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Tetrix subulata 2

Caelifera is a suborder of Orthoptera that includes the insects commonly known as grasshoppers and their close relatives. They are characterized by their short antennae and powerful hind legs adapted for jumping. Caelifera are primarily herbivorous and are found in a variety of habitats, including grasslands, forests, and agricultural areas.

Morphology[edit | edit source]

Caelifera are distinguished by their short, robust antennae, which are typically shorter than the body. They possess large compound eyes and a pair of powerful hind legs that are well-suited for jumping. The forewings are usually narrow and leathery, while the hindwings are broader and membranous. The body is generally elongated and cylindrical.

Life Cycle[edit | edit source]

The life cycle of Caelifera includes three main stages: egg, nymph, and adult. The eggs are usually laid in the soil or in plant material. Nymphs resemble adults but are smaller and lack fully developed wings. They undergo several molts before reaching adulthood.

Behavior[edit | edit source]

Caelifera are known for their jumping ability, which they use to escape predators. They are also capable of producing sounds, known as stridulation, by rubbing their hind legs against their forewings. This is primarily used for communication during mating.

Diet[edit | edit source]

Most Caelifera are herbivorous, feeding on a variety of plants. Some species can become agricultural pests, causing significant damage to crops.

Taxonomy[edit | edit source]

The suborder Caelifera is divided into several superfamilies, including:

Related Pages[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD