
California Milk Processor Board

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California Milk Processor Board (CMPB) was established in 1993 to promote milk consumption within the state of California. The board is most famous for its iconic "Got Milk?" advertising campaign, which has become one of the most recognized and successful marketing campaigns in the United States. The CMPB operates under the oversight of the California Department of Food and Agriculture and is funded by California milk processors, who are required by law to contribute to the board's efforts.

History[edit | edit source]

The CMPB was created in response to a decline in milk consumption during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Recognizing the need to boost milk sales, the California milk industry voted to fund the CMPB through an assessment on all milk processed in California. The board then launched the "Got Milk?" campaign in 1993, which quickly gained national attention for its clever and humorous approach to advertising milk.

"Got Milk?" Campaign[edit | edit source]

The "Got Milk?" campaign is perhaps the most significant initiative undertaken by the CMPB. It was developed by the advertising agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners. The campaign's initial television commercial featured a hapless history buff who is unable to answer a radio quiz question about Alexander Hamilton because his mouth is full of peanut butter and he has run out of milk. The campaign expanded to include various print and digital advertisements, all emphasizing situations where the absence of milk is keenly felt.

Impact[edit | edit source]

The "Got Milk?" campaign has been credited with significantly increasing milk consumption in California and has been adopted by various dairy organizations nationwide. Its success has led to numerous awards and has made it a case study in effective marketing strategies. Beyond its immediate impact on milk sales, the campaign has influenced popular culture, inspiring parodies, and becoming a recognizable part of the American lexicon.

Current Initiatives[edit | edit source]

Beyond the "Got Milk?" campaign, the CMPB has launched other initiatives aimed at promoting milk consumption among different demographics. These include educational programs in schools, partnerships with health organizations to highlight the nutritional benefits of milk, and campaigns targeting multicultural audiences. The board continues to innovate in its marketing and promotional efforts to keep milk relevant in the changing consumer landscape.

Criticism and Controversy[edit | edit source]

Despite its successes, the CMPB and the "Got Milk?" campaign have not been without their critics. Some health advocates argue that the campaign oversells the benefits of milk and does not adequately address concerns related to lactose intolerance and dairy allergies. There have also been debates about the environmental impact of dairy farming, which the CMPB has addressed by promoting sustainable farming practices among its members.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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