American Medical Association

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

The American Medical Association (AMA) is a professional organization founded in 1847 to represent and support physicians in the United States. Its mission revolves around promoting the art and science of medicine while working to enhance public health. Over its long history, the AMA has played a significant role in the standardization of medical practices, medical ethics, and healthcare reform.

AMA logo

History[edit | edit source]

The AMA was established in 1847 following a meeting in Philadelphia, where physicians from around the U.S. converged to address the lack of standardized medical practices and education. Over the years, the association grew in stature and influence, engaging in a myriad of medical, ethical, and public health issues.

Roles and Responsibilities[edit | edit source]

Secretariat of the NUCC[edit | edit source]

The AMA functions as the Secretariat of the National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC). This committee has a consultative role under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and works toward the goal of standardizing data content for health care claims.

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)[edit | edit source]

One of the AMA's notable contributions to the medical field is the development and maintenance of the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT). This medical code set is essential in the healthcare system for reporting medical procedures and services under public and private health insurance. The CPT code set provides a uniform language for these services and is updated annually to ensure it stays relevant and accurate.

Advocacy and Policy[edit | edit source]

The AMA actively lobbies for medical issues and plays a significant role in the formation of health policies. The organization represents physicians' voices in the legislative process and seeks to influence policies that impact both the medical profession and public health.

Membership[edit | edit source]

The AMA's membership encompasses a broad spectrum of physicians, medical students, and retired physicians from diverse specialties. The association provides its members with resources, advocacy, and opportunities for professional growth.

Controversies and Criticisms[edit | edit source]

Throughout its history, the AMA has been at the center of several controversies, primarily revolving around its stance on various healthcare reforms and policies. Critics argue that, at times, the association's positions might be influenced more by protecting physicians' interests than by advancing public health. Nonetheless, the AMA remains a significant voice in the medical community.

See Also[edit | edit source]

American Medical Association Resources

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD