Deep Throats

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Deep Throats

Poster for the film Deep Throats

Deep Throats is a groundbreaking adult film that was released in 1972. Directed by Gerard Damiano, the film gained significant attention for its explicit content and became a cultural phenomenon. It is considered one of the most influential adult films of all time.

Plot[edit | edit source]

The film follows the story of Linda Lovelace, played by Linda Boreman, a sexually frustrated woman who discovers that her clitoris is located in her throat. This unique anatomical feature leads her to become a sought-after partner in the sexual world. The plot revolves around Linda's journey as she explores her newfound talent and the various encounters she has along the way.

Impact[edit | edit source]

Deep Throats had a profound impact on the adult film industry and popular culture as a whole. It was one of the first adult films to receive mainstream attention and was widely discussed in the media. The film's success also led to a surge in the production and distribution of adult films, as well as the emergence of a new genre known as "porno chic."

Controversy[edit | edit source]

Deep Throats faced significant controversy due to its explicit content and the societal taboos surrounding discussions of sexuality at the time. The film was banned in several countries and faced legal challenges in the United States. Despite the controversy, Deep Throats continued to gain popularity and became a symbol of sexual liberation for many.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

The impact of Deep Throats can still be felt today. It paved the way for the acceptance and mainstream recognition of adult films as a legitimate form of entertainment. The film also sparked discussions about sexual freedom and challenged societal norms regarding sexuality. Deep Throats remains an important part of the history of adult cinema and continues to be studied and analyzed by scholars and filmmakers.

References[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD