Gaymer Cider Company

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Gaymer Cider Company[edit | edit source]

The Gaymer Cider Company is a renowned British cider producer that has been in operation for over 200 years. Founded in 1770 by Richard Gaymer, the company has a rich history and has played a significant role in the development of the cider industry in the United Kingdom.

History[edit | edit source]

The Gaymer Cider Company has its roots in the small village of Shepton Mallet in Somerset, England. Richard Gaymer, a local farmer, began producing cider from his orchards and quickly gained a reputation for his high-quality products. As demand grew, Gaymer expanded his operations and established the Gaymer Cider Company.

Over the years, the company continued to thrive and innovate. In the 19th century, Gaymer Cider Company introduced new techniques for cider production, such as the use of apple presses and fermentation tanks. These advancements helped the company to increase its production capacity and improve the quality of its ciders.

Products[edit | edit source]

Gaymer Cider Company offers a wide range of cider products, catering to different tastes and preferences. Some of their popular products include:

  • Gaymer's Original Cider: This is the flagship product of the company, known for its crisp and refreshing taste. It is made from a blend of carefully selected apples, resulting in a well-balanced and flavorful cider.
  • Gaymer's Pear Cider: Made from the finest pears, this cider offers a unique and fruity flavor profile. It is a popular choice among those who prefer a sweeter cider option.
  • Gaymer's Vintage Cider: This cider is crafted using traditional methods and aged to perfection. It has a rich and complex flavor, with hints of oak and a smooth finish.

Sustainability Initiatives[edit | edit source]

The Gaymer Cider Company is committed to sustainable practices and environmental stewardship. They have implemented various initiatives to reduce their carbon footprint and promote responsible cider production. Some of these initiatives include:

  • Orchard Conservation: Gaymer Cider Company works closely with local farmers to preserve and protect orchards, ensuring a sustainable supply of apples for cider production.
  • Waste Management: The company has implemented efficient waste management systems to minimize waste and promote recycling.
  • Renewable Energy: Gaymer Cider Company has invested in renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, to power their production facilities.

Awards and Recognition[edit | edit source]

Over the years, Gaymer Cider Company has received numerous awards and accolades for their exceptional ciders. Some of the notable awards include:

  • Gold Medal at the International Cider Challenge for Gaymer's Original Cider.
  • Best Cider Producer at the British Cider Championships.
  • Sustainable Business of the Year at the Green Business Awards.

References[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD