemal test for Syphilis.
- VP - venipuncture.
- VTE - Venous Thromboembolism.
- VSD - Ventricular Septal defect.
- VLRA - Verbal Lead Risk Assessment.
- VO - verbal order.
- VOC - verification of certification.
- VBW - vertical bitewings.
- VHDL - very high density lipoprotein.
- VLCAD - Very Long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency .
- VLBW - very low birth weight.
- VLDL - very low density lipoprotein.
- VINE - Victims Identification and Notification Everyday .
- vis - vision.
- VS, V/S, v/s - vital signs.
- VP - Voucher Pick-up.
- VVC - Vulvovaginal candidiasis.
W-Z[edit | edit source]
- w/d - warm and dry.
- WPD - warm, pink, dry (skin signs).
- WD - well developed.
- WD/WN - well developed, well nourished.
- WN, w/n - well nourished.
- WB - Western blot.
- WM - wet mount.
- wh - white.
- WBC - white blood cells, white blood count.
- W/F, wf - white female.
- W/M, wm - white male.
- WICFI - WIC Food Instruments (WIC abbreviation).
- c, w, w/ - with.
- WNL or wnl - within normal limits.
- in utero - within the uterus.
- ŝ, w/o - without.
- para - woman who has given birth.
- WIC - Women, Infants, & Children.
- WHNP - Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner.
- w/u - work up.
- wd - wound.
- Z - zero.
- ZDV - Zidovudine.
- Zn - zinc.
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