
Centaurea cyanus

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Centaurea cyanus 3
EB 1911 Flowering shoot of Cornflower
Bachelor's button, Basket flower, Boutonniere flower, Cornflower - 3
Bee on cornflower in Aspen (91223)
Error creating thumbnail:
005 Cornflower petals - edible flower on ice cream

Centaurea cyanus, commonly known as cornflower, is an annual flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. Native to Europe, it is now spread throughout many parts of the world as an ornamental plant. It is known for its vibrant blue flowers, which have historically been used for their dye and medicinal properties.

Description[edit | edit source]

Centaurea cyanus grows to approximately 30–90 cm in height, with grey-green branched stems. The leaves are lanceolate and can be both basal and cauline. The flowers of the cornflower are most commonly a deep, vivid blue color, which is rare in the plant kingdom, making it highly prized for gardens and floral arrangements. The flower heads are composed of both tubular and ligulate florets, the latter giving the flower its distinctive fringed appearance.

Habitat and Distribution[edit | edit source]

Originally native to the temperate regions of Europe, the Centaurea cyanus has been introduced to North America, Australia, and other parts of the world. It thrives in open, sunny locations with well-drained soil. Historically, cornflowers often grew as weeds in fields of grain crops, such as corn, which is how it received its common name. However, intensive agriculture and the use of herbicides have greatly reduced its presence in its natural habitat.

Uses[edit | edit source]

Culinary[edit | edit source]

The petals of the cornflower are edible and have a slightly spicy, clove-like flavor. They are used to add color to salads, desserts, and drinks. In some cultures, cornflower tea is consumed for its purported health benefits.

Medicinal[edit | edit source]

Traditionally, Centaurea cyanus has been used in folk medicine to treat various ailments. Its flowers are said to possess mild anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. However, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited.

Dye[edit | edit source]

The blue pigment derived from cornflower petals has been used historically to dye fabrics and inks.

Conservation[edit | edit source]

With the decline in Centaurea cyanus populations due to modern agricultural practices, efforts are being made to conserve this species. It is often included in wildflower mixes for gardens and agricultural buffer zones to support biodiversity.

Cultural Significance[edit | edit source]

The cornflower has significant cultural importance in several countries. It is the national flower of Estonia and symbolizes remembrance and the welfare of veterans in France and Germany, akin to the poppy in the UK and Commonwealth countries.