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CompuServe[edit | edit source]

CompuServe logo CompuServe was one of the earliest commercial online service providers, offering a wide range of services to its subscribers. Founded in 1969, CompuServe played a significant role in the development of the online industry and was a pioneer in many aspects of online communication and information sharing.

History[edit | edit source]

CompuServe was established by Jeff Wilkins as a subsidiary of Golden United Life Insurance Company. Initially, it provided time-sharing services to businesses, allowing them to access computing resources remotely. However, in 1979, CompuServe introduced its consumer-oriented service, which marked the beginning of its transformation into a popular online service provider.

Services[edit | edit source]

CompuServe offered a variety of services to its subscribers, including email, forums, chat rooms, and file downloads. One of its most notable features was the availability of online games, which attracted a large number of users. CompuServe also provided access to news, weather updates, and financial information, making it a valuable resource for both individuals and businesses.

Impact[edit | edit source]

CompuServe played a significant role in shaping the online landscape and popularizing the concept of online services. It introduced many innovative features that are now considered standard in the online industry. The availability of email and online forums revolutionized communication, allowing people from different parts of the world to connect and exchange ideas. CompuServe's online games also paved the way for the booming online gaming industry we see today.

Decline and Legacy[edit | edit source]

Despite its early success, CompuServe faced challenges in the 1990s with the rise of the internet and the emergence of other online service providers. The company struggled to adapt to the changing landscape and eventually lost its market dominance. In 1998, CompuServe was acquired by AOL, which further contributed to its decline.

However, CompuServe's legacy lives on. Many of its pioneering features and concepts continue to influence the online industry. The idea of a comprehensive online service that offers various features and resources can be seen in modern platforms such as social media networks and content-sharing websites.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD