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Centring[edit | edit source]

A centring used in construction

Centring, also known as centering or formwork, is a temporary structure used in construction to support and shape concrete or masonry structures until they become self-supporting. It provides the necessary form and stability during the construction process, allowing for the pouring and curing of concrete or the laying of bricks or stones.

Construction[edit | edit source]

Centring is typically made of timber or steel and is designed to withstand the weight of wet concrete or masonry materials. It consists of horizontal members called joists or bearers, which are supported by vertical members known as props or shores. The joists are placed at regular intervals and are leveled to ensure a flat and even surface.

Purpose[edit | edit source]

The primary purpose of centring is to provide support and shape to the concrete or masonry structure until it gains sufficient strength to stand on its own. It helps in maintaining the desired dimensions, alignment, and levelness of the structure during the construction process. Centring also helps distribute the weight of the wet materials evenly, preventing any sagging or deformation.

Types of Centring[edit | edit source]

There are various types of centring used in construction, depending on the nature and complexity of the structure being built. Some common types include:

1. **Simple Centring**: This is the most basic type of centring used for simple structures like walls or columns. It consists of horizontal and vertical members arranged in a grid pattern.

2. **Flying Centring**: Flying centring is used for constructing arches or vaults. It consists of a temporary framework that supports the arch or vault during construction.

3. **Slip Formwork**: Slip formwork is a continuous centring system used for constructing tall structures like towers or chimneys. It involves a moving formwork that is gradually raised as the concrete is poured and cured.

Advantages of Centring[edit | edit source]

Centring offers several advantages in the construction process:

1. **Flexibility**: Centring can be easily adjusted and modified to accommodate changes in design or dimensions during construction.

2. **Cost-effective**: Centring is a cost-effective solution as it can be reused multiple times, reducing the need for new formwork for each project.

3. **Time-saving**: By providing a stable and controlled environment for construction, centring helps speed up the overall construction process.

Categories[edit | edit source]

Centring can be categorized under the following construction-related categories:

1.: Centring is a construction technique used to support and shape concrete or masonry structures.

2.: Centring is a type of formwork used in construction.

3.: Centring plays a crucial role in ensuring the structural integrity of concrete or masonry structures.

Templates[edit | edit source]

Templates can be used to enhance the presentation and organization of the centring article. Some useful templates include:

1. {{ Construction-stub}}

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2. {{ Cite}}

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3. {{ Construction-navbox}}

This template can be used to create a navigation box at the end of the article, providing links to related construction topics.

References[edit | edit source]


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