Circassian diaspora

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== Circassian Diaspora ==

The Circassian diaspora refers to the communities of Circassians who have been dispersed from their ancestral homeland in the North Caucasus region. This dispersion primarily occurred during the Circassian Genocide in the 19th century, when the Russian Empire forcibly expelled Circassians from their native lands.

Historical Background[edit | edit source]

The Circassian diaspora began in the aftermath of the Caucasian War (1817-1864), which culminated in the Circassian Genocide. The Russian Empire sought to consolidate its control over the Caucasus by expelling the indigenous Circassian population. As a result, many Circassians were forced to flee to the Ottoman Empire, where they settled in various regions, including modern-day Turkey, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq.

Distribution[edit | edit source]

Today, the Circassian diaspora is spread across several countries:

  • Turkey: The largest Circassian community outside the Caucasus is in Turkey, where they have maintained a distinct cultural identity.
  • Syria: Circassians in Syria have historically been concentrated in cities like Damascus and Aleppo.
  • Jordan: The Circassian community in Jordan is well-integrated and has played a significant role in the country's military and political life.
  • Israel: A smaller Circassian community exists in Israel, primarily in the villages of Kfar Kama and Rehaniya.
  • United States: There is a growing Circassian community in the United States, particularly in states like New Jersey and New York.

Cultural Preservation[edit | edit source]

Circassians in the diaspora have made concerted efforts to preserve their language, customs, and traditions. Cultural organizations and associations play a crucial role in maintaining Circassian heritage. These organizations often host cultural events, language classes, and traditional dance performances.

Challenges[edit | edit source]

The Circassian diaspora faces several challenges, including:

  • Assimilation: The risk of cultural assimilation in host countries poses a threat to the preservation of Circassian identity.
  • Political Issues: Circassians in some countries face political and social challenges that affect their ability to maintain their cultural practices.
  • Connection to Homeland: Many Circassians in the diaspora strive to maintain a connection to their ancestral homeland, despite the geopolitical complexities of the region.

Notable Figures[edit | edit source]

Several notable figures have emerged from the Circassian diaspora, contributing to various fields such as politics, sports, and the arts.

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