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1832 Lewis ShipBread BostonDirectory
Army and Navy hard tack
Ship's biscuit, England, 1875 Wellcome L0064860
Japanese Hardtack Kanpan
Polish SU-1 Hardtack DB2K4744

Hardtack is a simple type of biscuit or cracker, made from flour, water, and sometimes salt. Hardtack is known for its long shelf life and was historically used as a staple food in times where perishable foods could not be stored. It was particularly used by military forces, sailors, and explorers during long sea voyages and military campaigns.

History[edit | edit source]

The use of hardtack dates back to ancient times. However, it became widely known during the Age of Sail, when it was used as a primary food source for sailors on long voyages. Hardtack was also a common ration during the American Civil War, where it was sometimes referred to as "molar breakers" or "sheet iron" due to its hardness.

Preparation[edit | edit source]

The basic recipe for hardtack involves mixing flour and water to create a stiff dough. This dough is then rolled out, cut into rectangles or squares, and pricked with a fork to prevent puffing during baking. The biscuits are baked at a low temperature for a long period to ensure they are completely dried out, making them resistant to mold and spoilage.

Consumption[edit | edit source]

Due to its hardness, hardtack is often soaked in water, coffee, or some other liquid before consumption to make it more palatable. In historical contexts, it was sometimes crumbled into soups and stews to add calories and bulk.

Cultural Significance[edit | edit source]

Hardtack holds a place in the cultural memory of many nations, particularly those with a history of naval exploration or military campaigns. It symbolizes the hardships faced by soldiers and sailors and the ingenuity employed to overcome challenges related to food preservation and storage.

Modern Uses[edit | edit source]

Today, hardtack is not as commonly consumed but is still made by some for historical reenactments, emergency preparedness, and by those interested in traditional foods. It serves as a reminder of the past and a simple, durable food option for situations requiring non-perishable provisions.


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