HCPCS codes:A
- AP - Determination of refractive state was not performed in the course of diagnostic ophthalmological examination.
- AS - Physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist services for assistant at surgery.
- AZ - Physician providing a service in a dental health professional shortage area for the purpose of an electronic health record incentive payment.
- A0021 - Ambulance service, outside state per mile, transport (medicaid only).
- A0080 - Non-emergency transportation, per mile - vehicle provided by volunteer (individual or organization), with no vested interest.
- A0090 - Non-emergency transportation, per mile - vehicle provided by individual (family member, self, neighbor) with vested interest.
- A0120 - Non-emergency transportation: mini-bus, mountain area transports, or other transportation systems.
- A0384 - Bls specialized service disposable supplies; defibrillation (used by als ambulances and bls ambulances in jurisdictions where defibrillation is permitted in bls ambulances).
- A0392 - Als specialized service disposable supplies; defibrillation (to be used only in jurisdictions where defibrillation cannot be performed in bls ambulances).
- A0424 - Extra ambulance attendant, ground (als or bls) or air (fixed or rotary winged); (requires medical review).
- A0432 - Paramedic intercept (pi), rural area, transport furnished by a volunteer ambulance company which is prohibited by state law from billing third party payers.
- A0888 - Noncovered ambulance mileage, per mile (e.g., for miles traveled beyond closest appropriate facility).
- A4221 - Supplies for maintenance of non-insulin drug infusion catheter, per week (list drugs separately).
- A4222 - Infusion supplies for external drug infusion pump, per cassette or bag (list drugs separately).
- A4223 - Infusion supplies not used with external infusion pump, per cassette or bag (list drugs separately).
- A4233 - Replacement battery, alkaline (other than j cell), for use with medically necessary home blood glucose monitor owned by patient, each.
- A4234 - Replacement battery, alkaline, j cell, for use with medically necessary home blood glucose monitor owned by patient, each.
- A4235 - Replacement battery, lithium, for use with medically necessary home blood glucose monitor owned by patient, each.
- A4236 - Replacement battery, silver oxide, for use with medically necessary home blood glucose monitor owned by patient, each.
- A4300 - Implantable access catheter, (e.g., venous, arterial, epidural subarachnoid, or peritoneal, etc.) external access.
- A4301 - Implantable access total catheter, port-reservoir (e.g., venous, arterial, epidural, subarachnoid, peritoneal, etc.).
- A4311 - Insertion tray without drainage bag with indwelling catheter, foley type, two-way latex with coating (teflon, silicone, silicone elastomer or hydrophilic, etc.).
- A4312 - Insertion tray without drainage bag with indwelling catheter, foley type, two-way, all silicone.
- A4313 - Insertion tray without drainage bag with indwelling catheter, foley type, three-way, for continuous irrigation.
- A4314 - Insertion tray with drainage bag with indwelling catheter, foley type, two-way latex with coating (teflon, silicone, silicone elastomer or hydrophilic, etc.).
- A4315 - Insertion tray with drainage bag with indwelling catheter, foley type, two-way, all silicone.
- A4316 - Insertion tray with drainage bag with indwelling catheter, foley type, three-way, for continuous irrigation.
- A4331 - Extension drainage tubing, any type, any length, with connector-adaptor, for use with urinary leg bag or urostomy pouch, each.
- A4338 - Indwelling catheter; foley type, two-way latex with coating (teflon, silicone, silicone elastomer, or hydrophilic, etc.), each.
- A4351 - Intermittent urinary catheter; straight tip, with or without coating (teflon, silicone, silicone elastomer, or hydrophilic, etc.), each.
- A4352 - Intermittent urinary catheter; coude (curved) tip, with or without coating (teflon, silicone, silicone elastomeric, or hydrophilic, etc.), each.
- A4355 - Irrigation tubing set for continuous bladder irrigation through a three-way indwelling foley catheter, each.
- A4357 - Bedside drainage bag, day or night, with or without anti-reflux device, with or without tube, each.
- A4372 - Ostomy skin barrier, solid 4 x 4 or equivalent, standard wear, with built-in convexity, each.
- A4373 - Ostomy skin barrier, with flange (solid, flexible or accordion), with built-in convexity, any size, each.
- A4385 - Ostomy skin barrier, solid 4 x 4 or equivalent, extended wear, without built-in convexity, each.
- A4390 - Ostomy pouch, drainable, with extended wear barrier attached, with built-in convexity (1 piece), each.
- A4392 - Ostomy pouch, urinary, with standard wear barrier attached, with built-in convexity (1 piece), each.
- A4393 - Ostomy pouch, urinary, with extended wear barrier attached, with built-in convexity (1 piece), each.
- A4407 - Ostomy skin barrier, with flange (solid, flexible, or accordion), extended wear, with built-in convexity, 4 x 4 inches or smaller, each.
- A4408 - Ostomy skin barrier, with flange (solid, flexible or accordion), extended wear, with built-in convexity, larger than 4 x 4 inches, each.
- A4409 - Ostomy skin barrier, with flange (solid, flexible or accordion), extended wear, without built-in convexity, 4 x 4 inches or smaller, each.
- A4410 - Ostomy skin barrier, with flange (solid, flexible or accordion), extended wear, without built-in convexity, larger than 4 x 4 inches, each.
- A4411 - Ostomy skin barrier, solid 4 x 4 or equivalent, extended wear, with built-in convexity, each.
- A4412 - Ostomy pouch, drainable, high output, for use on a barrier with flange (2 piece system), without filter, each.
- A4413 - Ostomy pouch, drainable, high output, for use on a barrier with flange (2 piece system), with filter, each.
- A4414 - Ostomy skin barrier, with flange (solid, flexible or accordion), without built-in convexity, 4 x 4 inches or smaller, each.
- A4415 - Ostomy skin barrier, with flange (solid, flexible or accordion), without built-in convexity, larger than 4 x 4 inches, each.
- A4417 - Ostomy pouch, closed, with barrier attached, with built-in convexity, with filter (1 piece), each.
- A4419 - Ostomy pouch, closed; for use on barrier with non-locking flange, with filter (2 piece), each.
- A4422 - Ostomy absorbent material (sheet-pad-crystal packet) for use in ostomy pouch to thicken liquid stomal output, each.
- A4425 - Ostomy pouch, drainable; for use on barrier with non-locking flange, with filter (2 piece system), each.
- A4427 - Ostomy pouch, drainable; for use on barrier with locking flange, with filter (2 piece system), each.
- A4428 - Ostomy pouch, urinary, with extended wear barrier attached, with faucet-type tap with valve (1 piece), each.
- A4429 - Ostomy pouch, urinary, with barrier attached, with built-in convexity, with faucet-type tap with valve (1 piece), each.
- A4430 - Ostomy pouch, urinary, with extended wear barrier attached, with built-in convexity, with faucet-type tap with valve (1 piece), each.
- A4431 - Ostomy pouch, urinary; with barrier attached, with faucet-type tap with valve (1 piece), each.
- A4432 - Ostomy pouch, urinary; for use on barrier with non-locking flange, with faucet-type tap with valve (2 piece), each.
- A4434 - Ostomy pouch, urinary; for use on barrier with locking flange, with faucet-type tap with valve (2 piece), each.
- A4435 - Ostomy pouch, drainable, high output, with extended wear barrier (one-piece system), with or without filter, each.
- A4459 - Manual pump-operated enema system, includes balloon, catheter and all accessories, reusable, any type.
- A4466 - Garment, belt, sleeve or other covering, elastic or similar stretchable material, any type, each.
- A4555 - Electrode-transducer for use with electrical stimulation device used for cancer treatment, replacement only.
- A4563 - Rectal control system for vaginal insertion, for long term use, includes pump and all supplies and accessories, any type each.
- A4566 - Shoulder sling or vest design, abduction restrainer, with or without swathe control, prefabricated, includes fitting and adjustment.
- A4617 - Mouth piece.
- A4630 - Replacement batteries, medically necessary, transcutaneous electrical stimulator, owned by patient.
- A4714 - Treated water (deionized, distilled, or reverse osmosis) for peritoneal dialysis, per gallon.
- A4720 - Dialysate solution, any concentration of dextrose, fluid volume greater than 249 cc, but less than or equal to 999 cc, for peritoneal dialysis.
- A4721 - Dialysate solution, any concentration of dextrose, fluid volume greater than 999 cc but less than or equal to 1999 cc, for peritoneal dialysis.
- A4722 - Dialysate solution, any concentration of dextrose, fluid volume greater than 1999 cc but less than or equal to 2999 cc, for peritoneal dialysis.
- A4723 - Dialysate solution, any concentration of dextrose, fluid volume greater than 2999 cc but less than or equal to 3999 cc, for peritoneal dialysis.
- A4724 - Dialysate solution, any concentration of dextrose, fluid volume greater than 3999 cc but less than or equal to 4999 cc, for peritoneal dialysis.
- A4725 - Dialysate solution, any concentration of dextrose, fluid volume greater than 4999 cc but less than or equal to 5999 cc, for peritoneal dialysis.
- A4726 - Dialysate solution, any concentration of dextrose, fluid volume greater than 5999 cc, for peritoneal dialysis.
- A5057 - Ostomy pouch, drainable, with extended wear barrier attached, with built in convexity, with filter, (1 piece), each.
- A5500 - For diabetics only, fitting (including follow-up), custom preparation and supply of off-the-shelf depth-inlay shoe manufactured to accommodate multi-density insert(s), per shoe.
- A5501 - For diabetics only, fitting (including follow-up), custom preparation and supply of shoe molded from cast(s) of patient's foot (custom molded shoe), per shoe.
- A5503 - For diabetics only, modification (including fitting) of off-the-shelf depth-inlay shoe or custom-molded shoe with roller or rigid rocker bottom, per shoe.
- A5504 - For diabetics only, modification (including fitting) of off-the-shelf depth-inlay shoe or custom-molded shoe with wedge(s), per shoe.
- A5505 - For diabetics only, modification (including fitting) of off-the-shelf depth-inlay shoe or custom-molded shoe with metatarsal bar, per shoe.
- A5506 - For diabetics only, modification (including fitting) of off-the-shelf depth-inlay shoe or custom-molded shoe with off-set heel(s), per shoe.
- A5507 - For diabetics only, not otherwise specified modification (including fitting) of off-the-shelf depth-inlay shoe or custom-molded shoe, per shoe.
- A5508 - For diabetics only, deluxe feature of off-the-shelf depth-inlay shoe or custom-molded shoe, per shoe.
- A5510 - For diabetics only, direct formed, compression molded to patient's foot without external heat source, multiple-density insert(s) prefabricated, per shoe.
- A5512 - [[For diabetics only, multiple density insert, direct formed, molded to foot after external heat source of 230 degrees fahrenheit or higher, total contact with patient's foot, including arch, base layer minimum of 1-4 inch material of shore a 35 durometer or 3-16 inch material of shore a 40 durometer (or higher), prefabricated, each]].
- A5513 - [[For diabetics only, multiple density insert, custom molded from model of patient's foot, total contact with patient's foot, including arch, base layer minimum of 3-16 inch material of shore a 35 durometer (or higher), includes arch filler and other shaping material, custom fabricated, each]].
- A5514 - [[For diabetics only, multiple density insert, made by direct carving with cam technology from a rectified cad model created from a digitized scan of the patient, total contact with patient's foot, including arch, base layer minimum of 3-16 inch material of shore a 35 durometer (or higher), includes arch filler and other shaping material, custom fabricated, each]].
- A6000 - Non-contact wound warming wound cover for use with the non-contact wound warming device and warming card.
- A6022 - Collagen dressing, sterile, size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., each.
- A6196 - Alginate or other fiber gelling dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, each dressing.
- A6197 - Alginate or other fiber gelling dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., each dressing.
- A6198 - Alginate or other fiber gelling dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., each dressing.
- A6203 - Composite dressing, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6204 - Composite dressing, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6205 - Composite dressing, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6207 - Contact layer, sterile, more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., each dressing.
- A6209 - Foam dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6210 - Foam dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6211 - Foam dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6212 - Foam dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6213 - Foam dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6214 - Foam dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6216 - Gauze, non-impregnated, non-sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6217 - Gauze, non-impregnated, non-sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6218 - Gauze, non-impregnated, non-sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6219 - Gauze, non-impregnated, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6220 - Gauze, non-impregnated, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6221 - Gauze, non-impregnated, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6222 - Gauze, impregnated with other than water, normal saline, or hydrogel, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6223 - Gauze, impregnated with other than water, normal saline, or hydrogel, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in., but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6224 - Gauze, impregnated with other than water, normal saline, or hydrogel, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6228 - Gauze, impregnated, water or normal saline, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6229 - Gauze, impregnated, water or normal saline, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6230 - Gauze, impregnated, water or normal saline, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6231 - Gauze, impregnated, hydrogel, for direct wound contact, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, each dressing.
- A6232 - Gauze, impregnated, hydrogel, for direct wound contact, sterile, pad size greater than 16 sq. in., but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., each dressing.
- A6233 - Gauze, impregnated, hydrogel, for direct wound contact, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., each dressing.
- A6234 - Hydrocolloid dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6235 - Hydrocolloid dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6236 - Hydrocolloid dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6237 - Hydrocolloid dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6238 - Hydrocolloid dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6239 - Hydrocolloid dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6242 - Hydrogel dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6243 - Hydrogel dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6244 - Hydrogel dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6245 - Hydrogel dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6246 - Hydrogel dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6247 - Hydrogel dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6251 - Specialty absorptive dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6252 - Specialty absorptive dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6253 - Specialty absorptive dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6254 - Specialty absorptive dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6255 - Specialty absorptive dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6256 - Specialty absorptive dressing, wound cover, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., with any size adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6258 - Transparent film, sterile, more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., each dressing.
- A6266 - Gauze, impregnated, other than water, normal saline, or zinc paste, sterile, any width, per linear yard.
- A6402 - Gauze, non-impregnated, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6403 - Gauze, non-impregnated, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. less than or equal to 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6404 - Gauze, non-impregnated, sterile, pad size more than 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6441 - Padding bandage, non-elastic, non-woven-non-knitted, width greater than or equal to three inches and less than five inches, per yard.
- A6442 - Conforming bandage, non-elastic, knitted-woven, non-sterile, width less than three inches, per yard.
- A6443 - Conforming bandage, non-elastic, knitted-woven, non-sterile, width greater than or equal to three inches and less than five inches, per yard.
- A6444 - Conforming bandage, non-elastic, knitted-woven, non-sterile, width greater than or equal to 5 inches, per yard.
- A6445 - Conforming bandage, non-elastic, knitted-woven, sterile, width less than three inches, per yard.
- A6446 - Conforming bandage, non-elastic, knitted-woven, sterile, width greater than or equal to three inches and less than five inches, per yard.
- A6447 - Conforming bandage, non-elastic, knitted-woven, sterile, width greater than or equal to five inches, per yard.
- A6449 - Light compression bandage, elastic, knitted-woven, width greater than or equal to three inches and less than five inches, per yard.
- A6450 - Light compression bandage, elastic, knitted-woven, width greater than or equal to five inches, per yard.
- A6451 - Moderate compression bandage, elastic, knitted-woven, load resistance of 1.25 to 1.34 foot pounds at 50% maximum stretch, width greater than or equal to three inches and less than five inches, per yard.
- A6452 - High compression bandage, elastic, knitted-woven, load resistance greater than or equal to 1.35 foot pounds at 50% maximum stretch, width greater than or equal to three inches and less than five inches, per yard.
- A6453 - Self-adherent bandage, elastic, non-knitted-non-woven, width less than three inches, per yard.
- A6454 - Self-adherent bandage, elastic, non-knitted-non-woven, width greater than or equal to three inches and less than five inches, per yard.
- A6455 - Self-adherent bandage, elastic, non-knitted-non-woven, width greater than or equal to five inches, per yard.
- A6456 - Zinc paste impregnated bandage, non-elastic, knitted-woven, width greater than or equal to three inches and less than five inches, per yard.
- A6460 - Synthetic resorbable wound dressing, sterile, pad size 16 sq. in. or less, without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6461 - Synthetic resorbable wound dressing, sterile, pad size more than 16 sq. in. but less than or equal to 48 sq. in., without adhesive border, each dressing.
- A6509 - Compression burn garment, upper trunk to waist including arm openings (vest), custom fabricated.
- A6510 - Compression burn garment, trunk, including arms down to leg openings (leotard), custom fabricated.
- A6550 - Wound care set, for negative pressure wound therapy electrical pump, includes all supplies and accessories.
- A7025 - High frequency chest wall oscillation system vest, replacement for use with patient owned equipment, each.
- A7026 - High frequency chest wall oscillation system hose, replacement for use with patient owned equipment, each.
- A7034 - Nasal interface (mask or cannula type) used with positive airway pressure device, with or without head strap.
- A7045 - Exhalation port with or without swivel used with accessories for positive airway devices, replacement only.
- A7048 - Vacuum drainage collection unit and tubing kit, including all supplies needed for collection unit change, for use with implanted catheter, each.
- A7503 - Filter holder or filter cap, reusable, for use in a tracheostoma heat and moisture exchange system, each.
- A7505 - Housing, reusable without adhesive, for use in a heat and moisture exchange system and-or with a tracheostoma valve, each.
- A7506 - Adhesive disc for use in a heat and moisture exchange system and-or with tracheostoma valve, any type each.
- A7507 - Filter holder and integrated filter without adhesive, for use in a tracheostoma heat and moisture exchange system, each.
- A7508 - Housing and integrated adhesive, for use in a tracheostoma heat and moisture exchange system and-or with a tracheostoma valve, each.
- A7509 - Filter holder and integrated filter housing, and adhesive, for use as a tracheostoma heat and moisture exchange system, each.
- A7520 - Tracheostomy-laryngectomy tube, non-cuffed, polyvinylchloride (pvc), silicone or equal, each.
- A9153 - Multiple vitamins, with or without minerals and trace elements, oral, per dose, not otherwise specified.
- A9272 - Wound suction, disposable, includes dressing, all accessories and components, any type, each.
- A9274 - External ambulatory insulin delivery system, disposable, each, includes all supplies and accessories.
- A9276 - Sensor; invasive (e.g., subcutaneous), disposable, for use with interstitial continuous glucose monitoring system, one unit = 1 day supply.
- A9278 - Receiver (monitor); external, for use with interstitial continuous glucose monitoring system.
- A9279 - Monitoring feature-device, stand-alone or integrated, any type, includes all accessories, components and electronics, not otherwise classified.
- A9540 - Technetium tc-99m macroaggregated albumin, diagnostic, per study dose, up to 10 millicuries.
- A9560 - Technetium tc-99m labeled red blood cells, diagnostic, per study dose, up to 30 millicuries.
- A9569 - Technetium tc-99m exametazime labeled autologous white blood cells, diagnostic, per study dose.
- A9579 - Injection, gadolinium-based magnetic resonance contrast agent, not otherwise specified (nos), per ml.
- A9597 - Positron emission tomography radiopharmaceutical, diagnostic, for tumor identification, not otherwise classified.
- A9598 - Positron emission tomography radiopharmaceutical, diagnostic, for non-tumor identification, not otherwise classified.
- A9599 - Radiopharmaceutical, diagnostic, for beta-amyloid positron emission tomography (pet) imaging, per study dose, not otherwise specified.
HCPCS codes
HCPCS codes starting with A - B - C - D - E - F - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
External links[edit | edit source]
- HCPCS by the AAPC
- HCPCS Complete Reference
- HCPCS Level 2 codes 2020
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD