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Celluloid is a type of plastic that was first created in the mid-19th century. It was one of the first synthetic plastics ever made and was used for a variety of purposes, including film production, toys, and other items. Despite its many uses, celluloid is highly flammable and has largely been replaced by safer materials.

History[edit | edit source]

Celluloid was first created in 1856 by Alexander Parkes, who named his invention Parkesine. Parkes was attempting to create a synthetic substitute for ivory, which was becoming increasingly scarce. In 1869, American inventors John Wesley Hyatt and Isaiah Hyatt patented a process for making celluloid, which they used to produce billiard balls.

The term "celluloid" actually comes from the French words cellule (meaning "small cell") and -oïde (meaning "like"), referring to the cellulose used in its production.

Production[edit | edit source]

Celluloid is made by dissolving cellulose, a natural polymer found in plant cell walls, in a mixture of camphor and alcohol. The resulting material can be molded and shaped when heated, then hardens as it cools. This makes celluloid a type of thermoplastic.

Uses[edit | edit source]

Celluloid was widely used in the production of film stock for movies until the 1950s, when it was largely replaced by acetate and polyester film stocks. It was also used to make a variety of other items, including toys, jewelry, and musical instrument parts.

Despite its many uses, celluloid is highly flammable and can be dangerous if not handled properly. This has led to it being largely replaced by safer materials in most applications.

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

Celluloid Resources

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