Farsa de Inês Pereira

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Auto de Inês Pereira de Gil Vicente

Farsa de Inês Pereira is a play written by the Portuguese playwright Gil Vicente in 1523. It is one of the most notable works of the Portuguese Renaissance and is often studied for its satirical portrayal of social norms and human behavior.

Plot Summary[edit | edit source]

The play centers around the character Inês Pereira, a young woman who is dissatisfied with her life and dreams of marrying a man who will provide her with a more exciting and luxurious lifestyle. Inês is initially courted by a simple and honest man, Pero Marques, but she rejects him in favor of a more sophisticated suitor, Brás da Mata. However, after marrying Brás, Inês discovers that he is not the ideal husband she imagined, as he is controlling and abusive. The play concludes with Inês finding herself in a worse situation than before, highlighting the theme of the dangers of superficial desires and the importance of genuine qualities in a partner.

Characters[edit | edit source]

  • Inês Pereira - The protagonist, a young woman seeking a better life through marriage.
  • Pero Marques - A simple and honest suitor of Inês.
  • Brás da Mata - A sophisticated but abusive suitor who marries Inês.
  • Lianor Vaz - A friend of Inês who advises her on matters of love and marriage.
  • Mother of Inês - Inês's mother, who has her own views on her daughter's suitors.

Themes[edit | edit source]

The play explores several themes, including:

  • The folly of superficial desires: Inês's pursuit of a glamorous life leads her to make poor decisions.
  • The contrast between appearance and reality: Brás da Mata appears to be an ideal suitor but turns out to be abusive.
  • Social satire: The play critiques the social norms and expectations of marriage in 16th-century Portugal.

Historical Context[edit | edit source]

Farsa de Inês Pereira was written during the Portuguese Renaissance, a period marked by significant cultural and artistic development. Gil Vicente is often considered the father of Portuguese theater, and his works frequently addressed social issues and human behavior with a blend of humor and criticism.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

The play remains an important part of Portuguese literature and is frequently studied in schools and universities. It is also performed in theaters, showcasing its enduring relevance and appeal.

Related Pages[edit | edit source]

Categories[edit | edit source]

Template:Gil Vicente Template:Portugal-literature-stub


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD