Flag of Tonga

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The flag of Tonga consists of a red field with a white canton charged with a red cross. It was adopted on 4 November 1875 and is one of the oldest national flags still in use. The flag's design symbolizes the country's strong Christian heritage.

Design and symbolism[edit | edit source]

The flag of Tonga features a red field with a white canton in the upper hoist-side corner. The white canton contains a red cross. The red cross represents Christianity, which is the predominant religion in Tonga. The red color symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ, while the white color stands for purity.

History[edit | edit source]

The current flag of Tonga was adopted on 4 November 1875, under the reign of King George Tupou I. The design was inspired by the Red Cross emblem, reflecting the country's deep Christian faith. The flag has remained unchanged since its adoption, making it one of the oldest national flags still in use today.

Usage[edit | edit source]

The flag of Tonga is used both as the national flag and the civil ensign. It is flown on government buildings, schools, and during national holidays and events. The flag is also used by the Tongan Armed Forces and other official entities.

Related flags[edit | edit source]

The design of the Tongan flag is similar to the Red Cross flag, which also features a red cross on a white background. However, the Tongan flag includes a red field, distinguishing it from the Red Cross emblem.

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