
Exposé (group)

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Exposé (group)
Exposé concert at Palmdale, California

Exposé is an American vocal group originating from Miami, Florida, that achieved much of their success in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The group is best known for their hit singles including "Point of No Return", "Come Go with Me", "Let Me Be the One", "Seasons Change", and "What You Don't Know". Initially formed in 1984 as a Latin freestyle group, Exposé underwent several lineup changes before solidifying its most famous trio: Gioia Bruno, Ann Curless, and Jeanette Jurado.

History[edit | edit source]

Formation and Early Years[edit | edit source]

Exposé was created by producer Lewis A. Martineé in 1984 in Miami, Florida. The original lineup included Aléjandra Lorenzo, Sandra Casañas, and Laurie Miller. This lineup released the first Exposé single, "Point of No Return", which became a hit on the dance charts. However, due to various reasons including management decisions and the direction of the group's music, this lineup was entirely replaced.

Rise to Fame[edit | edit source]

In 1986, the most well-known lineup of Exposé was formed, consisting of Gioia Bruno, Ann Curless, and Jeanette Jurado. Under this lineup, the group released their debut album, Exposure (1987), which went multi-platinum, selling over 2 million copies in the United States alone. The album spawned several top-ten hits on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, including "Come Go with Me", "Point of No Return" (re-recorded version), and "Let Me Be the One".

Continued Success and Later Years[edit | edit source]

Following the success of their debut album, Exposé released What You Don't Know (1989), which also achieved platinum status and produced hits such as the title track and "Tell Me Why". Their third album, Exposé (1992), saw a shift in musical direction towards more adult contemporary sounds but failed to replicate the success of its predecessors.

Despite their initial success, the group faced challenges in the early 1990s, including Gioia Bruno's departure due to vocal health issues. The group attempted a comeback with new member Kelly Moneymaker replacing Bruno, but they eventually disbanded in 1995.

Reunion and Legacy[edit | edit source]

Exposé reunited in the early 2000s with the most famous lineup of Bruno, Curless, and Jurado. They have since performed at various nostalgia-themed concerts and events, celebrating their legacy as one of the defining acts of the late 1980s and early 1990s pop and freestyle scenes.

Discography[edit | edit source]

Studio Albums[edit | edit source]

  • Exposure (1987)
  • What You Don't Know (1989)
  • Exposé (1992)

Impact and Influence[edit | edit source]

Exposé is credited with helping to bring the Latin freestyle sound to mainstream attention. Their success paved the way for other artists in the genre and demonstrated the commercial viability of dance-pop music. The group's harmonious vocals and danceable tracks have left a lasting impact on the music industry, influencing a generation of pop and dance artists.

Members[edit | edit source]

  • Gioia Bruno
  • Ann Curless
  • Jeanette Jurado
  • Former members: Aléjandra Lorenzo, Sandra Casañas, Laurie Miller, Kelly Moneymaker

See Also[edit | edit source]


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