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Cirio is a renowned Italian food brand, primarily known for its production of canned tomatoes and related products. Founded in 1856 by Francesco Cirio, the company has a long-standing history in the Italian food industry and has become a staple in many households worldwide.

History[edit | edit source]

Francesco Cirio established the Cirio company in Turin, Italy, in 1856. The company initially focused on preserving vegetables, with tomatoes being the primary product. Cirio was one of the first companies to use the innovative technique of canning for preserving food, which contributed significantly to its growth and popularity.

Products[edit | edit source]

Cirio's product range includes canned tomatoes, tomato puree, passata, and a variety of other tomato-based products. The company also produces canned vegetables, fruit juices, and ready-made sauces. Cirio's products are known for their quality and authenticity, reflecting the rich culinary tradition of Italy.

Distribution[edit | edit source]

Cirio's products are distributed globally, reaching consumers in Europe, North America, Asia, and other regions. The company's extensive distribution network has played a crucial role in establishing Cirio as a global brand in the food industry.

Impact on Italian Cuisine[edit | edit source]

Cirio has had a significant impact on Italian cuisine, both domestically and internationally. The company's products, particularly its canned tomatoes, have become a staple ingredient in many traditional Italian dishes, such as pasta sauces, pizza, and stews. Cirio's influence extends beyond Italy, with its products being used in kitchens worldwide.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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