
Coronation Street Live (2010 episode)

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Coronation Street Live (2010 episode) is a special live episode of the British soap opera Coronation Street. It was broadcast on 9 December 2010 to mark the 50th anniversary of the show. The episode was notable for its dramatic content and the technical challenges involved in producing a live broadcast.

Plot[edit | edit source]

The live episode centered around the aftermath of a catastrophic tram crash on Coronation Street. The crash resulted in several characters being trapped and injured, leading to dramatic rescue efforts and emotional confrontations. Key storylines included the fate of Peter Barlow, who was critically injured, and the impact of the disaster on the residents of the street.

Production[edit | edit source]

The live episode was a significant technical achievement, involving meticulous planning and coordination. The cast and crew underwent extensive rehearsals to ensure the broadcast went smoothly. The episode was directed by Tony Prescott and produced by Phil Collinson.

Cast[edit | edit source]

The episode featured many of the show's regular cast members, including:

Reception[edit | edit source]

The live episode was well-received by both critics and viewers. It was praised for its ambitious scope and the performances of the cast. The episode attracted a large audience, with millions of viewers tuning in to watch the dramatic events unfold.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

The 2010 live episode is remembered as a landmark moment in Coronation Street history. It demonstrated the show's ability to deliver high-stakes drama and showcased the talents of its cast and crew. The success of the live broadcast paved the way for future live episodes and special events.

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]



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