Asters Notes II
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USMLE step 3 CCS cases list[edit source]
Other step 3 CCS resources[edit source]
Part II of Asters Notes for USMLE step 3
Buckman's 6 steps of Breaking Bad News
1. Getting started
2. find out how much the pt. knows
3. find out how much the pt. wants to know
4. share the info. a) Give Warning Shot
5. respond to pt.'s feelings
6. Plan F/U - give hope.
Aster's Notes 48 of 111[edit | edit source]
Skew: depends on direction of tail (not hump)
± 1 SD 68%
± 2 SD 95%
± 3 SD 99.7%
To increase power of a test: inrease sample size
Nominal or Ordinal Data:
Non-parametric Tests [Chi Square]
Interval or Ratio Data:
Parametric Tests [T-test, Z-test, F-test]
Correlation coefficient
Ordinal Data: Spearman Rank Order
Interval or Ratio Data: Pearson product-moment
r=correlation coeeficient
r 2 (square)=coefficient of determination
(proportion of variation in one variable explained by variation in other)
Causality is only proven by properly conducted experimental studies
A test can only be 100% sensitive and specific if there is no overlap between
measurements in normal and diseased states
Higher the prevalence of a disease:
Higher the PPV of a (+) test
Lower the NPV of a (-) test
Untreated apendicitis in young female can cause infertility (peritoneal adhesions)
Appendiceal abscess: delay
Sx till inflammation has subsided
[the acute process has been walled off]
Cholangitis (ass. with CBD stones):
ERCP with Sphincterotomy + Lap Chole.
Skin Suture: cutting needle.
Aster's Notes 49 of 111[edit | edit source]
Deeper Layer Suture: Taper Needle
Ingrown Toe Nail
first episode:
antibiotics, elevation of edge -> wedge resection
Nail Removal
Anal Fissure: Local Steroid Cream / Sitz Bath
Anaesthetic of choice for skin lesion removal: Lidocaine + Adrenaline
(No Adrenaline for fingers and nails)
- 1 type of breast Ca.: Infiltrating Ductal Ca. (80%)
Mx of Fibrocystic Disease: Low Dose OCP
Mx of Fibroadenoma: Biopsy (Excisional)
Danger Signs in Chronic Low Back Pain
- Bowel or Bladder dysfunction
- Impotence
- Ankle clonus
- Weight Loss
- Lymph Node enlargement
- Buttock claudication
- New Onset in age > 50 y
No imaging for routine chronic low back pain
Mx of Chronic LBP:
TCA's have the best cost/benefit ratio
[Muscle relaxants and NSAIDs have low effectiveness]
Dx of Childhood PCKD: > 2 cysts in EITHER Kidney
Dx of Adult PCKD: > 5 cysts in EACH Kidney
C/I to thrombolysis
- Sx < 2 weeks
- Unconrolled HTN
- Aortic Dissection
- h/o CVA / 'aic stroke / CNS tumor / AVM
- prolonged traumatic CPR
- allergy to thrombolytic agents.
Aster's Notes 50 of 111[edit | edit source]
- pregnancy
Risk Stratification in Unstable Angina
(Outpt.) Low - Onset < 2 weeks
(Telemetry) Medium - Onset < 2 weeks, Pain > 20 minutes but resolved @ present
(CCU) High - Rest Pain > 20 minutes and not resolved @ present
(CHF / Pulm. Edema / ST changes / Mitral Regurg.)
1 st episode of syncope / low risk of heart disease:
Emperical Rx for IE:
Nafcillin + Ampi + Genta
(add Rifampin for Prosthetic Valve)
IE prophylaxis not reqd. for:
1. small ASD of secundum type
2.MVP without Mitral Regurg.
Acute Asthma:
Give Albuterol, O2, steroids -> assess response (PEFR, O2 sat.)
Good Response
PEFR > 80% of best (discharge with â-agonist)
Moderate Response
PEFR 60-80% of best
(hospitalize and continue medications, O2)
Poor Response
PEFR < 50% of best
(ICU admission)
(prepare for Intubation if silent chest, altered sensorium, respiratory failure)
Chronic Asthma
Mild Intermittent:
<2/week, nocturnal symp. < 2/month
(Inh â 2 -agonist)
Mild Persistent:
>2/week, nocturnal symp. >2/month
(Inh â 2 -agonist + Anti-LT)
Moderate Persistent:
Daily, PF 60-80%
(Inh â 2 -agonist + Inh. Steroids/Inh. long acting â 2 -agonist).Aster's USMLE Step3 Notes
Aster's Notes 51 of 111[edit | edit source]
Severe Persistent:
Continuous, PF<60%
(Inh â 2 -agonist + Inh. Steroids + Inh. long acting â 2 / Anti LT)
SPN: Conservative Mx
Age < 45, nonsmoker, no inrease in size, size < 4cm
ŒEmollients / Keratolytics / Corticosteroids
ŒTar / Calcipotriol / Anthracin
ŒMethotraxeate / Cyclosporin
Rx of Onychomycosis: PO Terbinafine
Acute Mastoiditis develops 2-3 w after acute otitis
Mx: Ceftriaxone / Sx drainage
Acute Bacterial Sinusitis: Pneumococcus
Chronic Bacterial Sinusitis: S. aureus
most serious form of sinusitis: FRONTAL sinusitis
d/o/c for Alzheimer's :
DONEPEZIL (OD dosing, no liver toxicity)
Upper Lips: BCC > SCC
Lower Lips: SCC > BCC
RCA stenosis: Saphenous grafts
Anterior Duodenal Ulcers: Perforation
Posterior Duodenal Ulcers: Bleeding
Acute Meseteric Ischemia: Embolization
Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia: Atherosclerosis.
Aster's Notes 52 of 111[edit | edit source]
Carcioid: Appendix > Ileal
(Ileal have higher chances of metastasis)
- 1 GI malignancy: HCC (not colorectal Ca.)
- 1 Liver neoplasm: Cavernous hemangioma
- 1 Breast Lesion: Fibrocystic Disease
- 1 Breast Malig.: Infiltrating Ductal Ca.
Indications for Hormonal Therapy for Breast Ca.
- Postmenopausal
- Nodes --
ER +
Aortic Aneurysms
Type A: Sx
Type B: Sx if > 6 cm
Sx if > 5cm
- 1 Congenital Heart Disease: VSD
- 1 Cyanotic Heart Disease: TOF
ASD: Fixed Splitting of S2
Biliary Atresia:
Jaundice @ 2 wks of life, dark urine & acholic stools
Rx: Surgery (Roux-en-y portoenterostomy)
Neck Injuries:
Zone I : Arteriography -> Sx
Zone II : Sx
Zone III : Arteriography -> Sx
Mortality in Burns = Age + % BSA
1 st degree: Leave Open
2 nd degree: Clean,Sulfadiazine,nonadhesive dressing
3 rd degree: Escharotomy + Skin Grafting
Sprain: Ligament Pull.
Aster's Notes 53 of 111[edit | edit source]
Strain: Muscle Pull
- Neck Humerus: Axillary Nerve Damage
- Shaft Humerus: Radial Nerve Damage
Quick Neuro Exam
Responds to Verbal Stimulus
Responds to Pain
O 2 , 2 large bore IV lines, IV fluids, EKG
- 100 mg Thiamine
- 1 amp 50% Dextrose
- 0.4 mg Naloxone
C/I to Foley's Catheter: (do retrograde urethrogram)
1. Blood at tip of urethral meatus
2. Perineal Eccymoses
Abdo. Trauma
- 1 Injury in Blunt Trauma: Spleen
- 1 Injury in Penetrating Trauma: Small Bowel
Indications for Exploratory Laparatomy in Abdo. trauma
1. Shock with Abdo. Injury
2. Pneumoperitoneum
3. Gunshot
4. (+) DPL
- Blood
- RBC > 100,000/mL
- WBC > 500/mL
- Food
- Bile
- Bacteria
Referral for Burns
- 3 rd degree burns > 10% BSA, < 10 y, > 50 y
- 2 nd degree burns > 20% BSA
- Electrical burns / Chemical burns.
Aster's Notes 54 of 111[edit | edit source]
- Inhalation Injury
- Perineal burns
- Radiation burns
- 1 symptom of Parkinsonism: Tremor (Resting)
Benign Essential Tremor
ŒIntention Tremor
ŒHead Nodding
Œtemporary decrease with alcohol intake
S. pneumoniae: Rx - Macrolide or newer Quinolone (Levofloxacin / Gatifloxacin)
Majority of elderly patients with sepsis:
URINARY TRACT is the culprit
- 1 cause of death in hospitalized elderly: UTI
- 1 cause of death in institutionalized pts.: Bacterial Pneumonia
- 1 cause of Urinary Incontinence: Urge Incontinence
Clean pressure ulcers with Normal Saline
(avoid Povidone-Iodine, Hydrogen Peroxide etc.)
Unimmunized with infected wounds
3 TT + 1 ATS
Stroke mortality is higher in WHITES than in BLACKS
indications for pneumococcal vaccine
1. Splenectomy
2. Sickle Cell
3. > 65 y
4. Chr. Cardio / Pulmonary / Renal Disease
4. Hodgkin's Disease
Continued Gastric Lavage for : PCP overdose
- 1 Foods causing angioedema: Nuts / Seafood
- 1 Drug causing allergy: Aspirin
Electronic Fetal Monitoring & Intermittent Auscultation of Fetal Heart have similar
Aster's Notes 55 of 111[edit | edit source]
NST (Non-stress Test)
> 2 accelerations (in 20 minutes)
15 bpm lasting > 15 sec
>= 3 consecutive late decelerations in 10 minutes
< 20w. POG with HTN: Essential HTN
(not PIH or pre-eclampsia)
Bed Rest / (L) lateral position /
pharmacotherapy [á-methyldopa / labetalol]
- 1 indicator of perinatal outcome in IUGR is:
presence of vertical pocket of Amniotic Fl > 3 cm
0-8 weeks : Embryo
8w-term : Fetus
0-14 weeks: 1 st Trimester [Routine Ix]
14-28 weeks: 2 nd Trimester [GDM Screen]
28-40 weeks: 3 rd Trimester [GBS Culture]
<24 weeks: Previable
24-27 weeks: Preterm
37-42 weeks: Term
> 42 weeks: Post-term
Cervical Incompetence:
- Cerclage @ 12-14 weeks, till 36-38 weeks POG
Bishop Score:
<= 5: Prime (with Prostaglandins)
> 8: Induce Labor
- 1 cause of PPH: Uterine Atony
Preterm ROM: @ < 37 weeks POG.
Aster's Notes 56 of 111[edit | edit source]
Premature ROM: > 1 hr before onset of labor
Prolonged ROM: > 18 hours before onset of Labor (Mx: Antibiotics)
Mastitis in breasftfeeding:
continue breastfeeding, Cloxacillin
Early Breast Milk Jaundice
ŒExaggerated Physiological Jaundice
ŒOnset < 4 days of life
Late Breast Milk Jaundice
ŒBreast Milk Jaundice
ŒOnset 4-14 days
Œcompetitive inhibition of glucuronyl ransferase by nonesterified long chain fatty acids in
reast milk
ŒMx: Stop breastfeeding for 2-3 days /
Give Formula Milk [Jaundice comes down quickly] -> Resume Breastfeeding
Any jaundice @ Birth is PATHOLOGICAL
Success of Contraceptives
Norplant > OCPs > Barrier
Norplant: quick return to fertility
DMPA: 18 months for fertility to return
Complete Mole:
Diploid; 46, XX; has higher malignant potential
Kernicterus never occurs with:
Œphysiological jaundice
Œexaggerated physiological jaundice
Œbreast milk jaundice
Features of Pathological Jaundice:
Œpresent @ birth
Œincrease in bili. > 5 mg/dL/day on first day
ŒBili. >12 mg/dL [term] or Bili. >14mg/dL [preterm]
Œpersists > 1 week of life
ŒConjugated Bili. > 1 mg/dL @ any time.
Aster's Notes 57 of 111[edit | edit source]
Wessel Criteria for Infantile Colic
Unexplained Crying:
Œ> 3 hr/day,> 3 d/week, > 3 weeks, 3 m old child
ŒDo Urinanalysis
ŒNo treatment necessary
ŒBottle-fed infants have higher incidence
ŒDicyclomine: risk of apnea
After a feed, allow "burping" and lay the child on
(R) side of abdomen
Introduce Solid Foods @ 6 months age
Vaginal pH < 4.5: Candida
Vaginal pH > 4.5: Bacterial Vaginosis
Transfusion Reactions
Fever: Leukoagglutination (donor WBCs)
Mx: acetaminophen
Anaphylaxis (donor proteins,severe in IgA-deficiency)
Mx: Epinephrine, Steroids
Hemolysis (ABO mismatch)
Mx: stop transfusion, hydration & diuresis
Familial Short Stature: NORMAL BONE AGE
Constitutional Delay: DELAYED BONE AGE
Short Stature with Webbed Neck is seen both in Turner's (XO) & Noonan's (normal
Sex chromosomes)
Budesonide has proven to be beneficial in Croup (along with racemized epinephrine)
Rx of choice for AOM in primary practice:
Amox ===> Cefaclor (if no response to Amox)
Transmission of Common Cold:
Indirect Spread is more important than Aerosol spread
Absolutely no antibiotics in common cold
(even if patient demands it!).
Aster's Notes 58 of 111[edit | edit source]
Erysipelas: Gp. A â-hemolytic Srep.
Impetigo: Staph. or Strep. [Bullous - Staph.]
Coxsackie A16: Hand Foot Mouth Disease
Pitryasis rosea: Herald Patch
2 wks: GBS
2 wks - 4 m: Chlamydia trachomatis
- 1 Bacterial: Strep. pneumoniae
4 months - 4 years: Mycoplasma pneumoniae
- 1 Bacterial: Strep. pneumoniae
> 4 years: VIRAL
- 1 bacterial: Strep. pneumoniae
Antibiotic Rx of Occult Bacteremia
does not decrease the occurence of meningitis
Yersenia entercolitica: can mimic acute appendicitis (no Rx necessary - self limiting)
ROTAVIRUS G/E is preceded by URI symptoms
Rec. Abdo. Pain Syndrome
- 10% prevalence
- school phobia
- no organic signs
- no Rx necessary
Growing Pains
- B/L deep pains
- can awaken child from sleep
Mx: exercize program
Œoverweight and sedentary "teenage" BOY
ŒGroin Pain/ Knee Pain
Dx: X-Ray
Mx: Surgical fixation.
Aster's Notes 59 of 111[edit | edit source]
ŒAvascular necrosis of femoral head
Œhip pain or referred knee pain
(knee is NOT TENDER to palpation)
Osgood Schlatter
Œtenderness over tibial tubercle
Œaggraveated by activity
Œoccurs in pysically actve males around puberty
Mx: Limit activity, NSAIDs;
(if severe) Knee immobilization splint
Teenager with knee pain aggravated by climbing stairs: Patellofemoral Syndrome
Child with Limp / Hip Pain
- preceded by URI
- Fever (+)
- normal ESR
TOXIC SYNOVITIS [Sterile Hip Effusion]
Foot dorsiflexes easily
banana shaped sole: Congenital calcaneovalgus
kidney bean shaped sole: Metatarsus adductus
patella points forward: Internal Tibial Torsion
patella points medially: Excessive Femoral Anteversion (#1 cause of intoeing in
CTEV: inability to dorsiflex
Mx: progressive serial casts,
posteromedial release of heel cord
- 1 substance of abuse: Alcohol
Nocturnal Enuresis
Œ> 4 years
Œmajority of children do NOT have any physical or psychiatric disorder
ŒMx: Behavioral modification
Bell / Buzzer system
d/o/c: dDAVP (no longer IMIPRAMINE).
Aster's Notes 60 of 111[edit | edit source]
Encopresis: > 4 y.
Enuresis: > 5 y.
Allergic Rhinitis:
ŒHyperemic Nasal Mucosa
ŒClear Discharge
ŒBluish-purple rings around eyes (SHINERS)
ŒIx: Nasal smear for Eosinophils
ŒMx: elimination / inra-nasal corticosteroids
Child with rash on introduction of "whole milk":
Atopic Dermatitis
Mx: Cow Milk ----> Formula Milk ----> Soy Milk
(Cow milk allergic might show allergy to soy milk, too)
Diaper Rash
ŒCandidal: Satellite lesions
ŒPrimary Irritant Dermatitis:
maceration with sparing of henitocrural folds
(Mx: frequent changing, washing,
no occlusive plastic pants, ZINC OXIDE,
Innocent Murmur in Children
Œprevalence: 50%
Œaccentuated by sitting, anxiety, fever, tachycardia
Œmid to low sternal border
Œno thrill
Œvibratory or musical in quality
[Still's Murmur]
Common Cold: Steam Inhalation provides superior relief of nasal congestion cf.
£Decongestants (sympathomimetics) :
can cause CNS overstimulation
£Cough Suppressants (Dextromethorphan) :
can cause respiratory depression in children
- 1 complication of sickle cell disease
Painless Hematuria (Paillary Necrosis).
Aster's Notes 61 of 111[edit | edit source]
Priapism in Sickle Cell Disease
> 6 hrs. : Hospitalize
no effect on future erectile function
may respond to Nifedipine / NTG
Complications of Sickle Cell Disease
- Hemolytic Crisis
- Vaso-occlusive crisis
- Aplastic Crisis
- Splenic sequestration crisis
- Renal Papillary Necrosis
- LOwer extremity skin ulcers
- Proliferative retinopathy
Mx of HbS disease
ŒPneumococcal vaccination
ŒFOLATE supplementation
ŒProphylactic antibiotics (Penicillin till age 5)
ŒNarcotic analgesia for pain crisis
ŒCVA: Exchange transfusion
ŒPainless Massive Hematuria: e-ACA
ŒHydroxyUrea for frequent vaso-occlusive crisis
ŒBone Marrow Transplantation
(Age < 16, availability of Bone Marrow Donor)
STROKE / TIA in Sickle cell disease is an indication for exchange transfusion to keep
the HbS < 50%
HbS disease 'per se' can lead to restrictive lung disease -> hypoxemia -> increased
sickling tendency
Avoid use of MEPERIDINE in severe chronic pain (short T1/2)
Malignant Hyperthermia:
Symp. AORTIC STENOSIS: high perioperative risk
In preop pts. with A. Fib. : achieve rate control
In preop pts. on Diuretics : Get Electrolyte Levels.
Aster's Notes 62 of 111[edit | edit source]
Avoid elective surgery in patients with
significant hepatic dysfunction
Indications for Intra-op Insulin
- IDDM : any surgical procedure
- NIDDM on Insulin : any surgical procedure
- NIDDM on OHA : major surgical procedure
Prophylactic preop antibiotics only decrease the incidence of wound infection
(no effect on postop pneumonia, UTI, sepsis) : CEFAZOLIN is a good choice
elderly with repeated falls with dementia / seizures:
look for chronic SDH
stool impaction can cause urinary incontinence
Breast Cancer with BRCA1 gene: Better prognosis
Breast Cancer with HER2/neu gene: POOR prognosis
Kaposi's: HHV8 (Male Homosexuals)
Cyclophosphamide: Mesna
Methotrexate: Leucovorin
Cisplatin: Amifostine
Doxorubicin: Dexrazoxane
Mx of chemotherapy induced dry mouth:
Pilocarpine Hcl 5-10 mg PO TDS
Assessment of Doxorubicin toxicity: MUGA scan
requires antibiotic prophylaxis for G(-) / fungus
Competent individuals @ the end of life have right to refuse nutrition and hydration
Cutaneous absorption of drugs is 3 times more in children than in adults
Topical drugs c/i in pregnancy
1. Podophyllin
2. Isotretinoin
3. Lindane.
Aster's Notes 63 of 111[edit | edit source]
most appropriate initial investigation in â-Thalassemia: CBC with red cell indices
SLE: decreased C3/C4
Dumping Syndrome post-Bilroth II
- Dietary modification
- Octrotide
- (fails) Bilroth I conversion
75%-95% of AAAs are infra-renal
- Dx: U/S abdo.
Food poisoning: < 6 hrs. after food intake
- S. aureus (mayonnaise / salad dressing)
- B. cereus (fried rice)
> 16 hours / poultry consumption: C. jejuni
Carbamazepine intoxication
- QRS prolongation : predisposes to
- QT lengthening
Defib. followed by pulseless electrical activity
- Hypovolemia
- Hypoxia
- cardiac tamponade
- pneumothorax
- massive pulmonary embolism
- drug toxicity
- hyperkalemia
- acidosis
- massive MI
Coarctation of aorta is associated with
Bicuspid aortic valve in 70% cases.
Aster's Notes 64 of 111[edit | edit source]
- 1 cause of GI h'age following AAA repair is:
Colonic Ischemia (not stress gastritis)
Early onset wound infections: Strep / Clostridium
Visuospatial: Alzheimer's
Gait disturbance / Urinary Incontinence: NPH
Delayed DTR: Hypothyroidism
Myoclonus: CJD (Creutzfeld Jacob Disease)
Alzheimer's with agitation: use HALOPERIDOL
(not BZDs -> they can aggravte agitation)
Testicular tumors
Œ#1 seminoma
Œincreased incidence in cryptorchidism
Œmetastatize to retroperitoneal nodes
Œinguinal nodes involved only with scrotal spread
ŒChildren: Embyonal Cell Ca.
ŒAdults: Seminoma
Œ> 50 y: Lymphoma
ŒDx: Testicular Ultrasound (no BIOPSY)
Mx: Inguinal exploration & cross clamping of cord
& Orchiectomy
Œincreased tidal volume
Œdecreased BP (decreased TPR – progesterone)
ŒHb decreases (dilutional effect)
TV U/S > sensitive cf. Abdo. Scan for ectopic preg.
Fat Embolism: associated with Eosinophilia & Lipiduria
Shoulder Pain
Rotator Cuff Injury:
best elicited by positioning of the reater tubercle of humerus beneath acromion
Subacromion bursitis:
elicited by palpation over deltoid
Biceps tendinitis:
aggravated by flexion or supination of elbow
Acromioclavicular arthritis:.
Aster's Notes 65 of 111[edit | edit source]
elicited by crossed arm adduction against resistance
at admn. @ 48 hours
Age > 55 Fall in Hct > 10%
WBC > 16000 Fluid deficit > 6L
Bl. Glu > 200 S. Ca ++ < 8.0
LDH > 350 PaO 2 < 60 mmHg
AST > 250 BUN increase > 5 mg/dL
Base deficit > 4 mEq/L
Rx of sigmoid volvulus: Sigmoidoscopy
(Sx required if s'copy fails)
Hemodialysis in CRF
ŒUnresponsive Volume Overload
AIDS Chemoprophylaxis
CD4 < 200: PCP
CD4 < 100: Cryptococcus
CD4 < 50: MAIC
Cryptococcal Meningitis: very high CSF pressure
(serial lumbar punctures may be warranted)
- 1 cause of inracranial mass lesions:
Metastasis (not primary brain tumor)
- 1 benign liver neoplasm:
HEMANGIOMA (not Hepatic Adenoma)
Propylthiouracil: can cause agranulocytosis
smoking is a relative c.i. to OCPs - not absolute
- 1 cause for osteomyelitis: S. aureus
Bed Rest has no proven benefit in chronic low back pain & threatened abortion.
Aster's Notes 66 of 111[edit | edit source]
Significant Hematuria: > RBCs/HPF
Significant Pyuria: > 10 WBCs/HPF
increased PEEP causing hypotension/hypoxemia -> consider pneumothorax
Confirm erythema nodosum by SKIN BIOPSY (Conservative Mx) -> Steroids for
persistent Pain
Change in Antipsychotics should be done
within 2-4 weeks, if no desired effect
Ice should not be applied on snake bite site ->
can delay efflux of venom by causing vasoconstriction
Severity of AS: late peaking murmur & delayed and weak carotid upstroke
Hymenoptera anivenom is not available
Even after treating anaphylaxis with S/Q Epinephrine -> monitor patient in ED
(patient is not risk-free, complications can develop)
- 1 cause of fever in AIDS, without overt symptoms: MAC (Rx Ethambutol +
- 1 cause of Seizures in AIDS: TOXOPLASMOSIS
- 1 cause of dysphagia in AIDS:
Candidal Esophagitis
Suspected child abuse:
inform child protective services
(Hospitalize only if child's conition requires it)
ITP : improvement with splenectomy but platelet counts falls again (Ix:
radionuclide spleen scan for splenic remnant)
HSP: usually remits in 1 week (Mx is conservative) - Leukocytoclastic vasculitis
- 1 cause of hematuria after URI: IgA nephropathy
ABI < 0.4 - sever vaso-occlusive disease
Mx: surgical revascularization.
Aster's Notes 67 of 111[edit | edit source]
Oliguria in hospitalized pt. -> assess pulmonary wedge pressure (to diff. hypovolemia
and ATN)
Fibrinogen is the most abundant acute phase reactant (responsible for increased ESR)
Age, Myeloma, Macroglobulinemia, Hypoalbuminemia increase ESR
Number-needed-to-screen is reciprocal of absolute risk reduction
Celiac Sprue: dermatitis herpetiformis Mx: Dapsone
Localization of extra-adrenal phaeo: MIBG scan
suspected phaeo
1.catecholamine levels
2.if levels elevated, Imaging
(imaging, done first, will lead to detection of incidental adrenal masses – high
Preop prep in Phaeo
full á blockade followed by â blockade (not vice versa)
Antidote for Mg toxicity is Calcium Gluconate
Mild pre-eclampsia: Bed Rest and Monitoring
Severe pre-eclampsia: Hospitalization,
Control of HTN, MgSO4 infusion
Dx of Hemachromatosis (Gold Standard):
Hepatic Iron Index (not HFE Gene analysis)
- 1 cause of TEN : Adverse Drug Reaction
Rapid Correction on HypoNa: CPM
Frozen shoulder = adhesive capsulitis
takes months to regain full function
(steroid injections can hasten recovery)
Orchiopexy in Cryptorchidism @ 1 year age
Orchiopexy deceases the proportion of seminomatous malignancies - but total risk of
malignancy stays the same.
Aster's Notes 68 of 111[edit | edit source]
Urine dipstick only detects albumin,
24 urinary protein assessment detecs all proteins
(Myeloma light chains will not be detected by dipstick)
Bone scan has no role in lytic lesions of myeloma
Hypotension in Meningococcemia:
Waterhouse-Frederrikson syndrome
Macrolide antibiotics prolong QT interval:
Sinusitis / Bronchiectasis / Infertility / Situs inversus
Disulfiram : slow excretion from the ody. Adverse reactions can occur even 1-2 weeks
after cessation of therapy. Disulfiram is not an option for long term alcohol abstinence
Statin therapy: monitor LFTs regularly
(CPK only if rhabdmyolysis is suspected)
Intravascular Catheter related infection :
Staph. epidermidis / S. aureus
(use Vancomycin, cultures pending)
Arterial Clots: Anti-PL antibody
Venous Clots: #1 inh. cause: Factor V Leyden
Postcoital contraception: is not 100% effective
(Progestin-only Pills are safer than OCPs)
HIRUDIN: is a direct thrombin inhibitor approved for use in pts. with Heparin-induced
Pulmonary Embolism: CXR is usally NORMAL
- 1 finding on EKG: Sinus Tachycardia
- Hampton's Hump: seen in Pulmonary Infarction
- Westermark's Sign: sign of Pulmonary Oligemia
Meningococcemia: seen in C5-C8 deficiency
Meningococcal vaccine: Polysaccharide vaccine (A,C,Y,W135).Aster's USMLE Step3 Notes
Aster's Notes 69 of 111[edit | edit source]
Neutropenia with Fever: (Neutropenia = < 500/mcL)
suspect Pseudomonas
Piperacillin/Tazobactam & Gentamycin
(or Ceftazidime)
if central line is present: Add Vancomycin
[Continue antibiotics even if cultures are negative]
Indomethacin: can decrease amniotic fluid production
Indications for CONIZATION
1. non-visualization of transformation zone
2. "pap" worse than bopsy
3. AdenoCa.
4. (+) endocervical cuerettage
5. Microinvasion on Bx
(+) F/H is not a risk factor for Ca. Cx
Neuroblastoma metastasis:
can cause periorbital ecchymosis / proptosis
- increased urinary VMA
- N-myc gene
PEPTO-BISMOL: affects platelet function
(can prolong bleeding time)
"popcorn" calcification in SPN : Hamartoma
Mx of SIADH: Fluid Restriction
Mx of malignant SIADH: Demeclocycline
"pop" or snap in knee : ACL tear
[Knee Immobilization / Crutches]
post-URI abdo pain / vomiting / RUQ mass in a child: ? Intussusception [Barium Enema
- Rx & Dx]
Legitimate Vanco. use :
â-Lactam resistant Staph. epidermidis.
Aster's Notes 70 of 111[edit | edit source]
Vit. A toxicity can cause Hypercalcemia
Gatsric ulcers: located on lesser curvature
within 1cm of gastric antrum
Adrenal Mass > 4cm & High Hounsfiled Values:
high chance of being malignant
Most ensitive test for Cushing's:
24 hour urinary cortisol
(levels are subject to diurnal variation)
Bilroth II:
Afferent Loop Syndrome (Pain after meal ingeston) Mx: Bilroth I conversion, roux-en-y
Blind Loop syndrome (bacerial overgrowth, malabs.) Mx: antibiotics
â-Thalassemia major: HbF increased
â-Thalassemia trait: HbA2 increased
Risk of Postop DVT
- 1 Elective Knee Arthroplasty
- 2 Elective Hip Arthroplasty
- 3 Hip # Repair
Cocaine use assoc. MI:
combination of spasm and plaque rupture
(don't assume spasm is the cause, do angiography)
Pappenheimer's Bodies: Iron inclusions in RBCs
Hypocalcemia, Hyperkalemia, Hyperphosphatemia
Diverticulosis: #1 complication - BLEEDING
85% bleeds stop spontaneously
(#1 complication is not Diverticultis)
Aster's Notes 71 of 111[edit | edit source]
ŒBroad spectrum antibiotics
Œno barium enema / colonoscopy
h/o Malig. Hyperthermia with succinylcholine:
use NITROUS OXIDE in future anesthesia
Chronic Fatigue with normal physical exam: DEPRESSION INVENTORY -> Thyroid
IE -> Mycotic Aneurysm -> Bleeding -> SAH
[embolization of bacteria to the brain)
IFN-â: decreases relapse frequency in MS
First Episode of DVT:
Heparinize -> Warfarin for 3-6m (INR 2.0-3.0)
Recurrent DVT:
Lifelong "Warfarin"
[if Warfarin is not tolerated : ENOXAPARIN]
Fever / Sore Throat / Atypical Lymphocytes
(without LN / Splenomegaly / MonoSpot) : CMV
Colles' #: splinting in NEUTRAL postion
(not in FLEXED position)
PSA levels in Prostatic Ca. correlate with lymphatic spread
Antibiotics in postpartum endometritis:
I/V Imipenem / Cilastatin
Vaginal Delivery in Breech
2. Fetal Weight between 2000-3000g
3. Gynecoid Pelvis
Rx of Catatonia: Lorazepam
Incisions done for pre-existing infections and abscesses are considered INFECTED
Severe Depression with Psychosis: Mx with ECT.
Aster's Notes 72 of 111[edit | edit source]
Hypertensive Heart Disease: S4 Gallup (LVH)
Depo-provera: - associated with Irregular bleeding
(use conjugated estrogen x 7 days to control bleeding)
Peak CPK levels:
give idea about size of an infarct
(no prognostic value)
Nephrolithiasis with increased Creatinine:
IVP can not be done
(No I/V CONTRAST in the setting of renal dysfn.)
Renal and Bladder Ultrasound Scan, instead
HTN in Graves' disease: Rx with â-blockers
Anti-Ro: associated with neonatal Lupus
(resolves in 6 months) and Congenital Heart Block
Lupus anticoagulant
Œrecrrent abortions
Œthrombotic state (arterial + venous)
Œ"in vitro" increased PTT
(doesn't correct with mixing)
ŒRussel Viper Venom Time
Doxepin (a TCA) is useful in chronic urticaria
suspected ADHD: get psychometric tests
Misleading Low Sodium is caused by Hyperglycemia
Mx of acute mountain sickness: acetazolamide
Dx of Sarcoidosis:
ŒKveim test is obsolete
ŒACE levels are elevated in 50% pts.
Rx of Brown Recluse Spider Bite: DAPSONE
Middle Ear Effusion persisting for 4-6 months following an adequate course of.
Aster's Notes 73 of 111[edit | edit source]
antibiotics, with significant hearing loss (especially bilateral), is an indication for
myringotomy and insertion of tympanostomy tubes.
Chlamydial Ophthalmia:
(to prevent chlamydial pneumonia)
Appropriate Initial Test for suspected B12 def:
Serum B12 levels
(many patients have normal CBC and normal indices)
fruity breath odor: ketosis
prolonged latent phase of labor :
Œtherapeutic rest & sedation (usually morphine).
ŒNo Oxytocin / No Amniotomy
DtaP contra-indications:
1.previous febrile reaction: fever > 105 F
2.h/o seizures
(F/H of seizures is not a contra-indication)
Rx of choice for SVC syndrome:
First HiB vaccine @ 2 months age
Female > 40y with abnormal vaginal bleeding Endometrial Bx to r/o Endo. malig.
Atrial Flutteris not a serious arrhythmia, but cardioversion should be attempted in the
presence of CHF.
Atrial Flutter due to Digitalis toxicity:
Anorexia nervosa:
BUN increase
Low Platelet Count
Leukopenia with relative lymphocytosis
elevated serum carotene levels
Legionaire's disease:.
Aster's Notes 74 of 111[edit | edit source]
Person-to-person spread has not been documented
Childhood obesity is not a predictor for adult obesity
long-term Rx of obesity in children : usually fails
Thoracic outlet syndrome:
appearance on numbness and paraesthesiae
with arm abducted to 90 degrees and externally rotated
(not defined by the disappearance of radial pulse)
Postmenopausal with stress incontinence:
Kegel exercizes, pessary, estrogen replacement
Retractile Testes:
Œexaggerated cremasteric reflex
Œresolves in adolescence
Œno increased risk of malignancy
Flail Chest: Intubation & Assisted ventilation
(Strapping of Chest may lead to hypoxia & atelectasis)
Vaginismus is involuntary contraction
Behcet's: cutaneous hypersensitivity
60-70% will develop a sterile pustule within 48 hours of any aseptic injection
epidydimitis -> check age of pt.
< 35: Chlamydia, Gonococcus
> 35: E.coli
Gold stadard for diagnosis of melanoma:
Treatment of alcoholism in wife-batterers does not treat battering behavior
Pt. with hemoptysis and normal chest film:
Fibre-optic bronchoscopy
(PPD is not indicated)
F/U COPD progression with FEV1.
Aster's Notes 75 of 111[edit | edit source]
Tick paralysis (neuro-toxin mediated): 10% mortality
prompt resolution if tick is identified and removed
Let children attend funerals, if they want to. They should be accompanied by adults who
can provide comfort and support
Hyperparathyroidism: inc. incidence of Pseudogout
NIACIN: can be associated with hepatotoxicity
rear-facing infant seats should be on the back seat.
< 12 y children: ride secured on car backseat
Headache onset with exertion, such as weight-lifting:
serios sign (look for CNS malformations & vascular malformations)
Minocycline: has anti-inflammatory action
(has been used in Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Gynecomastia in adolescence: Observation
Long standing Gynecomastia: SURGERY
HCM: EKG is abnormal (LVH, WPW, abnormal Q wves)
Ticlopidine: has been associated with neutropenia
Immediate gastric lavage is ot indicated in strychnine poisoning
Continuous gastric lavage: PCP overdose
Not all persons with anaphylaxis will have a repeat
reaction when exposed again to the agent. Repeat reactions are usually less severe.
Head, Neck, Face sutures:
leave in place for 3-5 days (rapid healing)
Eclampsia: MgSO4
(no role of anticonvulsants)
Clonidine withdrawl: Hypertensive Crisis.
Aster's Notes 76 of 111[edit | edit source]
The woman's need for physical intimacy often increases during pregnancy.
Abstention from intercourse in the last month of normal pregnancy is not necessary
Valsalva maneuver decreases the venous return to the heart, thereby decreasing
cardiac output. This decreases murmurs due to AS, MR, PS, but increases the
murmur due to HCM
FOBT testing does not decrease the mortality from colorectal carcinoma
- 1 symptom in vaulvar carcinoma: Pruritus
Of the anticonvulsant, VAPROATE has the least effect on hepatic enzymes and
therefore has the least impact on decreasing the efficacy of OCP's
Gilbert's syndrome: lower levels of unconjugated bilirubin cf. Crigler Najjar (6-45 mg/dL)
Menopause: Serum FSH increased
Estradiol decreases, and Estone becomes predominant estrogen.
Infiltration of local anesthetic agents (less pain):
Œwarm solution
Œsmall needles
Œslow infiltration
Œaddition of bicarbonate to the mixure
Mg-containing antacids in CRF:
can cause magnesium toxicity
Postherpetic neuralgia: higher incidence in older pts.
ANA titre < 1:160 is common in healthy older people
Orthostatic hypotension:
Drop in Systolic > 20 mmHg
Drop in Diastolic > 10 mmHg
Mx: discontinue any drugs that might be responsible
-> arise slowly -> elastic stockings -> Fludrocortisone
B pertussis is being recognized as a cause of
persistent cough in adults. (associated with dysnea, tingling sensation in throat)
d/o/c for Giardiasis in children: Furazolidone.
Aster's Notes 77 of 111[edit | edit source]
Tinea capitis: Oral Griseofulvin
poor response to topical medication
Males with impotence, decreased libido & decreased testosterone: order a prolactin
(r/o pituitary adenoma)
Pre-term infants: normal response to immunization
(although they have relative immunodeficiency)
Drug indiced LE: anti-histone antibodies
[ANA (+), Anti-dsDNA absent]
Œhydralazine, isoniazid, procainamide, penicillamine
ŒMx: discontinue medication + short-course of glucocorticoids
Œdisease lasts < 6 months
ŒANA may remain (+)
Œmost lupus inducing drugs can be safely used in SLE, if no alternative exists
HCM: sudden death in athletes
Dx: Echo Rx: â-BLOCKERS
Valsalva maneuver increases murmur
ITP: low platelet, BM aspiration shows numerous megakaryocytes
Risk of suicide: Female Physicians > general females
Physicians' risk of suicide
Psychiatrists > Ophthalmologist > Anesthesiologist
Anaphylaxis: Epinephrine
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis:
very few patients are left with disabilty / deformity. At least 50% remit fully and majority
regain normal function
Urticaria > 48 h :
Skin Biopsy to r/o Urticarial Vasculitis
Mobitz Type II Heart Block: Mx is PACEMAKER.
Aster's Notes 78 of 111[edit | edit source]
Stage IA Hodgkin's: Radiotherapy alone is effective
Total Hip replaement:
Œimmediate relief
Œperioperative anticoagulation
Œsuccessful (no need for revision in 90%)
Œbone resorption is a major concern for long-term stability of implant
Pressure Ulcers:
Stage I: Nonblanching Erythema
Stage II: Broken Skin with partial thickness skin loss
Stage III: Full tickness skin loss (extension into subcutaneous fat)
Stage IV: Extension into Muscle or Bone
"kennel cough" is produced by a canine Bordetella
Risk factor for domestic abuse: female gender
Trochanteric bursitis
Œpresents with a deep, dull, aching pain
Œburning & tingling in lateral upper thigh
Œworse with activity
Œexcacerbated by sitting cross-legged with affected leg
The mortality rate for pneumococcal pneumonia is same for the past 50 years
SKIN SWELLING with Bee sting: local reaction
[not anaphylaxis]
Rx of Restless Leg Syndrome: Clonazepam
Alendronate: Pill-induced esophagitis
TCA withdrawl symptoms (cholinergic symptoms) : best managed with Benzotropine
Aspartame is c.i. in children with PKU.
Aster's Notes 79 of 111[edit | edit source]
Diaphragm & spermicidal jelly:
insert upto 2 hrs before intercourse
and leave in place for 6 hrs after intercourse
(for repeated intercourse, re-apply jelly)
Asthmatics who require â2-agonists > once/day; can be prescribed inhaled
Psoriasis in infancy: begins n diaper area (the area of greatest trauma)
Labia minora adhesions:
Œnot present @ birth
Œacquired condition
Œno urinary retention
Œnot assoc. with other anomalies
Œsurgical correction has a 100% recurrence rate
Œestrogen cream can lyse the adhesions
Carbidopa/Levodopa do not alter the progression of Parkinson's disease
Chronic Choleystitis with Cholelithiasis is frequently non-visualized on ultrasound.
Umbilical hernia in a child < 6m
Mx: Conservative [Strapping is ineffective]
(usually disappear by 1 year of age)
Surgery for strangulated hernia; persisting beyond 4y
Increased Postop Cardiac Death
ŒS3 Gallop
Œh/o MI in the past 6 months
ŒFrequent PVCs
ŒAortic Stenosis
Supression of lactation: breast inder & cold pack
[Bromocriptine is not approved for this purpose]
Cardiac Pacemaker: does not warrant IE prophylaxis
Pubertal development in an adolescent girl:
Thelarche, Pubic Hair, Growth spurt, Menarche
(Growth spurt precedes Menarche).
Aster's Notes 80 of 111[edit | edit source]
Most sensitive and specific means of diagnosing appendicitis is history and physical
(not CT or U/S)
In stroke, overzealous antihypertensive medications can reduce cerebral perfusion and
increase tissue damage.
Scabies in young children:
[Lindane not approved]
Wheezing in children may also be due to GERD
A single sexual encounter with a person with genital warts carries a 60% chance of
transmission. Transmission occurs in asymptomatic state too.
Hydrocephalic children:
Œincreased developmental disabilities
Œlower IQ
Œlearning deficits
Œdefective verbal abilities
Œmemory and visual problems
Chlamydial infections:
Azithromycine & Doxycycline have equal efficacy
- 1 cause of hematemesis in healthy newborn:
comiting of swallowed maternal blood
Clinical privileges to physicians are granted by the GOVERNING BODY of the hospital
New onset LBBB may be an indication for thrombolysis even in the absence of
characteristic ST elevation of MI
Dexfenfluramine: 1º Pulmonary Hypertension
Transdermal NTG Patches: Rapid Tolerance
Oropharyngeal dysphagia in elderly:
? early Parkinson's
====[[Aster's Notest's disease of bone:
ŒHead Enlargement.
Aster's Notes 81 of 111[edit | edit source]
ŒNerve compression
Œincreased urinary hydroxyproline
Œincreased alkaline phosphatase
HIDA scan: Cholecystitis (+)
Œnonvisualization of the GB
Œvisualization of CBD & Bowel
Leading cause fo mental retardation in US:
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Rotavirus G/E: decreased incidence in breast fed infants. None of the antibodies that
develop after the first attack are protective
Grade 1 Vesico ureteral reflux:
prophylactic antibiotics and double voiding of urine
Sodium Nitroprusside infusion:
may increase Thiocyanate levels to toxic range (delirium, tinnitus, blurred vision)
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is treated by corticosteroids (not
Childhood autism:
Echolalia, minimal eye contact, repetitive behavior
serum digoxin levels elevation can be seen in pts. treated with oral verapamil
Recurrent Zoster is rare
Cocaine > Coronary Spasm
(free basing can lead to loss of eyebrows/eyelashes)
Measles vaccine significantly reduces the chances of developing SSPE
Influenza A is usually sensitive to Amantidine
(resistance occasionally seen in institutionalized pts.)
Synovial Fluid in OA : High Viscosity
Children with diarrhea who are not dehydrated should be give age appropriate diet.
Aster's Notes 82 of 111[edit | edit source]
Loperamide: contra-indicated in children
Secondary Amenorrhea: give Progestin Challenge
Rapidly Progressive Periodonitis (with good dental hygiene) might be suggestive of
Hyperosmolar nonketotic coma:
Œrequire less insuin for correction (cf. DKA)
ŒFluid deficit is larger (cf. DKA) (10 L)
Œpatients are older
Œcan also occur in Type 1 DM
The hypochondriac believes that his fears about disease are totally realistic. He also
believes that physicians are not acting in his best interests by disputing the reality of
these fears.
poor response to antidepressants
Old age:
Vital Capacity decreases
Functional Residual Capacity increases
Arterial Oxygen Tension slowly declines with age
Pasturella multocida:
Rx Amox-Clav
(Pn allergy: Doxycycline) [NOT ERYTHROMYCIN]
Place PPD on all individuals being admitted to a nursing home. Persons with doubtful
reactions should be tested a second time within 1-2 weeks (boosted reaction). This
second reading should be taken as the baseline reading for that person.
Tennis Elbow : Lateral Epicondylitis
(usually acquired occupationally)
Obesity lowers aminoglycoside volume of distribution necessitating decrease in
Primary indication of joint replacement in OA:
Severe Pain.
Aster's Notes 83 of 111[edit | edit source]
Postcoital test : best done in midcycle
Adhesive bands are now the most common cause of intestinal obstruction for all age
(strangulated hernias are the m/c cause in children)
Rx for ANUG (acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis) PENICILLIN
Vasoldilators of choice for CHF
Use of TCAs in patients with glaucoma can precipitate acute angle-closure attacks (ant-cholinergic
The only absolute contra-indication to breast feeding is
Major abdominal trauma in 3 rd trimester pregnancy:
evaluate for placental abruption & preterm labor
[electronic fetal monitoring: obtain reactive NST]
Transient cortical blindness due to mild head traums usually recovers (benign outcome)
Pneumococcal vaccine: not before 2 years of age
- 1 cause of microscopic hematuria in elderly is BPH
Polychlorinated Biphenyls: skin rash called Chloracne
Ludwig's angina: infection of the deep fascial space of the submandibular space (early
airway compromise)
Mx: Intravenous steroid cover
Wilson's disease confirmed by inability to incorp. a copper isotope into Ceruloplasmin
Patients with procaine allergy usually tolerate Lidocaine (amide group) well
Always inject insulin in skin of non-exercized areas (to prevent exercize-induced
hypoglycemia). If the lefg is used as injection site, insulin absorption will be enhanced
with running leading to hypoglycemia..
Aster's Notes 84 of 111[edit | edit source]
Celecoxib: not to be used in patients with SULFA allergy
Passengers with stable medical conditions requiring low-flow oxygen cannot bring their
own oxygen on aircrafts according to Federal Air Regulations concerning hazardous
cargo. Most air carriers will provide O2 for a fee
Do not fly within 3 weeks of a MI
No air travel with term pregnancy
ŒResponse prevention & in vitro exposure
Don't give OPV to a child whose sibling is immunodeficient
Post MI Risk Stratification is done with an Exercize Stress Test (for patients who can
exercize). For patients who can not exercize, a Pharmacological stress testing or
Dobutamie Echo is indicated (both are less sensitive than Exercize Stress Testing)
Continue ASPIRIN in the post-MI period
Antiplatelet agent Post-stent placement:
Clopidogrel (ADP receptor inhibitor)
Abciximab (anti-IIb/IIIa)
(decrease restenosis rates)
The choice of agents in asthma therapy is determined by frequency of asthma
The presentation & management of acute cholecystitis in pregnant patients is the same
as in non-pregnant population (Lap Cholecystectomy). Fetal otcome is the best in 2 nd
Hyperactive children: hypoperfusion in frontal lobes
NPH: order CT scan head to r/o ICSOL
(confirm NPH by documentation of improvement in symptoms with serial lumber
Severe pre-eclampsia:.
Aster's Notes 85 of 111[edit | edit source]
Œdelivery @ term
ŒMgSO4 for seizure prophylaxis
Œantihypertensives for BP control
ŒMgSO4 is not an antihypertensive.
ŒControl of BP alone does not obviate the need for seizure prophylaxis
Suspected PCP in AIDS: Obtain a Chest X-Ray
Migraine prophylaxis: â-blockers
Migraine treatment: Sumatriptan
Somatization disorders: 1 st step in Mx
avoid un-necessary Ix & medical/surgical treatment
Community acquired pneumonia: S pneumoniae
Rx: Macrolide (Clarithromycin)
Patient presents to the office with unstable angina:
1 st step: Chew & Swallow Aspirin
Vaginal douching > 3-4 times / month:
associated with alteration of vaginal flora and increased incidence of PID
Prolonged survival in CHF: ACEI's
A fecal gram stain is always positive for bacteria and is not indicative of any pathology.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Fecal Leukocytes(+)
Gold standard for Dx of IBD: COLONOSCOPY
Critical Aortic Stenosis: Valve Repair Surgery
(Valvuloplasty in high risk due to other co-morbidity)
Spinal metastasis: Emergent Radiotherapy
COPD patient who still smokes:
- 1 step is smoking cessation
(immediate effect on declining lung function)
COPD patients should receive annual influenza vaccine (not HiB vaccine, it is only
given to children).
Aster's Notes 86 of 111[edit | edit source]
Dx of Adenomyosis: MRI (most accurate)
(U/S has lower sensitivity and specificity)
Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding:
Periodic, abnormal flow: Anatomic cause
Irregularly Irregular: Endocrine cause
Routine screening of asymptomatic population for dyslipidemia:
Screening of population with CAD/risk factors:
(non fasting random spot cholesterol not indicated)
Patient must have quite smoking 15 years ago
for it to not count as a risk factor for CAD
Digoxin with or without a nodal blocking agent (beta-blocker) is effective in
achieving rate control in Atrial Fibrillation
Chronic A.Fib.:
associated with enlarged Left atrium
Medical emergency in a physician's office:
1 st step is to initiate call to “911”
beta-blockers improve outcome in patients at cardiac risk undergoing non-cardiaovascular
Mx of HTN in patients with migraine: â-blockers
Renal Failure: is associated with calcium wasting & secondary
hyperparathyroidism (Calcium supplementation is beneficial)
Patient with syphilis & penicillin allergy:
Do a penicillin skin test to confirm & perform desensitization if necessary
uncomplicated UTI:
Œperform urinalysis
ŒOral TMP-SMX (3 days)
Œno need for urine cultures.
Aster's Notes 87 of 111[edit | edit source]
The occurrence of PVCs post-MI is associated with increased mortality &
morbidity. Treatment of asymptomatic PVC's with anti-arrhythmics is not
indicated. (Such treatment is itself associated with increased mortality)
No role of prophylactic anti-arrhythmics post-MI
Initiate Calcium supplementation even in cases of prolonged secondary
Exercize-induced amenorrhea
Œlow adipose tissue
Œestrogen biosynthesis shifts to 2-hydroxylation with increased synthesis of catechol
Œcatechol estrogens compete with catecholamines for COMT
Œresults in inreased dopamine
Œdopamine decreases GnRH release
Œresults in secondary amenorrhea
Œwhatever the age, OCPs (for HRT) & calcium supplementation are required to prevent
bone loss
Mx of psychotic depression: ECT
Post-void urinary volume estimation:
Straight Urinary Catheterization
(U/S is inaccurate in estimating bladder volumes)
All GDM patients should be tested @ 6w post-partum with 2-hr (75g Glucose) Oral
GDM is a risk for DM unrelated to pregnancy (regardless of glycemic control in
Klebsiella penumonia
Œnecrotizing pnemonia
Œhospitalized patients / aspiration / post-stroke & alcoholics
Œcurrant-jelly sputum (bloody)
Staph aureus: causes cavitatory pneumonia
(associated with rapidly progressive effusions & empyema)
Colon Cancer screening:
ŒFOBT annually
ŒColonoscopy q10y.
Aster's Notes 88 of 111[edit | edit source]
ŒSigmoidoscopy q5y
PSA estimation is not recommended for Prostatic cancer screening (if at all one test has
to be done, it should be Digital Rectal Examination)
Chronic Uterine prolapse:
Œfirst fit a pessary
Œprescribe estrogen cream
Œlater proceed to surgery (surgical failure rate is high when performed in the presence
of dry atrophic mucosa)
In any patient with pain of cardiac origin: EKG
(to differentiate between Ischemia & Infarction)
Inhaled corticosteroids:
long-term stabilization of severe asthma
(beta-agonists provide only symptomatic relief)
Hypotensive response to NTG drip in patients with inferior ischemia: Right Ventricular
(Mx: Stop NTG, Start I/V crystalloids)
suspected anemia: 1 st Ix – CBC
suspected Fe deficiency anemia: Serum Ferritin levels
Normocytic anemia: 1 st Ix – Reticulocyte count
h/o GI bleeds with DVT: not a candidate for anticoagulation
Alcohol induced dilated cardiomyopathy:
- 1 step – stop alchol intake to halt progression
Polycythemia vera: increased risk of stroke
Valsalva maneuvre: decreases pre-load
Jedrassik maneuvre: decreases after-load
Valsalva decreases HCM murmur,
Jedrassik increases HCM murmur
Ankle – Brachial Index:
< 0.5 suggests severe ischemia
(surgical revascularization required).
Aster's Notes 89 of 111[edit | edit source]
MVP without MR: no IE prophylaxis required
[absence of MR to be documented by Echo]
Pilonidal Cyst: infection of hair follicles in sacrococcygeal area. Mx: removal of hair /
Elderly with Knee “locking”: Medial Meniscal Tear
“pop” in he knee: ACL tear
pain in lateral knee, athlete: Iliotibial Band Syndrome
COPD @ any stage, smoking cessation in beneficial
Painless Testicular Enlargement
Œ? Malignancy [Embryonal/Seminoma/Lymphoma]
ŒUltrasound, no Biopsy
Œspreads to retroperitoneal nodes, if inguinal nodes (+), suspect scrotal invasion
ŒSx: Inguinal approach, not Scrotal (Orchiectomy)
Evaluation of lung malignancy: CECT (IV contrast)
Dermatomyositis: search for occult malignancy
Most testicular varicoceles are on the left side
Neomycine allergy: 5% of population (Treat with Steroids). It is a Type IV
hypersensitivity reaction
SCC Lip Risk factor: Smoking > Sunlight exposure
Hydrocele: typically idiopathic (No Rx required).
Persistent hydrocele: Refer to Urology for Sx
Tuberous Sclerosis: Skull X-Ray to look for intracranial calcifications
AFP increase: NSGCT
b-hCG increase: Seminoma & NSGCT
Li-induced hypothyroidism: Mx – levothyroxine
(not discontinuation of Lithium)
Latest recommendation advise Influenza vaccination for >50y instead of >65y.
Aster's Notes 90 of 111[edit | edit source]
suspected Pseudotumor cerebri:
LP (inc. CSF pressure)
complex partial seizure:
aura, behavioral arrest, automatisms
Myesthenia gravis: CT Chest to r/o Thymoma
Propranolol is associated with depression
Fluoxetine takes 6-8 weeks to act !
Asplenia: PneumoVax / HiB / Influenza vaccine
Headache excacerbated by position & exertion:
increased ICT (? mass lesion)
Mitral Regurgitation
1.Transthoracic Echocardiography
2.If quantification reqd.: TEE
3.Gold Standard for any valvular disease:
Cardiac Catheterization
Suspected Anemia: next step – CBC
MICROCYTIC ANEMIA, to Dx Fe.-def anemia:
SERUM FERRITIN (Gold. Std.: Bone Marrow Bx)
GI side effects are common with oral FeSO4. They are not an indication for
discontinuing therapy. Always assess response (% Retics) after Iron Therapy.
OCPs can prevent anemia, they do not treat established Iron deficiency anemia. (Rx:
ABI < 0.5: s/o significant PVD (Sx revascularization)
Steroid Rx in suspected GCA: start without waiting for ESR / Temporal Artery Bx results
Excessive Cow's Milk Intake: Fe. Def. Anemia
Pericarditis: Diffuse ST elevation.
(...continued in Part III of Aster's Notes)
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD