Asters Notes III
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USMLE step 3 CCS cases list[edit source]
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Asters Notes for USMLE step 3
Aster's Notes 91 of 111[edit | edit source]
Factor V Leyden: Lifelong Warfarin Prophylaxis
beta-blockers in stable CHF: decrease mortality
DVT with h/o UGIH: no prophylaxis (?IVC Filter)
Critical Aortic Stenosis: Mx – Valve Repair (Valvulopalsty only for high risk cases)
Esophageal Varices: BANDING
TIPS is for portal decompression before Transplant. Not used as a primary procedure
only for Eso. Varices
Chronic Malabsorption in Pancreatitis: Mx – non-enteric coated Pancreatic enzyme with
H2 blockers
Child < 2 years with symp. Inguinal Hernia:
Contralateral Exploration indicated
Œnon-pharmacological measures
Œemperical pharmacological measures (H2 / PPI)
Œif fail, do Esophageal 24 hr. pH monitoring
probe kept 5 cm proximal to LES
pH<4 for >5 minutes or >9% of total time
Œfollowed by UGIE & Surgical Mx if needed
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a Dx of exclusion
12 weeks of GI symp. In preceding 12 months
Gilbert's: jaundice may only be noticed in the times of stress / infection or fasting
Anal Fissure: Steroid Cream & Sitz Bath
Stress is a trigger of IBS, not cause
Biliary colic: RUQ pain following meals
Cholecystitis: RUQ Pain / Murphy's / Fever / Leuko.
Cholangitis: RUQ Pain / Fever / Jaundice
False (+) Guaiac stools: meats & vegetables containing peroxidases (Inorganic Iron.
Aster's Notes 92 of 111[edit | edit source]
does NOT cause False (+))
F/H Duodenal Ulcers with Hypercalcemia:
HNPCC: Mx – subtotal colectomy with TAHBSO
Child with Constipation: Mx prune / pear juice (sorbitol)
Rectum devoid of stool: Hirschsprung's
Rectum full of hard stool: Fecal Impaction
Graves': Cigarette smoking increases ophthalmic involvement (advise patients to quit
Smoking Cessation:
1.success usually takes 5-6 attempts
2.associated with weight gain
3.counsel patients at each visit
4.pharmacotherapy should be offered to all
5.relapse rates decrease after 6m of abstinence
suspected Phaeo: first step is alpha-blockade with phenoxybenzamine (before Bx /
- 1 side effect of radioactive Iodine: hypothyroidism
Glitazones – asociated with liver toxicity (LFT's)
Hypothyroidism with macrocytosis & hyperlipidemia:
1 st step is THYROID hormone replacement
(might correct macrocytic anemia & decrease lipid levels)
Infection in suppressed adrenal axis due to chronic use of exogenous steroids
(refractory hypotension) :
administer stress dose of i/v steroids
Cholesteatoma: CT scan of temporal bone (Mx: Sx)
CN III palsy with pupillary involvement: MRI
Child attending day care with viral conjunctivitis:.
Aster's Notes 93 of 111[edit | edit source]
remove from daycare till symptoms subside
Fifth Disease: child is infectious before onset of rash
Mx of epistaxis: pressure, no need to tilt head upwards
Alk. Phosphatase is norally increased in pregnancy
Med. Mx of Ectopic: MTX
(b-hCG sample on Day 4 & 7, 15% decrease in level)
LGSIL = CIN I (most lesions resolve spontaneously)
Newborns can lose upto 10% of their weight in 1 st wk
Breast – Cystic Mass
clear : discard
bloody : send for cytology
Delayed age at 1 st preg: increased risk of Ca. Breast
Polycystic Ovaries: 1 st step: OCP's
Churg-Strauss: (+) pANCA
- 1 extra-renal manifestation of adult PCKD:
Colonic Diverticular Disease
(not Intracranial Berry Aneurysms: seen in 15%)
Nephrotic Syndrome in adult with recurrent hematuria:
IgA nephropathy
HSP: self limiting. Do urinanalysis (r/o kidney involv.)
Cisplatin: nephrotoxic
Never prescribe prescription drugs over the phone, especially if the patient is “new”
(call for evaluation)
F/H (+) of HTN: ? Adult PCKD
Biopsy has no role for Diagnosis of RCC. If suspected, refer for Sx management (Bx
only if e/o metastasis present).
Aster's Notes 94 of 111[edit | edit source]
Nephrotic Syndrome with HTN: start ACEI's
(no role of high-protein diet in nephrotic syndrome)
T-score: cf. Normal healthy young population
Z-score: cf. Age matched conrols
Osteoporosis is defined by the T-score
Rx (HRT + Bisphosphonates) indicated if:
ŒT < 2.5 or
ŒT < 1.5 with presence of risk factors
Smallpox Rx: Cidofovir
Smoking cessation: Mortality reduced to ½ in first year and smoking caeses to be a risk
factor 15 years after quitting
Infants: always rear facing on backseat
< 12y: always on rear seat
Fertility returns as early as 1-2 weeks after cessation of OCP use.
Tinea capitis: KOH prep (Ix)
not Wood's lamp, all species don't show fluorescence
Postherpectic neuralgia: Mx – TCA
(Acyclovir decreases PHN when given prophylactically)
Toxic megacolon in U/C:
Œhigh mortality rate
ŒMx: NPO/NG/Rectal Tube/Antibiotics
ŒSx if doesn't resolve in 2-5 days
Peptic Ulcer disease with Gout: acute Rx – colchicine
(NSAIDs can not be used)
Necrobiosis Lipoidal Diabeticorum: DM
plaques with depressed atrophy on anterolateral leg
Parkinson's patients hould be referred to neurologist
Anosmia: r/o neoplasm/#/sinusitis (CT/MRI).
Aster's Notes 95 of 111[edit | edit source]
Œabdominal pain
Œpainful defecation
ŒGI upset with periods
ŒIx: Laparoscopy
Influenza vaccine is indicated in healthcare workers @ any age
alpha-1-AT def.: avoid smoking & alcohol
(to prevent emphysema & cirrhosis)
Pruritic Urticarial Papules & Plaques of Pregnancy
Œno umbilical involvement
ŒMx: conservative
Impetigo herpetiformes:
rare form of pustular psoriasis
Œacute onset
Œerythematous plaques surrounded by sterile pustules
Herpes Gestationis:
Œ2 nd or 3 rd trimester onset
Œinvolves umbilicus
Œrecurs in subsequent pregnancies
Routine rectal examination does not lead to elevation of PSA (levels can be done on the
same visit as DRE)
Uncomplicated varicella in preg., Conservative Mx
Hematuria without UTI: next step – contrast study
LiCO3 can excacerbate psoriasis
TT in past 5y: No Rx reqd..
Aster's Notes 96 of 111[edit | edit source]
TT in past 5-10y:
prone wound: T toxoid
clean wound: No Rx
TT > 10y ago
prone wound: T toxoid
clean wound: No Rx
Post-PE: maintain INR between 2.0 & 3.0
If > 3.0 (no e/o ICH):
admit / give Vit. K (heparinize if INR falls to 2.0)
If e/o ICH: give FFP to replenish clotting factors
Thioridazine: prolongation of QT interval
PPD(+): obtain CXR to r/o active infection before starting INH prophylaxis
Chronic Steroid Use:
ŒAvascular Necrosis of Femoral Head (not due to osteopenia) avoid trauma, slow taper
of steroids
Relapsing Polychondritis
ŒEar (Painful external ear)
ŒLarngeal Inflammation (focal narrowing) with airway obstruction
Œcan be associated with aortic aneurysms
Avascular Necrosis of Scaphoid: Sx Pinning
(X-Ray: sclerosis)
- 1 cause of U/L vocal cord paralysis: Lung Ca.
Prostatic Mets.: respond to andrigen deprivation for the first 2-3 years and then
become resistant
>6m with exclusive b.f. : Iron Supple.
Breast Feeding (Hormonal Contra.): Progestin-only
minimal effect on milk quality & quantity.
Aster's Notes 97 of 111[edit | edit source]
Uterus & Cx reach normal size:
6 wks post-partum (IUCD & Diaphragm can be used)
If one FBS > 126, send another sample (Dx of DM)
MMR immunization is assoc. with simple febrile reaction. Can be associated with
seizures too.
Gingko biloba used with warfarin:
severe bleeding tendency
Give MMR to children with egg allergy (contains cross-reacting egg protein but in
very small quantity)
Varicella vaccine @ 12 months
suspected Giardiasis: send stool for ova/parasite before starting treatment
Shell fish intake: associated with Hep. A
Rx of Clostridial infection: Penicillin & Clindamycin
Neonatal Sepsis: Ampicillin + Cefotaxime
Meningococcal disease with persistent hypotension: Give I/V hydrocortisone
SBP prophylaxis: Levofloxacin
Acute post-infectious cerebellar ataxia:
Œataxia / nystagmus
Œpost varicella infection (1m later)
Œacute onset, resolves
ŒMx: conservative
Pulmonary Coccidiomycosis:
Pap smear of fresh expectorate is diagostic
Meningococcal prophylaxis:
Immunosuppressed: increased risk of fungal sinusitis
(high mortality rate, intracranial compli., Ampho-B).
Aster's Notes 98 of 111[edit | edit source]
After toilet, wipe front to back (decreases UTI inci.)
Candida Diaper Rash: Topical Nystatin
Primary Irritant Dermatitis: Zinc Oxide
Rx of viral pericarditis: NSAIDs
Rotavirus vaccine is no longer FDA approved (due to incidence of intussusception in
Ant-HCV is (+) 18 weeks after infection
Newborn with (+) TB contact should be given
INH prophylaxis for 3 months irrespective of CXR/PPD status.
If at 3 months PPD(+), continue for 6 more months (else stop INH)
Pruritus ani: E.vermicularis (Mebendazole)
Mandatory seat belt laws decrease MVA mortality
Smoking cessation counseling should be provided to all patients regardless of age,
duration, previous attemps. (decreases cardiovascular mortality)
HSV transmission may not be prevented by condoms: skin-to-skin transmission occurs
G(-) diplococci in Otitis: Moraxella
(usually Penicillin resistant, use penicillinase resistant antibiotics)
MMR is not contra-indicated in AIDS
Dog Bite infection
Rx with Amox-clav for puncture wounds or bites on hand (for non-infected wounds: local
Home air humidifiers favor growth of house dust mite
Post GA Sx hoarseness of voice:
evaluate by ENT
Mx aspiration pneumonia:
Clindamycin (anaerobic cover).
Aster's Notes 99 of 111[edit | edit source]
Breastfeeding mother with Trichomoniasis:
Give MNZ one dose stat, discard milk for 24 hours
Air Travel: decreased cabin pressure
Œdecreased pO2 can cause hypoxemia, CAD patients have increased risk of MI
Œdecreased pressure leads to expansion of gases. (problematic for patients with
volvulus, GI surgery, recent intestinal obstruction)
Female patients with CF may be infertile (plugging of fallopian tubes)
Inpatient Rx for community acquired pneumonia:
Malignancy, AIDS, cardiopulmonary/renal/liver disease
PSA is not present in ejaculate. Butejaculation can increase PSA levels transiently for
48 hours
Hemoptysis workup:
ŒChest X-Ray
Chlamydial/Gono. Epidydimitis can be treated with a 10 day course of Ofloxacin
PSA > 4.0ng/mL: required prostatic biopsy
(esp. with F/H prostatic Ca.; 30% risk of Prostatic Ca. When PSA levels are >
4.0ng/mL). But no evidence that screening with PSA is beneficial
suspected esophageal perf.:
esophagoscopy with water soluble contrast
Anabolic Steroids:
Acne/Testicular Atrophy/Liver Dyfn./Depression
IV contrast is contra-indicated in renal dysfn.
Contrast nephropathy can be prevented by prior administration of N-acetylcysteine
Dx of Sarcoidosis: Skin / Transbronchial Bx
[Kveim is obsolete, Ca/ACE levels unreliable]
Postop Sensory loss: EMG (Ix)
Physiotherapy has role in motor weakness only
Occupational Vitiligo: affects persons who work in rubber clothes, rubber gloves or
handle phenolic or antioxidant chemicals.
Aster's Notes 100 of 111[edit | edit source]
Seborrheic Keratosis: Stuck-on appearance
100's of Seborrheic keratoses (Leser-Trelat sign)
search for internal malignancy
BZD in OLD patients: Oxazepam (hepatic excretion)
BZD in Liver Disease: Lorazepam (renal excretion)
Severe pain in OA is indication for joint replacement
Hyperpigmented lesions with velvety appearance on nape & axillae: Acanthosis
[associated with DM, obesity, Cushing's]
Nursemaid's elbow: Mx – supination of forearm with elbow flexed (No cast
Blackheads: open comedones
Whiteheads: closed comedones
Supraclavicular node: BIOPSY
Axillary node in female: Mammography -> Bx
3-10% of patients with spina bifida are hypersensitive to latex (also to foods like
banana, chestnut, avocado, kiwi): SPINA BIFIDA – LATEX ALLERGY
Osler Weber Rendu: epistaxis, GI bleed
(lesions on lips/nose/tongue/palatepalm/sole)
(chronic blood loss anemia)
Chronic plaque psoriasis: Scale Bx
Mx of autoimmune vitiligo: Steroids+Phototherapy
Time released oxycodone: can be abused by drug-seekers (snorting or injecting
crushed pill)
prevention of recurrent erythema multiforme minor:
Bullae / Papules on Hand with Naproxen intake:.
Aster's Notes 101 of 111[edit | edit source]
r/o Porphyria cutanea tarda / pseudo-porphyria
(order urine porphyrin & hepatic panel)
Kyphosis with thoracic vertebrae wedging:
Scheurmann's Kyphosis
Tracheal deviation with impinging neck mass:
consult thoracic surgery for securing airway
Agitation in Delirium: d/o/c low dose Haloperidol
When giving i/v high-dose Haloperidol, add Benzotropine to prevent Parkinson's
Benzotropine is c.i. In Malignant Neurolept Syndrome
(anticholinergic, leads to worsening of hyperthermia)
If a child is to be given long-term salicylates, prior Influenza vaccination is
(to prevent Reye's syndrome)
Post-MI: chest pain (aggravated by supine posture, relieved by sitting and leaning
forward): Dressler's
Emergent Pericardial Drainage: V5 EKG guided
Postpartum psychosis: increased risk of infanticide
Pt. with A.Fib.:
require anticoagulation before cardioversion
(if anticoag. c.i.: TEE to r/o mural thrombus)
AIDS: primary CNS lymphoma
CSF EBV PCR estimation is highll sensitive & specific
If patient with altered sensorium has no DPAHC:
do not use relatives for consent
Post-SAH deterioration: mediated by vasospasm
(prevent by NIMODIPINE).
Aster's Notes 102 of 111[edit | edit source]
diffuse osteoporosis despite HRT / inc. infections
??? Myeloma
MVA with Quadriplegia with h/o recent Sx:
DVT prophylaxis required but anticoag. c.i.
(use IVC Filter)
absolute bedrest required only for 12 hours.
Patients can begin graded activity after 12 hours.
Submaximal EST @ discharge
Maximal EST @ 2-4 weeks
Sexual activity after 2-4 weeks
- 1 complication of vascular Sx: MI
No Verapamil / Diltiazem in WPW ass. SVT
(sync. Cardioversion)
tPA use in stroke: monitor neuro. Q1h
(high risk of intracranial h'age)
suspected Conn's in 2º HTN: 1 st step – CT abdo.
(not Renal Vein Renin Levels), CT yields more info.
Definitive Mx of Hepatorenal Synd.: Liver Transplant
Diverticulitis with Pneumaturia: Mx – Sx
(Colovesical Fistula)
<50y Diverticulitis: Sx after 1 st episode
> 50y Diverticulitis: Sx after 3 rd episode
UGIH: i/v Octreotide (Splanchnic vaso-constriction)
Malignant Otitis Externa: CT scan of temporal bone
(Mx: i/v antibiotics)
Rapid Rx of DKA: risk of cerebral edema
Radio. Dx of Pleural Effusion: X-Ray in decubitus view.
Aster's Notes 103 of 111[edit | edit source]
Elderly with Bloody Diarrhea & patchy mucosal depigmentation (with other e/o
Ischemic colitis (Mx - Bowel Rest & Hydration)
Dural Venous Sinus Thrombosis (headache/seizure):
Ix: CT Mx: Anticoag.
Infants of GBS (+) mothers who received <2 doses of ampicillin: Take CBC/Bl.Culture &
observe for 48hrs.
Nephrolithiasis with Hydronephrosis with Urosepsis:
Percutaneous Nephrostomy Tube Insetion
(Antibiotics alone will not help)
Mx of Neonatal UTI:
i/v Ampi + Genta
Neonatal Adrenal H'ages (B/L):
sign of birth trauma (F/U with rpt. U/S in 1-2 weeks)
Urinary retention with Renal Dysfn.: Catheterize (Decompress tract)
Competent pregnant female may refuse diagnostic or surgical procedure that may be
therapeutic, even life-saving, for the fetus (Patient autonomy)
Previous abortion & OCP use are not risk factors for ectopic pregnancy
Breast engorgement: Continue breast feeding
(Use warm compresses) – antibiotics not needed
An intact pulse distal to injury DOES NOT R/O compartment syndrome
Ix – measure compartment pressure
Mx – fasciotomy
Lap Chole in Pregnancy: best results in 2 nd trimester
discoloration of synovial fluid indicates infection
Acute onset of renal dysfn. - look at BUN/C
next step: estimate electrolytes.
Aster's Notes 104 of 111[edit | edit source]
Children, with delayed passage of meconium, born to mothers who recv'd MgSO4
“bubbly” appearance on radiographs
(not synonymous with meconium ileus)
Ix & Mx: Water-soluble contrast
Biliary vomiting in infant: VOLVULUS until proved otherwise (Mx – Sx)
Muddy Brown Casts in urine: ATN
(Contrast nephropathy is a common cause, prevent by prior administration of N-acetylcysteine)
- 1 Sensitive test for proper intubation:
End-tidal colume CO2 detection (colorimetric)
1 st step after insertion of ETT (>7y):
inflate cuff, auscultate (or check end-tidal CO2)
Any anatomical defect in airway, get thoracic surgery consult before securing airway
Ix for Latent TB: PPD
Ix for Active TB: Sputum AFB Stain
RA+Splenomegaly = Felty's
severe disease, might require immunosuppressive agents like cyclophosphamide /azathiprine for Rx
Patient on ventilator:
acidosis & hypercarbia: increase Tidal Volume
hypoxic respi.failure (ARDS, cardiogenic pulmonary edema): increase PEEP
Apiration penumonia:
Right Lower Lobe, foul smelling, anaerobic cover reqd.
Selective pulmonary vasodilator: NO (Nitric Oxide).
Aster's Notes 105 of 111[edit | edit source]
Evaluation of TMJ: MRI
Heliox: mixture of Helium + Oxygen
(used for oxygen delivery in severe bronchoconstriction, it has better laminar flow)
Cystic Fibrosis with pneumonia:
Aggressive chest physiotherapy to clear secretions
Steroid acne: papules & pustules
Œsteroid induced
Œatypical site
ŒMx: Tretinoin (no need to stop steroids)
Œalso with: anabolic steroids, Iodide, Bromides, Li
If unable to intubate after repeated attempts:
Surgical Airway Access (No Resusci. without airway)
Increased survival with ARDS:
ventilator setting of TV < 6cc/kg bdy weight
Alkali ingestion:
ŒUGI study with water soluble contrast
Œif (-) can be repeated with Barium
ŒEarly endoscopy (endoscopy in acute ingestion might cause perforation)
post-AAA repair, loss of sensation but intact proprioception: Anterior Spinal Artery
(posterior cord spared)
Catheter associated sepsis:
Remove catheter, start broad spectrum antibiotics
if still spiking fever (add fungal cover)
Post-heart transplant chest pain / dysnea / fever
? Mediastinitis (Mx: broad-spectrum antibiotics)
Post-thyroidectomy STRIDOR:
? Arterial bleed (call vascular surgeon, will open neck @ bedside – do ot attempt to
open neck yourself)
Post-thyroidectomy hoarseness of voice:
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve injury.
Aster's Notes 106 of 111[edit | edit source]
IJV line: associated with Carotid Bleed (if bleed occurs, and neck is tense, call vascular
Subclavian Line: associated with pneumothorax
Guide wire loss while inserting central line:
- 1 complication – arrhythmia (call interventional cardiologist or radiologist for guide wire
post-GI Sx, ileus, LLQ mass, localized tenderness with some air under diaphragm
(Pelvic Abscess)
Œsome air under diaphragm post-op may be normal, does not necessarily indicate
perforated viscus
TURP syndrome: associated with hyonatremia
(aborption of irrigating fluid)
Alcohol withdrawl: Day 3
Fat Embolism: shortly after Long Bone #
DVT: risk increases with duration of immobilization
Nitroprusside : CN toxicity (Mx-Na thiocyanate)
Mx of MethHb: Methylene Blue
Rib #: shallow rapid respiration (due to chest pain): associated with higher incidence
of atelectasis
Patients receiving epidural narcotics should not receive I/V narcotics till epidural
narcotics have stopped
- 1 cause of wound dehiscence: poor surgical closure
DPL may not reveal retroperitoneal processes
LGV: suppurative inuinal adenitis
(1º lesion: herpetiform vesicle or erosion on glans)
Chancroid: Painful punched out lesion
ŒSyphilitic chancre can appear after appearance of chancroid 'cuz the incubation period
of syphilis is longer than chancroid
ŒMx: Ceftriaxone / Azithromycin.
Aster's Notes 107 of 111[edit | edit source]
Granuloma inguinale:
Œseprenginous ulceration of groin/genitalia/anus
Œgranulomatous tissue
Œbeefy red / bleeds easily
Acute suppurative parotitis:
ŒS aureus
Œhigh mortality rate
Œseen in post-op patients with poor oral hygiene
Œfever with preauricular swelling
Fastest way to achieve androgen deprivation (for prostatic mets.) is B/L orchiectomy
(castrate level testosterone in 3 hours) – Leuprolide can take 30 days to achieve
castrate level testosterone
INR > 3.0, dysnea, no fever/leuko, increased Dlco:
Dx is Pulmonary Hemorrhage
AIDS with PML: start HAART (improves survival)
Œno Rx for PML (caused by JC virus)
Post-LP: c/o postural headache
ŒPost-LP headache
ŒMx: remain horizontal
Broca's aphasia: broken speech, comprehension intact
Wernicke's: “word salad”
1 st episode of vasovagal syncope: reassure (get EKG)
recurrent vasovagal syncope: TILT TABLE TEST
Neuro. deficits in hypoglycemia: give I/V Dextrose
SAH: Early CT can be normal, if CT does not agree with clinical suspicion – do CSF
TIA: 1 st step – auscultate carotid
If bruit (+): do Duplex U/S
If Stenosis > 70% - CEA
TCA overdose: admit to ICU.
Aster's Notes 108 of 111[edit | edit source]
(high risk of arrhythmia)
Bell's palsy: Mx ?Conserv. / Acyclovir & Prednisone
Li levels > 4.0mEq/L – urgent hemodialysis
Bifrontal headache, OK when supine, worse on getting up : Intracranial Hypotension (?
Dural tear – exertion)
Meningitis with Papilledema: No LP
Pt. with A.Fib
on warfarin with increased INR with stroke:
CT Head : if non-h'agic – tPA
CT Head : h'agic – administer FFP & Vit.K
Acute arterial occlusion:
start i/v heparin + prepare for Sx embolectomy
Pt. in ED with asystole: Transcutaneous pacing
severe CAD & brady alternating with tachy:
Sick Sinus Syndrome
Pt. with uncontrolled HTN with chest pain & unequal blood pressure in R & L arm:
Acute Aortic Dissection (Dx: CT)
Mx - 1 st step – lower systolic to < 100-120 mmHg
HbS disease with fever: ADMIT (high risk of sepsis)
CT can detect pericardial effusion, only ECHO can detect cardiac tamponade
Dx of IE: isolation of organism from 2 separate sites
FFP transfusion is also blood group matched
anemia, t'penia, fever, renal dysfn., neuro ab(n):
TTP (Mx: Plasmapheresis)
Sigmoid volvulus: forms an omega loop
can be reduced with sigmoidoscopy.
Aster's Notes 109 of 111[edit | edit source]
Abdo exam: 1 st step is AUSCULTATION
eavluation of any acute abdomen: check hernial sites
DM with hearing loss / pain / granulation in external auditory canal: Malignant
Otitis Externa
(Pseudomonas) Mx – I/V Antibiotics
Frontal sinusitis: can lead to a subperiosteal abscess (Pott's puffy tumor)
Adult PCKD: cysts are found in kidneys, aso in liver
PID with severe pain / guarding / mass:
TOA ? Ruptured
Child < 1 m with fever > 100F
send Blood / Stool / CSF to r/o Sepsis
Epiglottitis: Intubate (in OR by Anesthetist)
Avoid NSAID use in renal insufficiency
Acute Gout with PUD / recent Bleed:
Acute Gout with Renal Failure
(NSAIDs and Colchicine are both unsafe)
Intra-articular steroids
HZ Ophthalmicus: ORAL Acyclovir
Rx human bites with antibiotics
Rx rat bites with Penicillin (rat bite fever)
Pain remover: absorbed by skin, metabolized to CO in liver, can lead to CO poisoning
100% O2 vs Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy
Indications for Hyperbaric O2 therapy in
Carbon Monoxide poisoning
ŒCarboxyHb > 40%
ŒCarboxyHb > 25% with neuro. symptoms.
Aster's Notes 110 of 111[edit | edit source]
CarboxyHb > 15% in pregnancy (HbF has a high affinity for CO and fetal CO levels are
10-15% higher than maternal levels)
to detect small pneumothoarx: end-expiratory CXR
Radial Head #: heals faster with early mobilization
Clearing Cx Spine: X-Rays and Examination
Clearing involves response from patient. Therefore, a patient in altered sensorium with
suspected Cx spine injury can not have hi Cx spine cleared !!!
Antibiotics improve outcome in COPD flare
A Living Will with DNR orders needs to be verified by the hospital's legal / social work
Penile chordee: CONGENITAL, fibrosis of tunica albuginea – increased curvature of
Peyronie's disease: ACQUIRED, fibrosis of tunica albuginea – increased curvature &
palpable plaques
evaluation of rotator cuff injuries:
Diabetic Foot Ulcer: X-Ray to detect air
Mx: Debridement
DVT/PE: start i/v heparin & warfarin. Stop heparin 2 days after attaining therapeutic
Pemphigus: acantholysis, Nikolsky sign (+)
In patients @ high-risk for aspiration, apply cricoid pressure while intubating
Fall from height & landing on feet:
increased incidence of calcaneal & vertebral #'s
Mx of acute prostatitis: Fluoroquinolones / TMP-SMX
Œno prostatic massage / no catheterization.
Aster's Notes 111 of 111[edit | edit source]
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD