
Emblem of Brunei

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Emblem of Brunei

Emblem of Brunei

The Emblem of Brunei is the national symbol of the Sultanate of Brunei, representing its sovereignty and identity. It is a complex emblem that incorporates various elements significant to Brunei's culture, history, and Islamic faith. The emblem is used in government documents, official state properties, and as a symbol of authority by the Sultan of Brunei.

Description[edit | edit source]

The Emblem of Brunei features several key components, each with its own symbolic meaning:

  • A crescent moon, which is a common symbol in Islamic iconography, represents Islam, the state religion of Brunei. The crescent is inscribed with the national motto: "Always in service with God's guidance".
  • A royal parasol (payung ubor-ubor), symbolizing the monarchy of Brunei.
  • Two hands in prayer position, signifying the importance of prayer in Islam and the welfare of the people of Brunei.
  • A flag on each side, representing the Sultan of Brunei as the head of state and the protector of the nation.
  • Below the crescent, there is a scroll with the name "Brunei Darussalam", the official name of the country, which translates to "Brunei, the Abode of Peace".

History[edit | edit source]

The Emblem of Brunei has been in use in its current form since the country gained full independence from the United Kingdom on 1 January 1984. However, elements of the emblem, such as the crescent and the parasol, have been symbols associated with the Bruneian monarchy for centuries, reflecting the nation's Islamic heritage and royal tradition.

Usage[edit | edit source]

The emblem is prominently displayed on government buildings, official documents, and national currency. It is also used by the Sultan and members of the royal family in their official capacities. The emblem's presence on public buildings and documents underscores its importance as a symbol of national identity and sovereignty.

Legal Protection[edit | edit source]

The use of the Emblem of Brunei is regulated by the government to ensure it is used appropriately and with respect. Unauthorized use of the emblem for commercial or other purposes is prohibited to maintain its dignity and significance as a national symbol.

See also[edit | edit source]


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