Eagle Pharmacy

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Pharmacy Pod Orlem (under the Eagle), 18 Bohaterow Getta (Ghetto Heroes) square, Podgórze, Krakow, Poland

Eagle Pharmacy (Apteka Pod Orłem) is a historical site located in the Kraków Ghetto area of Kraków, Poland. It was owned by Tadeusz Pankiewicz, a Polish pharmacist, and played a significant role during World War II as a sanctuary for Jews and a resistance hub against the Nazi occupation.

History[edit | edit source]

Eagle Pharmacy was established in 1909 in the Podgórze district of Kraków, which was later designated as a Jewish Ghetto by the Nazi regime during World War II. Unlike other non-Jewish businesses that were closed down or taken over by the Nazis, Eagle Pharmacy was allowed to continue its operations. This was due to Tadeusz Pankiewicz's request to the Nazi authorities, making it the only gentile-owned business within the ghetto's boundaries.

Pankiewicz and his staff used the pharmacy as a cover to assist the Jewish population. They provided medicines, often free of charge, and also helped in smuggling food, messages, and people out of the ghetto. The pharmacy became a meeting place for the ghetto's inhabitants, offering a glimmer of hope and a semblance of normalcy in the dire conditions. It also served as a hiding place for those escaping deportations to concentration camps.

Post-War Recognition[edit | edit source]

After the war, Tadeusz Pankiewicz was recognized for his efforts and bravery. He was awarded the title of "Righteous Among the Nations" by Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Israel. The pharmacy itself has been turned into a museum, preserving the memory of the Holocaust and the acts of courage and solidarity that took place within its walls.

Eagle Pharmacy Museum[edit | edit source]

Today, the Eagle Pharmacy is a museum dedicated to the history of the Kraków Ghetto and the Holocaust. It features exhibitions that include original artifacts, photographs, and personal accounts from the ghetto. The museum serves as an educational resource, highlighting the importance of tolerance, empathy, and the fight against racism and prejudice.

In Popular Culture[edit | edit source]

Eagle Pharmacy and Tadeusz Pankiewicz's story have been depicted in literature and films, contributing to the public's understanding of the Holocaust and the resistance efforts by non-Jewish Poles during the war.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD