Cassia fistula

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Cassia fistula, also known as the golden shower tree, is a flowering plant species in the family Fabaceae. It is native to the Indian subcontinent and adjacent regions of Southeast Asia. It is the national tree of Thailand, and its flower is Thailand's national flower. It is also the state flower of Kerala in India and of immense importance amongst the Malayali population. It is a popular ornamental plant and is also used in herbal medicine.

Description[edit | edit source]

The Cassia fistula is a medium-sized deciduous tree that grows up to 10-20 meters in height. The leaves are pinnate with 3-8 pairs of leaflets, each leaflet 7-21 cm long and 4-9 cm broad. The flowers are produced in pendulous racemes 20-40 cm long, each flower 4-7 cm diameter with five yellow petals of equal size and shape. The fruit is a legume, 30-60 cm long and 1.5-2.5 cm broad, with a pungent odor and containing several seeds.

Cultivation[edit | edit source]

Cassia fistula is widely grown as an ornamental plant in tropical and subtropical regions. It blooms in late spring. Flowering is profuse, with trees being covered with yellow flowers, many times with almost no leaf being seen. It grows well in dry climates.

Uses[edit | edit source]

The Cassia fistula is known for its medicinal properties. Its fruits are used in the treatment of constipation and other digestive disorders. The pulp of the fruit is used as a laxative, in the treatment of fever, inflammation, and skin diseases. The leaves, bark, and seeds are also used in Ayurvedic medicine.

Cultural significance[edit | edit source]

In India, the golden shower tree is associated with the Vishu festival, a Hindu festival celebrated in the Indian state of Kerala. The flowers are used in the Vishu Kani, a ritual arrangement of flowers, fruits, and other items that is the first thing seen on the day of Vishu.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD