Ranunculus repens

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

(Redirected from Creeping buttercup)

Creeping butercup close 800

Ranunculus repens, commonly known as the creeping buttercup, is a species of flowering plant in the Ranunculaceae family. It is native to Europe, Asia, and Northwestern Africa but has been introduced to many other parts of the world as an ornamental plant and has often become an invasive species.

Description[edit | edit source]

Ranunculus repens is a perennial herbaceous plant that spreads by running stems, which root at the nodes. It typically grows to 20-50 cm tall. The leaves are divided into three leaflets (trifoliate), each leaflet deeply lobed and toothed. The flowers are bright yellow, 2-3 cm in diameter, with five petals, and bloom from late spring to late summer. The fruit is a cluster of achenes.

Habitat and Distribution[edit | edit source]

Ranunculus repens prefers moist, nutrient-rich soils and is commonly found in meadows, lawns, and damp areas. It has a wide ecological tolerance and can also thrive in disturbed sites, which contributes to its invasive potential outside its native range.

Ecological Impact[edit | edit source]

While Ranunculus repens is valued for its bright yellow flowers, it can form dense mats that outcompete native vegetation, reducing biodiversity. In some regions, it is considered a weed. Its leaves are toxic to livestock if ingested in large quantities due to the presence of protoanemonin, a bitter-tasting compound that can cause irritation and inflammation.

Control[edit | edit source]

Managing Ranunculus repens involves physical, chemical, and biological methods. Regular mowing, digging up, and improving soil drainage can reduce its spread. Herbicides can be effective but may impact non-target species and the environment. Biological control options are limited and not widely implemented.

Cultural Significance[edit | edit source]

In some cultures, Ranunculus repens has been used in folk medicine and as a symbol in art and literature, often associated with charm and attractiveness.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD