
Gallipoli Campaign

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Gallipoli Campaign

The Gallipoli Campaign, also known as the Dardanelles Campaign, the Battle of Gallipoli, or the Battle of Çanakkale, was a military campaign in World War I that took place on the Gallipoli Peninsula in the Ottoman Empire between 25 April 1915 and 9 January 1916. The campaign was one of the greatest Ottoman victories during the war and marked a turning point in the national history of Turkey, being a key element in the Turkish War of Independence and the foundation of the Republic of Turkey.

Background[edit | edit source]

The Gallipoli Campaign was conceived by the Allied Powers to force the Ottoman Empire out of the war, secure a sea route to Russia, and encourage Balkan states to join the Allies against the Central Powers. The naval attack on the Dardanelles began in February 1915 but failed to achieve its objectives, leading to a full-scale invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula.

Campaign[edit | edit source]

The campaign began with landings on the peninsula on 25 April 1915, primarily at Anzac Cove by the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) and at Cape Helles by British and French troops. The Allies hoped to capture the Ottoman capital of Constantinople (now Istanbul), but the campaign quickly became a trench warfare stalemate.

Throughout the campaign, the Allies faced stiff resistance from the Ottoman forces, commanded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who would later become the founder of modern Turkey. The harsh conditions and fierce fighting led to heavy casualties on both sides.

Aftermath[edit | edit source]

The campaign ended with the evacuation of Allied troops in January 1916. It had lasting effects on national identities in Australia and New Zealand, where the date of the landing, 25 April, is commemorated as Anzac Day. In Turkey, the successful defense of the Dardanelles gave a significant boost to Turkish nationalism and was a pivotal event in the establishment of the Republic of Turkey under Atatürk.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

The Gallipoli Campaign has been remembered as a defining moment in the history of all nations involved. It has been the subject of numerous films, documentaries, and books, and continues to be studied in military academies around the world. Template:World War I-stub


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