Brooklandville House

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Brooklandville House Dec 09

Brooklandville House is a historic home located in Brooklandville, Maryland, within Baltimore County. This residence is notable for its architectural significance and its role in the local history of the region. The house exemplifies the architectural styles and living conditions of its era, making it a subject of interest for historians and architectural enthusiasts alike.

History[edit | edit source]

The Brooklandville House dates back to the early 19th century, with its construction period typically placed around the 1820s. It was built as a family home and has since witnessed significant historical events and changes in the surrounding community. Over the years, the house has been maintained and preserved, allowing it to serve as a window into the past.

Architecture[edit | edit source]

The architecture of Brooklandville House is a representation of the style prevalent during its time of construction. It features characteristics typical of the early 19th century, including a symmetrical facade, gabled roof, and original interior detailing. The house's design reflects the transition from the Georgian to the Federal style, which was popular in the United States during that period.

Significance[edit | edit source]

Brooklandville House is significant not only for its architectural features but also for its contribution to the understanding of the historical and cultural context of the area. It is a testament to the lifestyle, aesthetics, and social norms of the period in which it was built. The house has been recognized for its historical value and has been the subject of various preservation efforts.

Preservation[edit | edit source]

Efforts to preserve Brooklandville House have been ongoing, with emphasis on maintaining its original structure and appearance. These efforts ensure that the house remains a valuable educational and cultural resource, providing insight into the architectural and historical heritage of Maryland.

Current Use[edit | edit source]

Today, Brooklandville House is often cited in studies of architectural history and is a point of interest for those exploring the history of Baltimore County. It serves as an example of successful historic preservation and continues to be a subject of interest for those studying the architectural and social history of the region.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD