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Headquarter of The Emschergenossenschaft in Essen (Germany), constructed 1910 by Prof. Wilhelm Kreis
Bond of the Emschergenossenschaft, issued May 1927

Emschergenossenschaft is a water management association in Germany, responsible for the administration and maintenance of the Emscher river system. Established in 1899, it is recognized as the first water management association in Germany and one of the oldest in Europe. The organization plays a crucial role in the water management, flood control, and sewage treatment of the Emscher river basin, which is an area heavily influenced by industrial development, particularly coal mining and steel production in the Ruhr area.

History[edit | edit source]

The inception of Emschergenossenschaft was driven by the critical environmental and sanitary conditions in the Ruhr area during the late 19th century. The rapid industrialization led to the Emscher river becoming an open sewage canal, severely affecting the living conditions and health of the local population. In response, the Prussian government facilitated the establishment of the Emschergenossenschaft to manage the water resources of the Emscher river systematically.

Functions and Responsibilities[edit | edit source]

Emschergenossenschaft's primary functions include the management of water quality, flood protection, and the ecological restoration of the Emscher river and its tributaries. The organization operates numerous sewage treatment plants, pumping stations, and water retention basins to fulfill its responsibilities. A significant part of its mission is the Emscher Conversion (Emscher Umbau), a long-term project aimed at transforming the Emscher system from a sewage canal back into a natural river.

Emscher Conversion[edit | edit source]

The Emscher Conversion project, initiated in the 1990s, is one of the largest environmental projects in Europe. It involves the construction of underground sewage tunnels, the renovation of sewage treatment plants, and the ecological rehabilitation of the river and its surroundings. The project aims to improve the quality of life for the residents and to promote biodiversity along the riverbanks.

Organizational Structure[edit | edit source]

Emschergenossenschaft is a public law corporation, with members including municipalities, mining companies, and other stakeholders in the Emscher river basin. The organization is governed by a board of directors and a general assembly, which decides on the budget, major projects, and strategic direction.

Challenges and Future Directions[edit | edit source]

Despite its successes, Emschergenossenschaft faces ongoing challenges such as adapting to climate change, managing urban development pressures, and ensuring sustainable water management practices. The organization continues to work on completing the Emscher Conversion project and on initiatives to further improve the environmental conditions of the Emscher river basin.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD