
Baduy people

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Two Baduy Luar women, Indonesia
COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Heuvellandschap bij de Badui kampong Kadoeketoeg TMnr 60016565
COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Afgevaardigden van de Badui (oftewel Kanekes) bevolking TMnr 60016564
Baduy van de residentie Banten, West-Java, Jannes Theodorus Bik (attributed to), c. 1816 - c. 1846
Kanekes people, 28-11-2010
Struktur pemerintahan baduy

Baduy People

The Baduy People are an indigenous community living in the western part of the Java Island, in Indonesia. They reside primarily in the Kendeng mountains within the Lebak Regency of Banten Province. The Baduy are known for their traditional lifestyle, which is characterized by a strong adherence to customs that have been passed down through generations. This community is often divided into two groups: the Inner Baduy (Baduy Dalam) and the Outer Baduy (Baduy Luar).

History[edit | edit source]

The origins of the Baduy people are not well-documented, but they are believed to have been living in their current location for hundreds of years. Their culture and social structure are thought to have been preserved from external influences due to their geographical isolation and their principles that discourage interaction with the outside world.

Culture[edit | edit source]

The culture of the Baduy is deeply rooted in their animistic beliefs, with a profound respect for nature and ancestral traditions. They live a subsistence lifestyle, relying on agriculture, without utilizing modern farming equipment or chemicals. Their diet is primarily vegetarian, consisting of rice, vegetables, and fruits grown within their territory.

Social Structure[edit | edit source]

The Baduy community is hierarchical, divided into the Inner and Outer Baduy. The Inner Baduy, who number in the hundreds, are considered the guardians of the Baduy traditions and are more stringent in their adherence to customs. They live in the most secluded areas and do not wear footwear or use modern amenities like electricity. The Outer Baduy, numbering in the thousands, live in areas more accessible to outsiders and have adopted some modern tools and clothing, though they still maintain many traditional practices.

Religion and Beliefs[edit | edit source]

The Baduy practice a form of animism called Sunda Wiwitan, which involves the worship of ancestors and nature spirits. They have a religious leader known as the Pu'un who plays a crucial role in community rituals and maintaining the spiritual balance. The Baduy also observe many taboos, including prohibitions against killing animals, cutting down live trees, and using modern technology.

Economy[edit | edit source]

The Baduy economy is primarily based on agriculture, with rice being the staple crop. They employ traditional farming methods, such as using wooden plows and hand threshing. The community also engages in other activities like weaving and honey collection, which are done in harmony with their environmental principles.

Challenges[edit | edit source]

The Baduy people face several challenges, including pressures from modernization and the encroachment of their lands by external parties. Despite these challenges, they have managed to preserve their way of life by limiting interaction with the outside world and adhering strictly to their customs.

Tourism[edit | edit source]

Tourism to the Baduy region is controlled and limited to protect the community's way of life. Visitors are allowed in the Outer Baduy areas but are generally not permitted to enter the Inner Baduy villages. Tourists are expected to respect the customs and traditions of the Baduy, including dress codes and restrictions on photography.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

The Baduy people represent a fascinating example of a community that has preserved its traditional way of life in the face of modernization. Their commitment to their customs, beliefs, and the environment offers valuable insights into sustainable living and the importance of cultural preservation.


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