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Beldin is a fictional character from David Eddings's The Belgariad and The Malloreon series. He is a powerful sorcerer and one of the seven disciples of the god Aldur. Beldin is known for his gruff demeanor, sharp wit, and immense magical abilities.

Character Overview[edit | edit source]

Beldin is described as a hunchback with a disfigured appearance, which often leads others to underestimate him. Despite his physical deformities, Beldin possesses a brilliant mind and a deep understanding of the Will and the Word, the primary form of magic in Eddings' universe. He is fiercely loyal to Aldur and his fellow disciples, including Belgarath, Belgarion, and Polgara.

Role in The Belgariad[edit | edit source]

In The Belgariad, Beldin plays a crucial role in the quest to recover the Orb of Aldur and defeat the dark god Torak. His knowledge of ancient lore and his ability to transform into a bird make him an invaluable asset to the group. Beldin's abrasive personality often leads to humorous exchanges with other characters, particularly Belgarath.

Role in The Malloreon[edit | edit source]

Beldin continues to be a significant character in The Malloreon, where he aids in the search for Garion's kidnapped son, Geran. His magical prowess and strategic mind are essential in overcoming the various challenges the group faces. Beldin's relationship with the sorceress Vella is also explored in greater depth, adding a layer of complexity to his character.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Beldin is one of the most powerful sorcerers in the series, with a deep understanding of the Will and the Word. He is capable of performing complex spells and transformations, including changing his shape into that of a bird. Beldin's magical abilities are often used to gather information, transport the group, and combat enemies.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Beldin is known for his blunt and often abrasive personality. He does not suffer fools gladly and is quick to voice his opinions, regardless of the consequences. Despite his rough exterior, Beldin is deeply loyal to his friends and will go to great lengths to protect them. His sharp wit and intelligence make him a formidable ally and a dangerous enemy.

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