Epsom Cluster

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Horton hospital admin 2009.JPG
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St ebba's service block 2010.JPG

Epsom Cluster refers to a group of psychiatric hospitals located in Epsom, Surrey, England. These hospitals were part of a larger network of mental health facilities that played a significant role in the history of psychiatric care in the United Kingdom. The Epsom Cluster included notable institutions such as the Horton, Long Grove, Manor, St Ebba's, and West Park hospitals. These hospitals were established in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to accommodate the overflow of patients from the London County Asylums.

History[edit | edit source]

The inception of the Epsom Cluster can be traced back to the Lunacy Act of 1890, which mandated the provision of care for the mentally ill. The London County Council was responsible for the establishment of these hospitals, aiming to alleviate the overcrowded conditions in London's asylums by creating the Epsom Cluster. Each hospital within the cluster was designed to be self-sufficient, with its own farm, laundry, and workshops. This self-sufficiency was a common feature of psychiatric hospitals at the time, intended to provide therapeutic work for the patients.

Hospitals within the Epsom Cluster[edit | edit source]

Horton Hospital[edit | edit source]

Horton Hospital, opened in 1902, was one of the first hospitals to be established in the Epsom Cluster. It was known for its pioneering work in psychiatric care and treatment.

Long Grove Hospital[edit | edit source]

Following Horton, Long Grove Hospital was opened in 1907. It further expanded the capacity of the Epsom Cluster to provide care for the mentally ill.

Manor Hospital[edit | edit source]

Manor Hospital, opened in 1899, was initially a hospital for tuberculosis patients before becoming part of the Epsom Cluster.

St Ebba's Hospital[edit | edit source]

St Ebba's Hospital, opened in 1899 as the Ewell Epileptic Colony, became part of the cluster, focusing on the care of patients with epilepsy and other neurological conditions.

West Park Hospital[edit | edit source]

The last to be built, West Park Hospital, opened in 1921, was designed to provide care for patients with psychiatric conditions, incorporating more modern approaches to mental health care.

Closure and Legacy[edit | edit source]

The late 20th century saw a shift in the approach to mental health care, from institutional care to community-based services. This led to the gradual closure of the hospitals within the Epsom Cluster from the 1980s onwards. Today, the sites of these former hospitals have been redeveloped for various uses, including housing and public parks, though some of the original buildings still stand as reminders of their past.

The Epsom Cluster is an important part of the history of psychiatric care in the UK, reflecting the evolution of mental health treatment from institutionalization to community care. The legacy of the Epsom Cluster continues to influence contemporary discussions on mental health care and its provision.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD