
Clarence Wijewardena

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Clarence Wijewardena (1943-1996)

Clarence Wijewardena

Clarence Wijewardena was a prominent Sri Lankan musician and composer known for his significant contributions to the Sri Lankan music industry. Born on December 3, 1943, in Sri Lanka, Wijewardena's musical talent and innovative style have left a lasting impact on the country's music scene.

Early Life and Career[edit | edit source]

Wijewardena began his musical journey at a young age, displaying a natural aptitude for music. He honed his skills in composition and arrangement, eventually establishing himself as a leading figure in Sri Lankan music. His unique blend of traditional Sri Lankan melodies with modern influences set him apart from his contemporaries.

Musical Style[edit | edit source]

Wijewardena's music is characterized by its melodic richness and lyrical depth. His compositions often explore themes of love, nostalgia, and cultural identity, resonating with audiences across generations. His innovative approach to blending traditional Sri Lankan folk music with contemporary elements earned him widespread acclaim.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Clarence Wijewardena's legacy continues to endure in the Sri Lankan music industry. His timeless compositions remain popular among music enthusiasts, and his influence can be seen in the work of many contemporary Sri Lankan musicians. Wijewardena's contributions have helped shape the cultural landscape of Sri Lanka and have cemented his status as a musical icon.

Discography[edit | edit source]

Some of Clarence Wijewardena's notable works include:

  • "Malata Bambareku Se"
  • "Sandakada Pahana"
  • "Gamen Liyumak"
  • "Diyakal Waradak"
  • "Sulange Pavi"

Awards and Recognition[edit | edit source]

Throughout his career, Clarence Wijewardena received numerous accolades for his musical achievements. His contributions to Sri Lankan music have been celebrated both locally and internationally, solidifying his reputation as a pioneering musician.

References[edit | edit source]


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